Of course the students can’t rush up.

Ye Changqing saw the students' mentality imbalance, and immediately flew out, thunderbolt generally shouting loudly: "Stop it all!"

The students were so excited that they fought out.

The people of the first team, the second team, and the fifth team just watched indifferently, turning a blind eye.

Every grade, every class, there are people meditating and realizing. Entering Hidden Dragon under the name of genius, Hidden Dragon High Martial has a lot of geniuses.

There are not many real fools. Too many people are already thinking about the oddities.

First year in the stands.

Gao Qiao'er sighed softly: "youngster's love..."

Zuo Xiaoduo turned his head a little weird and took a look. It sounds like how old you are. It seems like...

Li Chenglong indifferently said: "This matter is completely exposed; this Xiao Junyi elder school sister, not only the adopted daughter of the Central Plains Prince, but also the Crown Prince Consort Candidates... they still have to rush forward without any scruples at all, that is stupid, such a person, I will only call it... an idiot!"

Gao Qiao'er said humbly : "I would like to hear about Vice Class Leader Li's opinion."

Li Chenglong snorted, wouldn't he know that this girl is going to fight oneself? If oneself can't tell me a wumaoyou, this girl will step on me and go up...

Smelly girl!

It's more annoying than Little Frozen Egg!

On the other side, Xiang Bing glare like a tiger watching his prey watching Gao Qiao'er, with one hand stretched out to grasp, as if to pick up Double Crescent Halberd anytime...

< p>The lips are pursed in dissatisfaction, and the eyes are full of vigilance. Tigress is tight as before attacking to protect food.

How did this Gao Family’s Gao Qiao'er get so close to Li Chenglong during this time?

What does she want to do?

You didn’t like Li Chenglong, right?

It's simply heartbreaking!

Dare to move my mother’s dishes!


It's a pity that Gao Qiao'er's thoughts on this test and teaching are destined to fail. Li Chenglong is already confident and said: "This is not simple, this is probably Central Plains Prince has planned for a long time, but it is also a very important one. I think Central Plains Prince should be very sure that he, the adopted daughter, Xiao Junyi will become Crown Prince’s favorite...or, even if Crown Prince did not choose. Someone helped Crown Prince choose, and locked the Crown Prince Consort to this woman."

"Xiao Junyi, what does this name mean? I believe you and I can see it. ."

"And today’s scene is a game, with a draw from the bottom of the pan, here to kill the direct parties of the matter, all the plans are aborted, and the halberd sinks into the sand."

"Originally, I had a feeling of being in the mist for this inspection and even the game, but now the situation is clear. The reason why the three coaches are here is to suppress the Central Plains Prince. Yes!"

"There may be other things, but those we don’t know, we don’t know."

"As for Xiao Junyi..."

Zuo Xiaoduo interjected: "Xiao Junyi, the name itself has several points of the atmosphere of the world... and her aura is indeed extraordinary... It's just that luck is hard to kill. She doesn’t have that life. Once backlash, it’s breathe one’s last, everything will stop."

This knowledge, Zuo Xiaoduo’s feelings can be said to be the deepest.

Moreover, through today’s changes, Zuo Xiaoduo has a new appreciation for Qi Viewing Technique and even physiognomy technique, or a clear comprehension.

When Xiao Junyi was called to stand up by his name, Zuo Xiaoduo clearly saw that the imposing manner on Xiao Junyi's head had been condensed into the shape of half a crown and a crown, and it was rushing. Of dispersing.

And this half of the crown is enough to explain too many problems.

She really has this luck.

If you don’t die today, I’m afraid that the future, that is, this plan, can really be done!

Unfortunately, today, someone opposing heaven and changing fate for her.

Use the most resolute and extreme way to cut a broad and open road that may go straight to Heaven Reaching!

Today, all the great characters present, the luck of everyone except the Central Plains Prince, gathered together and blocked the way to Heaven Reaching!

It blocked Xiao Junyi's luck, and broke up all her aura!

No matter how extraordinary the aura of Xiao Junyi itself is, it is still in its infancy stage. Where can it be beaten by the might of so many great characters of the air and luck, the middle way will die, and the soul will go to Jiuquan!

Zuo Xiaoduo has unprecedented dignified eyes.

"It turns out...Qiyun can still be used in this way."

There, after a few young people fought to no avail, they looked at the lifeless lovable body on the ring. , Everyone cried bitterly.

"Lan Xiaotu! Don't give me a chance, I will kill you if I meet in the future!"

"Lan Xiaotu! This hatred is absolutely irreconcilable!"

Someone screamed sternly and refused to give up. The sound of crying, accompanied by tears, roared.

Lan Xiaotu, who was slowly stepping down the stage, didn't stop without stopping, and walked directly by himself, even owing an expression to the yeller.

Such words are really heard too much.

If you have to memorize everything, I really don’t know how much to memorize!

Get revenge on me?

Come on.

She sat down slowly, the breeze drifted by, and under the full head fine black hair, a strand of silvery white hair fluttered.


"Time is also fate and luck, those who rushed out, and were immediately persuaded to go back, there are still some opportunities, at most, the road ahead is slightly bumpy, but After being discouraged, those who will still yell for revenge. There is no future in this life."

"Stupid not terrifying for a while, knowing that the road ahead is dead, but still going straight ahead and hitting the south wall. If you don't look back, it is bring about one's own destruction, nothing special!"

Gao Qiao'er sighed softly.

Many of them are famous star students from Hidden Dragon High Martial!

It's a pity that my own experience and knowledge are too superficial to be useful.

Zuo Xiaoduo and Li Chenglong are also common minds.

Since I can guess that the main target of this plan today is Central Plains Prince, then everything that happened today, as well as many actions of Central Plains Prince, can make sense.

Especially after that godfather was forced to call out by the crisis of life and death, the few students who were still impulsively clamoring for revenge, in the high-level minds, are no less than the death penalty for the future.

So confused, no brains; how can it be of great use.

Perhaps the frontline kills the enemy and is still a hero, but future achievements are destined to be rare in the long run.

Ye Changqing was obviously aware of this, turned his head, and said to Great Commander Dongfang a little pleadingly: "The handsome, all youngsters, we were all such passionate impulses back then; Sin!"

Great Commander Dongfang laughed and said: "Changqing, the person who knows is not guilty. It is only suitable for peaceful times, and even only for those civilians without destructive power. Such as these stunned people in front of us. , In the war years... how do you know that they would not commit heinous crimes under the instigation of the people!"

Ye Changqing whispered: "It's just some children... The statement is too arbitrary and can leave them some leeway. They are all students of High Martial."

Great Commander Dongfang sound transmission said: "Ye Changqing, you are confused! You are an excessive tendency to clemency! This time, is it the time to intercede? Have you ever thought that these all are called geniuses are all temporary choices? If this woman becomes the Crown Prince Consort, these are the former classmates of the Crown Prince Consort, and She was once her hard-core suitor and her childhood sweethearts. Will it become her most primordial capital?"

"As long as the Central Plains Prince uses a little bit of tricks, it is enough for these geniuses to take charge of each other. Clan, and then unite around the Crown Prince Consort, what kind of power group will be structured, and what kind of destructive power can be formed? This is the group power of Hidden Dragon genius! You don’t know how powerful this kind of power is, don’t you? Sin? As Hidden Dragon High Martial Principal, you are dereliction of duty when you say this!"

Ye Changqing was sighed long, and sound transmission went back: "Marshal, you also said that it is what if. But the fact now is that the woman is dead. This is an established fact. The future you said is in vain, so why should it involve too much?!"

Great Commander Dongfang snorted:" We will use our discretion."

< p>Ye Changqing sighed in relief for a long time: "Many thanks, handsome Wang Han. "

Great Commander Dongfang indifferently said: "Now it’s in Hidden Dragon High Martial. You are going to give you this face tentatively for your students, but you have to know that these people in the future, once they have power in their hands, Whatever you do, it will be your Principal, the sin you have done today! Not guilty of ignorance? You don’t know if they will be guilty at that time, but they have changed at that time. Hope this sentence is not the source of your regret! "

Ye Changqing took a deep breath and said: "A person who is a teacher will do my best. I will teach them well and prevent them from making mistakes." The commander also said that if I were in the army now, I would never say a word. Because it should be, but my current identity is their Principal, so I came to plead, hoping to give them one more chance! "

Great Commander Dongfang nodded and said: "Go ahead. When Ye Changqing turned around, Great Commander Dongfang thought for a while, and suddenly sound transmission: "We don't want to be so troublesome, but this is what Your Majesty personally asked for!" "

Ye Changqing's heart was shaken.

Your Majesty personally asked.


This sentence, this word , It means too much, too much weight, too heavy!

On the ring, the Central Plains Prince in the viewing position is already dumbstruck at this moment.

He is cold and hot, The mind also seemed to be a little chaotic and dull.

Next, Department Head Ding called out seven names in succession; each name seemed to be in the heart of Central Plains Prince, fiercely inserted One shot!

For ten consecutive battles, ten Hidden Dragon geniuses fell on the ring, all of them died, hand in hand with Yellow Springs!

After ten battles, the entire Hidden Dragon High Martial, absolute silence, the needle drop can be heard.

In the eyes of many students, they are all venting their anger.

They don’t understand why.

A small number of Hidden Dragon geniuses have already understood-this is a cleanup!

But in the heart of Central Plains Prince, it is more like mountains of daggers and seas of flames.剐.

Because he knows the reason, he knows that these ten names are not only the talented students and star students of Hidden Dragon, but also the nine male children...all of them are illegality of Central Plains Prince. child!

Born and flesh!

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