"Why is there often a person whose temperament was originally peaceful, but his temperament changed drastically after a long period of cultivation? Because this kind of pain is not only a burden on the body but also on the spirit. !"

"Why is there a need to fight, to learn, to have trials, to travel? On the one hand, it is the need of Martial Dao's road, on the other hand, it is to relieve stress and release the soul. "

"So cultivated to a certain degree of martial artists, the so-called severe torture for them can't be considered."

"Of course, there is also that kind of cultivation. Time is too long, life is very long, they will be particularly afraid of death, or even torture. Because they are at a certain age, they feel oneself hopeless, life essence is limited when they are left... , And then feel particularly concerned about the fleshy body, naturally afraid of hurt and pain. But for people on the road, torture is just a piece of cake, because of their own cultivation, they endure these baptism hardships almost every day! ”

Zuo Xiaoduo recalls father’s words while cultivating meditation.

Slowly feel that every word that father has said seems...too much truth, and these are oneself immersed in the cultivation, which is impossible to get.

This night, Zuo Xiaoduo is calm.

But for Frontier, it is tragic and abnormal, even more so.

Every second, countless people die, all directions are going to war, and the cloud of war directly permeates the entire continent!

Star Picking Thearch has been contacting the Flood witch from at first, but not at all, not only the Flood witch, but also the twelve witches. They only saw that the Shaman Alliance seemed crazy. Offensive aggressively, anxious.

This is completely different from what was said.

Shaman Alliance is crazy, right?

Seeing the offensive, one after another, one after another, one wave after another, Star Picking Thearch simply went empty and empty, and repeated the Tearing Space, came directly to the Shaman Alliance great hall, and questioned face to face, but unfortunately he got 'S response is—

"The Great Wizard has been closed."

"There is something important!"

"If something happens, it won't work."

Star Picking Thearch saw that the points were useless, so he directly moved his hands in the Shaman Alliance great hall, a long whistle, and then began to smash wildly.

After such a long while...

Raging Fire Great Shaman came out with a bad face: "Are you crazy?"

"You are crazy! "

"Where's Flood?"

"My boss is closed, the people below didn't tell you?"

Star Picking Thearch just feels nothing to do with this guy It can be said: "How can you attack like this? This is exactly the way of perish together, training soldiers? Training a wool?" Raging Fire Great Shaman frowned: "What's the matter?"

"The current offensive mode of the Shaman Alliance is basically a situation of killing one thousand enemies and destroying eight hundred. That is the rhythm of dragging you to die even if I die. This is different from what we said. "

Star Picking Thearch is about to sweat: "The only result of this going on is to polish all the elites of both sides. The so-called military training and the so-called geniuses come to the fore. They all no longer exist... …Geniuses can only die faster!"

Raging Fire Great Shaman was taken aback: "Can’t you?"

Star Picking Thearch was speechless: "No. Why did you ask this sentence? Who gave the war order?"

Raging Fire Great Shaman was sweaty: "...I made it."

"Then what did you do?"

Raging Fire Great Shaman took the Star Picking Thearch to the oneself room, rummaged in a wastebasket, turned out the combat command, and said: "Command There’s nothing wrong with it."

Star Picking Thearch looked at it and tilted his nose with anger, angrily roared: "Your name is okay? Do you have any culture?"

Raging Fire Great Shaman's face turned dark: "I'm not literate! What's the matter?!"

Star Picking Thearch gasped, really didn't want to talk.

"Command, Shaman Alliance, the quartet army, immediately attack Star Soul! Promote the power of Shaman Clan, build Shaman Alliance, foundation for myriad ages!"

Raging Fire Great Shaman frowned and said: "What's wrong with this?!"

Promote my Shaman Clan's power, yes, show off one's military strength, and genius will stand out and build my Shaman Alliance foundation. for myriad ages.

The lines are full of majestic, murderous-looking, there is nothing wrong with it, it is just the majestic temperament!

Star Picking Thearch closes his eyes and wheezes for breath: "I don’t want to talk to you anymore. Just ask all of your Heavenly Kings and ask them how they understand it. I just I want to kill you, idiot!"

Raging Fire Great Shaman's face turned black, and he sent orders directly to summon several Heavenly Kings who commanded the battle to enter the hall.

After a full hour, two Heavenly Kings broke through the air and flew in.

These two were also suddenly called back on their way to the front line, and they were at a loss at the moment.

"Tell me, this order...how do you understand it?" Raging Fire Great Shaman said majesticly.

The first one was the Great Strength Heavenly King and then Yunhai. When I looked at the other one, it was all feeling, a little bad.

brace oneself said: "The quartet armies, start immediately, fully attack Star Soul, raise my power of Shaman Clan, build my Shaman Alliance foundation for myriad ages... This is very clear, great decisive battle Ah!"

"Destroy the world? Great decisive battle?" Raging Fire Great Shaman was dumbfounded: "Who told you...this is a great decisive battle? What world is destroyed?"

"Isn't it?"

After that, Yunhai was stunned, staring at his eyes and said: "This...immediate full-scale attack...this clearly means a decisive battle...immediately, all-round, offensive, What this means is...at all costs, it means to win Star Soul... Isn't this a world-destroying battle?"

"...Also, raise me Shaman Clan How can I promote the power of Shaman Clan? Destroying the Star Soul is the most direct way. To build my Shaman Alliance foundation for myriad ages ...... It is necessary to destroy the Star Soul first, and then the Dao League, we Only when the Shaman Alliance rules the world can I build my Shaman Alliance foundation for myriad ages!"

After that, Yunhai ate and said: "Is our understanding... wrong?"

while speaking, Sweat ran down from his forehead.

Raging Fire Great Shaman almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood, and his red hair went upright: "You... everyone understands that way?!"

"...Yes "The two Heavenly Kings replied dullly.

"Pig?!" Raging Fire Great Shaman loudly shouted: "How can you understand such an obvious command?!"

The great witch is coming, two The Heavenly King was immediately scared ashen-faced, and they naturally heard how angry the Raging Fire Great Shaman was at this moment.

Star Picking Thearch wanted to talk several times, but knew that it was a bad idea to expose it directly in front of the other's subordinates.

Thinking over and over, I had to remind them euphemistically: "It's no wonder that they have a problem with your order."

Raging Fire Great Shaman was so anxious that his head was sweating: "I How could there be a problem with the command? No problem at all, it's simply because they misunderstood it!" After Yunhai and another Heavenly King slumped their heads, their faces were depressed.

Have a long time...wrong number?

Raging Fire Great Shaman turned back and forth: "This is the first time I ordered... everyone else has closed..."

Star Picking Thearch angrily said: "Go down again, What circle to turn?"

Every time this bastard turns, I don’t know how many more people will die at the border!

"How to get off?" Raging Fire Great Shaman has six gods.

After that, Yunhai and another Heavenly King stood with their heads down.

I'm thinking about it in my mind. It seems that the top leaders of both sides have other decisions, or have they reached any other decisions?

But it looks like this...seems to be screwed by Boss Raging Fire?

So, the Star Picking Thearch over there directly killed him?

Come to settle accounts? !

This is probably the case now! ?

The two Heavenly Kings were at a loss, not knowing what to do......

Raging Fire Great Shaman thought for a long time, and finally said to Star Picking Thearch: "Or you can order ??"

As soon as this sentence came out, not only was Star Picking Thearch surprised, even the two Heavenly Kings felt their heads struck by lightning.

Let him order?

Should we listen to his command?

This, this...

Star Picking Thearch thought for a while, and felt that this was really a way.

There are not many senior leaders in Shaman Alliance who have brains. To be honest, if it weren’t for these guys' physical strength, their battle strength would be even stronger, and their overall strength would be much higher than that of Star Soul Continent battle strength. In the case of times, their strategy and tactics have long been killed by the people of Star Soul Continent...

"Did you think about it?" Star Picking Thearch said solemnly: "Raging Fire, your order, which hurts the heavens and peace, has greatly damaged your Heavenly Dao luck; if I recover it, your mistakes will be irreparable."

Raging Fire Great Shaman sighed. With a cry, I felt very disappointed: "Go down, I am now...confused."


Star Picking Thearch picked up the pen and swiped it.

"from now on, start a full-scale war; strive to fight steadily and gradually erode the Star Soul battle strength; and in the war, try to find the potential genius of the Shaman Alliance and focus on training. With Star Soul as the whetstone, Comprehensively improve the middle-level battle strength of the Shaman Alliance and make it move towards the upper-level strength, and build our Shaman Alliance foundation for myriad ages."

"Once the high-level battle strength legion is formed, it will be our Shaman Alliance. At the time of the continent, Shaman Clan will be proud of me."

"How about this?"

Star Picking Thearch said.

"What's the difference between what you wrote and what I wrote? Isn't that what I mean? At most, I wrote too straightforwardly. You added a little bit of embellishment." Raging Fire Great Shaman was a little dissatisfied.

Hold the command and look left and right.

The more I look at it, the more I feel, but it actually means the same thing.

"hehe..." For this sentence, Star Picking Thearch has no second sentence except hehe.

Is there no difference?

Is there really no difference?

But your order almost ruined two continents!

My modification can make you dumbfounded people understand, see clearly, and see clearly!

"Also, you have to give some more measures, incentives and rewards... For example, which Legion has more talents and geniuses in the war, and if there is a real incident, it will be given. What rewards, etc., shouldn’t they be specified?"

"Also stipulate that the minimum must not be lower than that. Only when the number of cultivable talents emerges to reach this number can they be considered qualified, etc.... These must be followed Go on, record it."

Star Picking Thearch said silently, his only feeling right now is that I'm so much an enemy!

I taught them how to attack us hand-in-hand, and I was afraid that they would not learn...

This kind of feeling is too crooked.

Raging Fire Great Shaman scratched his head and thought for a long time, and finally said: "If you are good at writing, just write all of these together."

"Wipe, I come here. Are you here as a clerk?"

Star Picking Thearch was directly angry.

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