On this item, the importance of Qin Fangyang is immediately highlighted.

Not to mention, Li Chenglong Wan Lixiu Long Yusheng Li Changming Yu Moyan are all students of Qin Fangyang!

It can be said that the courtesy that Qin Fangyang received in Ancestral Dragon High Martial exceeds that of any teacher in Ancestral Dragon High Martial. This makes Qin Fangyang oneself feel very sorry.

It's actually expensive to learn from students...

I am ashamed, but why do I feel so proud in my heart?


The entrance of Hidden Dragon High Martial villa area.

Wu Tiejiang, who had been missing for a long time, quietly appeared in front of the villa, and when he approached the door, he thought of Left Path Heavenly King's entrustment again.

"The little junior brother has obtained the true biography of the Master, there must be too many rare materials in hand...If you always have time, just go over and take a look, don’t let him It’s wasted... if you don’t need it, please persuade him to donate it. If there is anything that can be used, he will certainly not be able to deal with it by oneself. You will also ask Master Wu to help you uncle Duoduo. After all, you have more friendship with him."

I have to say that Wu Tiejiang is still very useful to this argument.

Wu Tiejiang these people, although the cultivation base is not as good as Left and Right Heavenly Kings, but because of their age, they met Zuo Changlu and the others early and became commensurate with the brother after they met, so Left and Right Heavenly Kings was a little bit shorter because of his birth.

Moreover, what makes Left and Right Heavenly Kings most uncomfortable is...clearly oneself is older than these people...but it is called Uncle.

This is the most uncomfortable.

But Wu Tiejiang and others just cheeklessly sit in Uncle's position and can't get down, and they are reluctant to say'we have different opinions'.

Wu Tiejiang understands it very well. Look at the Great Commander Dongfang and others. Because of his loose mouth, he said "different opinions", and ended up being cleaned up by Left and Right Heavenly Kings. Wish one were dead , Can't stop.

Especially Nan Zhengqian and Beigong Hao. Over the years, the black pans that have been carried by You Dongtian have been exhausted...

With so many lessons learned, how can Wu Tiejiang still be willing? Let go.

I will not let go, I am the elder!

The point is to insist that the green pine is not relaxed!

So Left and Right Heavenly Kings and others saw Wu Tiejiang staying away, running faster than anyone else.

But Wu Tiejiang came immediately after receiving this news.

He also wanted to see how this immature little fellow was like now?

Is it...just like his father...so cheap sou sou?

What about the so-called true biography of Zuo Changlu Wu Yuting? !

Emptiness Extinguishing Tower space.

Zuo Xiaoduo and Zuo Xiaonian are engaged in the 396th fierce battle since this time!

Before this, Schoolmate Zuo Xiaoduo has been cruelly abused 395 times!

The current situation is still very tragic.

Every time Zuo Xiaoduo feels improvement, he goes to tease, and then it is a matter of course to discuss and discuss, and then he is beaten down and comes back, fiercely repaired.

Then concentrate on cultivation again, and feel that there is comprehension and diligence again, so I go over again...

But Zuo Xiaonian is making rapid progress, Zuo Xiaoduo is comprehending, and Zuo Xiaonian had corresponding insights in the battles from time to time.

There is no ups and downs, but progress together, so that Zuo Xiaoduo's challenge is just a journey of abuse.

But he is always happy about it, as if it is uncomfortable not to be beaten every day!

After being beaten up, I tried every means to take advantage. The melancholy and sorrowful face was matched with a bloody nose and swollen face demanding compensation.

Such as a dance?

I have been beaten like this. Kissing is not too much, right?

I've been beaten by you, no one looks like, is it necessary to touch?

I'm all...just show me a dance, isn't it too much?

Zuo Xiaonian is also helpless about this, but there is also a sense of fun in it...

So...every time after Zuo Xiaoduo is beaten, the winner needs Give some compensation to the loser...

Well, this compensation is still very sweet.

Such harassment is increasing, and requests are becoming more and more weird.

Zuo Xiaoduo will never venture into it.

In order to achieve some ulterior goals, he even wasted precious cultivation time, arranging all dances, from folk dances to modern dances to... some dances, step by step. Strict order.

It's not advancing step by step, but advancing inch by inch!

The clothes are seamless and tight.

It must not arouse Zuo Xiaonian's vigilance-this is the first priority!

Even if the most professional dance professor comes, he will only exclaim from the bottom of his heart: There is nothing wrong with this order!

Much more rigorous than textbooks!

I will definitely copy it down and take it back immediately, as a teaching guide.

Zuo Xiaonian is totally ignorant of this. In her eyes, every new dance is basically the same as the last...

Furthermore, just in front of Lil Puppy, and in the Emptiness Extinguishing Tower...

Zuo Xiaonian has no scruples.

Jump, just jump for him to see... It’s really pitiful to be beaten by me during this period...

So...Zuo Xiaoduo's purpose is one Little by little, he had to try to achieve little by little, inch by inch closer to... some ultimate goal.

And Zuo Xiaonian didn't notice it at all.

On the contrary, I still have some fun...

Even when Zuo Xiaoduo did not come to harass during the leisure of cultivation, she had already opened the previously secretly collected videos on her own to observe the criticism. Take those dances...

Then practice with some choices...

But Zuo Xiaonian is serious warning oneself in his heart: practice is practice. But after practicing, you must not just jump casually. Why do you have to beg Lil Puppy for a long time...

Although Zuo Xiaonian knows that sooner or later Zuo Xiaoduo will coax him out to jump out and show him, but... It must not be so easy to give in!

That's it... Zuo Xiaonian was unaware of Zuo Xiaoduo's routine... I was willing to enjoy it in a ignorant step by step...

and Every time I feel: I am a winner!

I have to say that Zuo Xiaoduo’s set of methods is definitely a painstaking effort...

The Emptiness Extinguishing Tower of this meeting is floating in the sky with countless azures. qi, one by one, drifting in the wind, changing various shapes, and occasionally one by one dragon qi floating around.

These are naturally harvests from the Crown Prince Academy. Little Dragon has exhausted the suffering untold hardships and scattered the numerous earth vein qi and dragon vein qi gathered.

In an experience, in fact, the most desperate person is definitely not Zuo Xiaoduo, but Little Dragon.

Little Dragon can be said to have riveted all one's strength, and all the earth veins and all the dragon veins in the Soul Transformation area are scattered and transported in.

Zuo Xiaoduo really didn't treat Little Dragon badly this time. Often when Little Dragon was tired, he generously gave two Didi; not counting salary, these are just normal bonuses.

So Little Dragon is not only exhausted from fatigue, but also diligent. After digestion, he will work harder!

I’m so sorry for not working on the boss...Boss is really good for me this time!

Under the desperate efforts of Little Dragon, after two months, Little Dragon has collected a total of more than 100 earth veins, and five dragon veins after being broken up!

Really sweep away all the earth vein Dragon Vein in the Soul Transformation trial space!

The most direct consequence of this is: Star Soul Jade powder is not enough!

Seriously enough!

Even after Zuo Xiaoduo came out, he collected a large amount of Star Soul Jade powder and came in, but it was still far from satisfying the demand.

The earth veins that have just been carried in by Little Dragon are essentially Monster Clan earth veins. They are essentially different from the previous ones and are incompatible with each other, so they cannot be integrated into the Emptiness Extinguishing Tower space!

If you want to accommodate it, if you adopt a single integration mode; it needs a long time of water milling, maybe a hundred years, maybe a thousand years, if you want to fuse into it, there is no time for tens of thousands of years. Don't even think about it!

Fortunately, Zuo Xiaoduo also has a mending heaven stone. For this period of time, the mending heaven stone has been compressing and condensing the mountain range; as long as a mountain range exclusive to the Emptiness Extinguishing Tower space is rebuilt, it will naturally be completely It can accommodate all the remaining earth veins.

And such a one-time full fuse into all monster type earth veins will re-form a complete and exclusive super earth vein in the Emptiness Extinguishing Tower space!

The two earth veins are connected, and over the years, they merge naturally.

Zuo Xiaoduo, who got this recognition through Little Dragon, has a very happy headache.

Fortunately, in the Emptiness Extinguishing Tower space, these earth vein qi will not disappear. They are drifting in the sky every day, and at this time, Little Dragon continuously appears, bringing these earth The veins are all broken up, and as long as there are signs of fusion afterwards, they should be broken up immediately.

After all, these monster type earth veins are the same in nature and easy to integrate!

The reason why Little Dragon is so active is that he is worried about the integration of so many of the same attribute earth veins and another Destiny Dragon, what should I do?

Just so many of the same attribute earth vein fused to form a Qi Luck Demon Dragon. It is not a joke. Little Dragon is absolutely not allowed to have another existence like oneself to compete for favor. Must completely eliminate it. This kind of probability makes it impossible to exist.

The boss can only be mine!

Only I can eat Boss' Didi!

So Little Dragon will only watch Zuo Xiaoduo eagerly, hoping that he will seize the time to get more Star Soul Jade powder in.

It's a pity that Zuo Xiaoduo is also helpless.

He really has done his best to collect Star Soul Jade powder, not to mention oneself constantly collecting Star Soul Jade powder from Old Sun, the secret of the white clothed woman outside the city In this area, the amount of Star Soul Jade powder collected can be said to be ridiculous. The supply of such a large amount of Star Soul Jade powder is still super not enough. What else can oneself do?

Fortunately, the original mountain range has been compressed to the original 1/4/2021 size by the mending heaven stone, and it is still being compressed. It is estimated that after a period of compression, it should be able to be formed.

Now the new mountain range is just a rudiment that seems to be piled up. The veins that traverse the east and the west are quite long, but as a whole it is only two or three meters high in the past. How can such a scale hide the earth? vein!

In the final analysis, the growth of the independent earth vein of the Emptiness Extinguishing Tower space is still a difficult task, and it will take a long time to achieve it.

It is one thing that an independent earth vein is difficult to achieve for a time, but Zuo Xiaoduo has not denied the efforts of Little Dragon this time, let alone stingy.

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