As long as Pu Guanshan is not stupid, he should have known it a long time ago. If you continue to fight like this, you will be attacked by oneself with no opportunity and under strict organization, cover, and post-breaking measures...

White Mountain City impossible does any harm to oneself, but the strength of White Mountain City will only be eroded and decayed step by step!

I have reached this point, and I still refuse to hand over Dugu Yan'er, but why?

"There must be another reason!"

Zuo Xiaoduo and Li Chenglong are both clear-hearted about this.

Fight for three consecutive days.

White Mountain City has reduced its staff by nearly 500!

The full strength of White Mountain City has long been exposed on the Internet.

"Five thousand children!"

This is what Pu Guanshan oneself said.

In other words, Zuo Xiaoduo and the others killed one-tenth of the live battle strength for three days.

When it comes to comprehensive battle strength, there is even more than one-tenth of the viable strength. After all, one of the three major flying to which White Mountain City belongs has fallen into the hands of Zuo Xiaoduo.

The super avalanche created by Zuo Xiaoduo has caused a huge problem for White Mountain City!

Although they are all enter the dao repairers who far exceed the strength of the ordinary person ten million times, it is also a huge project when it comes to clearing them out!

Moreover, in this process, you also need to beware of constant shots and arrows!

Except when Zuo Xiaoduo attacked, Li Chenglong divided his 13 players into eight groups!

Li Chenglong even counted the three Profundity Return teachers of Jade Sun High Martial. These eight groups, under the command of Li Chenglong, started harassment with no opportunity and destruction without gaps!

Moreover, under his plot against, each group's attack is safe and sound.

Li Chenglong has already noticed that the White Mountain City side is now focusing on the targets, only Yu Moyan and Zuo Xiaoduo.

Although I don't understand the reason for focusing on Zuo Xiaoduo, this does not prevent Li Chenglong from using Zuo Xiaoduo as a strategic weapon.

Directly arrange Zuo Xiaoduo: "Left boss, you go to Zhengdong, and go straight to work!"

"Left boss, have you rested? After rest, go to Zhengbei and turn right. Turn?"

"Left boss, go straight to the west and go down hard."

"Left boss, continue to the east..."



Zuo Xiaoduo is arranged so that it doesn't touch the ground like a top, and is exhausted to run in all directions.

Directly suffocated his breath: "It's a great honor for me... to be called a boss by you... You are now purely using Lao Tzu as a donkey!"

< p>Li Chenglong quickly took a flattery: "Boss is mighty and domineering, what a man can do!"

Long Yusheng and others shouted together: "Left boss is wise and martial, domineering! Forever, dominate rivers and lakes! Oye!"

Zuo Xiaoduo immediately triumphed: "Today, let you see what this boss can't do!"

I was madly filmed flattery Zuo Xiaoduo happily went to work.

Although it is clear that these guys are shooting flattery and coaxing oneself to do work, but...Who makes me like others to shoot my flattery so much?

Only this can demonstrate what the capable people of this Uncle can't!

Zuo Xiaoduo went happily, and it was a good meal...

But as the number of people in White Mountain City decreased a little bit, there was also an avalanche The consequences were dealt with little by little, and the effect of such an attack gradually weakened.

As for White Mountain City, I am really impatient now.

In this scene, Jun Changkong, who had been hiding in the woods on one side, looked dumbfounded.

There are only a few people in total, but White Mountain City, with thousands of Profundity Return Spirit Controlling battle strengths sitting on many flying repairmen, has no strength to fight back at all?

How is this possible?

This White Mountain City is too unorganized, right?

But ask yourself, in the face of Zuo Xiaoduo's hooligan style of play, even Jun Changkong oneself, didn't expect any feasible way.

Because people like Zuo Xiaoduo don’t fight you head-on at all, they are doing the tactics of avoiding the truth and avoiding the futility vividly and thoroughly.

If it is a head-to-head battle, with White Mountain City's battle strength rating, a dozen people on Zuo Xiaoduo's side would have been crushed thoroughly and clean!

But the current situation is...

Your White Mountain City battallion rushed out, and you couldn’t even see an enemy. But when you go back, we will be dispatched again. Go around all directions!

We will never venture into greed, even if one action is just to hurt you alone, it is good!

It only requires that oneself is not damaged, and how much damage can be caused.

In this way, one after another, the top and bottom weakened and wiped out you.

We are not in a hurry.

Time is actually in our favor!

Let’s play slowly.

And this tactic is really disgusting.

Jun Changkong, as a hidden spectator from start to finish spying in the dark, had to admire the organizers.

The guy commanding Zuo Xiaoduo's side is a generation of ghosts, so he is so sharp.

Not only is the strategy proper, the most powerful thing is that the ability to find flaws and fight gaps is simply rare.

The situation in front of him is chaotic, but he can always accurately calculate which side has the weakest defense and cannot be prepared for!

Moreover, never take risks and seek luck, just like the banner of the dignified teacher of righteousness. If you do not move, you will hit the key. There is no mistake!

The other key to this attack mode is Zuo Xiaoduo and Yu Moyan who went out to attract attention, and they attracted the experts of White Mountain City, and then others started all directions. Find gaps, find loopholes!



Do everything you need.

This model is not difficult to say, as long as it is not difficult for people with a certain plan, it is not difficult to imagine, but the real difficulty of this attack mode, in fact, lies in the fact that every attack point is inevitable. It must also be the weakest and undefended position of the opponent. Ten seconds at a time, with every sudden attack, the enemy is damaged but oneself is not injured!

This can be difficult. It requires extremely high vision and judgment. Once a misjudgment occurs, the situation may get out of control and collapse in an instant!

Under the command of Li Chenglong's precise and subtle prediction, everyone has not encountered any powerful enemies without it. Considering the lethality of such a group of people, it is naturally like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, even if The destructive power of only ten seconds is still terrifying to an astonishing level!

But such an attack, after Long Yusheng Wan Lixiu was suddenly seriously injured and retreated, Zuo Xiaoduo and Li Chenglong immediately called a halt and stopped abruptly.

Long Yusheng Wan Lixiu and the others just went in, but unexpectedly encountered a powerful blow from a Flying Boundary expert.

On the other side of Zuo Xiaoduo, it is clear that Pu Guanshan, Guanshanhe and another Flying Boundary expert who suddenly appeared before have attracted the past...

If not Zuo Xiaonian rescued in time, I am afraid that this wave of Long Yusheng really lost their lives.

This is the case. The two were also seriously injured under the counterattack of the Flying Boundary cultivator, and their bones broke bits and pieces.

"The other party still hides a fourth Flying Boundary repairer! There is even more than one person!"

Zuo Xiaonian's face was unprecedentedly heavy.

Zuo Xiaoduo also frowned suddenly.

As for the other party's hidden flying thing, he naturally notified Li Chenglong immediately, and Li Chenglong naturally took this factor into consideration early in his planning.

Specially attack weak points.

Every time I have complete assurance, if the opponent only has three or even four flying, then the sneak attack here is all the point that Duan Duan can't pay attention to.

But why didn't he think that the other party still had hidden strength, which caused unexpected variables.

"If that counts, isn't the Flying of White Mountain City going to exceed the number of five fingers?!"

Li Chenglong's face became unprecedentedly solemn.

If this is the case, the current tactics will be a bit out of date.

But if you don’t adopt such a tactic and instead fight head-on, the battle strength of oneself is even more insufficient!

Gao Qiao'er raised a question.

"The current situation has changed. It is really an Immemorial weird. The weird thing is that we have launched countless destructive attacks between us."

"Many of us This attack, including the left boss and sister-in-law frontal calls, has been captured so far... White Mountain City has at least a thousand heads, why does the other party have to hide the Flying expert all the way? This is not justified. "

"If it is to determine the rivers and mountains in one fell swoop, then the hidden Flying expert should not be shot. It should be aimed at a gap where a known flying expert encircles the left boss."

"The hidden expert's sudden shot, although it severely hit Wan Lixiu Long Yusheng, but as a whole, it cannot rewrite the overall situation. After all, the main body here is always the left boss, followed by Yu Moyan, or the addition of Xiaonian sister-in-law, and its remainder is irrelevant. I even suspect that the other party doesn’t even know how many people we have now. It only makes a big impact on Long Yusheng Wan Lixiu. It’s not really meaningful, but beat. The grass to scare the snake, revealing strength!"

"But it shouldn't be anymore."

Gao Qiao'er's doubts are also Li Chenglong's doubts.

After it was put forward, it became everyone's doubts.

Yes, why didn’t these Flying Experts take action before that?

Since it has not been shot, there must be another reason behind it...

Then, where is the meaning of suddenly shooting now?

This doesn't seem to make sense!

Although Li Chenglong claims to be like Divine Prediction and has no plans, although Gao Qiao'er is as resourceful as the sea and clearly understood, it is still difficult to understand the current situation!

And others don’t understand.

Jade Sun High Martial Old Principal Han Wankui and others, although Old Yu is so sophisticated and experienced in the world, but their level is not very high, and they have not been exposed to Human Sentiment Command this thing.

For a while, everyone was puzzled.

What is going on?

"By the way, those hidden Flying experts who have not made any shots before...What are the characteristics of their shots?"

Han Wankui finally gave a suggestion, saying: "Will it be a Demon Dao expert? Or is it more recognizable? Or... Shaman Alliance, or an expert of the Dao League? Afraid to be recognized by us?"

"If that's the case If so, the problem with White Mountain City is big! It's not just as simple as human life as grass!"

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