Undead Herder

Chapter 119

Although his subordinates have not yet come back, in Dorn’s view, to deal with a third-rank Necromancer, he dispatched 8 fourth-rank existences, a scroll of dark magic and two Zhang Guangming magic scroll.

If the cost of all this is converted into money, at least it will cost thousands of dollars.

So great generosity smashed down, he didn't think that Kane, among the information they had, had any ability to stand up.

I feel that this market is undoubtedly pinched in his hands, so Donne is now a little floating.

But at this time, he unscrupulously said this matter, not only because of drifting, but more importantly, he wanted to uphold his own majesty.

What is O'Gron's situation in this market? Donn is in his eyes. Almost none of the merchants in the entire market can see O'Gren in his eyes.

In this case, Dorn was very attractive spectacle before the change.

After all, he used to be a businessman, and his interests were inconsistent, so O'Gorun persuaded him to have more interests.

But it is different now. Now Kane has been taken by him, and this market belongs to them.

In this case, they naturally do not allow market merchants to despise their group of managers.

For the trio of Dorn, who are all capable of everything, since it is to establish majesty, it is good to shock the market merchants directly at first.

Of course, their so-called shock is more than simply saying that they have won this market. If this is the case, there is no shock at all.

After all, from the very beginning, Kane’s people seem to have little prestige in this market.

Telling the merchants that they have won this market may be able to establish a little majesty, but it is more likely to arouse ideas they shouldn't have.

The three Wengers don't want to fight these businessmen for a long time after they have won this market.

It's not that they don't have the confidence to win the fight, but it is really unnecessary!

They think that after winning this market, what they should do more is to create benefits, so they decided to get things done all at once at first.

Almost just when Dorn was pretending to be forced, there was suddenly a burst of densely packed skeletons colliding from all over the market.

As soon as this sound rang, the merchant complexion changed.

"There are undead coming out of the market. There are many. It is conservatively estimated that at least tens of thousands and all of them are the undead of the First Rank and above. Among them, there are a lot of Rank 2 and even the third rank!"

Hearing this news, the faces of those businessmen all changed.

O'Gren heard the news, and his pale complexion returned to ruddy, he said, Kane is so strong, it is really possible that a few goblins have taken care of him.

However, just as the merchants looked pale and O'Gron's face was ruddy, the faces of the Dorn trio over there were always confident smiles.

"Don’t panic everyone..."

"Don’t panic? Yeah? Why should we panic? It was you who shot the Necromancer, and now the army of the undead is coming. You are the one who is looking for, what are we panicking?" A goblin merchant, eccentric and authentic, his face is full of joking about taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"Are you so sure that they came to us for revenge?"

Faced with this situation, Dorn smiled confidently.

"I know that many of you are expecting me to crash, because you don’t want to see it. There is a powerful controller in this market, but I must regret to tell you that yours An idea is an extravagant hope.

The undead Legion you saw is not actually coming to me for revenge. In fact, I let them come.

Although I got the command of this market from Necromancer, I did not get rid of Necromancer. I just hired him as the guard officer of this market.

And they Coming here at this time, in fact, there is no other meaning, I just want you to see the strength of this market guard.

To put it simply, the current undead Legion belongs to me. It's Liwei!"

Speaking of this, Don's face showed an extremely open smile.

I am very satisfied with the ability of the goblin assassin under his command, because he did give this order to let the goblin assassin take Kane, and let Kane gather Legion to cooperate with him. .

And everything in front of him is exactly the same as he expected.

Kane came here just right, and in the process of establishing his prestige, some people jumped out just right and stupidly.

Thinking of this, Dorn couldn't help but put his satisfied and cold eyes on the body of the goblin who had just taken pleasure in other people's misfortune, and now his face was a little pale, without the slightest hesitation. Chicken knife.

"This gentleman, I’m sorry to tell you that since then your qualification to enter the market has been cancelled.

You will be included in the blacklist of this market. This market-related business will exclude you indefinitely."

"No, you can’t do this, and you don’t have the right to do it. If you do this, I can go to the parliament to sue you. Yes!"

The goblin merchant who realized the big things was yelling hysterically, but it was Don's cold smile in response to him.

"It seems that you have misunderstood something?

Do you know what this place is?

This is not the hand of silver, nor is it Bourbon Kingdom, this is a three-regardless zone between the two countries, that is to say, the laws of the two countries have no effect here, and only one person is qualified to make laws.

Originally This person should be the human Necromancer, but unfortunately, he does not have that ability, so now the person who can make rules here becomes me."

Speaking of this , Dorn paused, and then strode to the front of the goblin: "So, dear sir, don't say I just don't let you enter the market, I just killed the council and you can't take me too far.

After all, the birth of this market is the result of the 10-year expectation of the Hand of Silver and the Kingdom of Bourbon.

The trade demands between the two countries finally have a window to release. Do you think they will treat me for you?"

After saying this, Don will no longer paid attention to the dead-faced goblin merchant, and turn his attention to all the merchants present .

"Since you have come to this market, I believe you also know how huge benefits this market can bring to you.

But if you want to enjoy this benefit, you must abide by it. The rules I made.

The talents who abide by can continue to play in my market, and those who can’t abide by it can only be kicked out by me.

Of course, you don’t have to be too Worrying too much, I am also a businessman, I know very well what can create benefits.

The reason why I am so strong, if it is not for exploiting your benefits, because this does not bring me much benefit, I What we want is for you to become strong and prosperous, and to make this market prosperous.

Only when this market becomes prosperous, we can have more benefits.

And want to do At this point, a powerful controller is a must!"

When Don’s domineering words sounded, everyone knew deeply that starting today, a powerful controller will appear in this market. , Will also have its own system and rules.

Amidst these businessmen being shocked, contemplative, or indifferent, there was a burst of applause.

With this round of applause, Kane rode in on the ghost shadow leopard, with a sense of identity on her face: "Okay, this gentleman said well, a market requires a powerful controller! "

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