Undead Herder

Chapter 137

A blink of an eye, time has come. It has been three months since Kane's Undead Market opened in mid-November 1874.

Although only three months have passed, the development of the undead market in Kane is truly amazing.

In just three months, the resident population of the Undead Market has risen to tens of thousands, and the daily trading volume of the market has also increased from 100 gold to 1,000 gold. The speed of this development is terrifying.

What’s even more terrifying is that in the past two months, the Silver Hand and many cities in the Kingdom of Bourbon have begun large-scale planting of [The Whispers of the Dead].

It can be said that Kane, an emerging market, has begun to have a certain influence on the surrounding two kingdoms.

Of course, with the continuous improvement of Kane's strength, the continuous expansion of influence on the surrounding area.

Some people who were holding a wait-and-see attitude when the undead market was opened, they couldn't sit still at this time.

The council on the side of the Silver Hand opened in Kane’s Undead Market for two months. For the first time, the Silver Hand House put Kane and his Undead Market on the council for discussion.

Actually, this oligarch council of the Silver Hand really brought Kane and his undead market to talk, so basically there is no need to discuss anything.

What should I do? What should I do? The oligarchs who control the parliament already have a plan in their minds, and they talk about it just to inform that the people in the House of Commons are going to act.

Sure enough, regarding how to treat Kane and the market under his command, after the House of Lords talked about it, a few oligarchs were just like, "How I plan to do it, who are you for and who oppose?" '

The cruel lessons in the past told the people in the House of Commons that the outcome of opposition was very miserable, so they did not dare to have any objections, so the Kane matter soon came to fruition.

For Kane and his market, the House of Lords’ suggestion is to conquer as much as possible. It’s best to hold Kane and his market in your hands, but if it’s not possible If you do, you must at least take a stake in Kane's market.

In general, their attitude towards this matter is not too tough.

Of course, the main reason is not to worry about Kane, but because it took ten years to have such a window, and they didn't want to accidentally close this window again.

While the Silver Hand is preparing to make formal contact with Kane, on the other side, on Kane's territory, two people have already entered Kane's territory first.

These two are old acquaintances of Kane, one is old Jack, and the other is a masked woman.

It is common for old Jack to come to Kane's territory. He often comes during this period, especially with the continuous development of Kane's market, he comes more frequently.

It's the masked woman that Kane has seen her for the first time since she left a few months ago.

When I saw the masked girl again, Kane couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Because Kane found out that her eyes of insight actually failed for masked women, this surprised Kane very much.

There are only two situations in which Kane's Eye of Insight can fail. The one that Kane sees the most is that his strength exceeds the upper limit of [Eye of Insight].

Currently, Kane’s [Eye of Insight] is Level 4. If this is the case, then the masked woman’s strength is at least Tier 5, and it has soared from Rank 2 to Tier 5 in just a few months. It seems a bit too weird.

So compared to this, Kane is more inclined to see whether the masked girl has any means to shield [Eye of Insight], but the masked girl and the old Jack did not give Kane time to study.

"During this time, we need to pick up Nufu." Old Jack came up and explained his intentions directly.

"Oh, that's it, then you take the people away!"

Hearing this answer from Kane, the old Jack and the masked girl were a little confused. The script is not written like that Huh? It stands to reason that Kane shouldn't ask at this time? What's the matter of letting them take people away without saying anything?

These two people are obviously here today with other purposes. As soon as Kane promised them, they immediately turned around and left.

Seeing that Kane didn't answer the conversation, they simply took the conversation by themselves.

"Because in a few days, a person will come over, this person is Klein, the current marshal of the Bourbon Kingdom, who controls the 5-Layer army of the Bourbon Kingdom, and is also the man who killed Nufu grandfather!"

This sentence is a bit more informative, but Kane seems to be able to accept it in its entirety, whether it’s what they said in their words or what they want to talk about next. , Kane had already expected it.

So when Kane heard this, the expression on her face still didn't change much.

This made the old Jack and the masked girl somewhat anxious. They originally thought that with Kane’s love for Nufu, it should not be difficult to pull Kane into their camp, but they didn’t expect it. But the real showdown is Kane but this attitude.

If this were the case, it would not be so easy for them to achieve their goals next, but the two did not give up.

“Actually, the grandfather of Nufu is Tien, the previous marshal of the Kingdom of Bourbon. Apart from this, he has another identity, that is, the leader of the reformists of the kingdom.

He knows very well. Knowing that the kingdom of Bourbon has decayed and it is time for reform, in order to revitalize the kingdom of Bourbon, he opened the hand of silver and trade between the kingdom of Bourbon.

I hope that through the power of trade, the kingdom’s national strength will be improved and changed Kingdom.

Marshal Tieen’s plan was originally carried out very smoothly. Under his leadership, the kingdom’s national power was twice as strong as before in just one year, but it was a pity that the Marshal’s reform entered At a critical period, it touched the interests of some people.

Then, the Marshal’s reform was hindered by the kingdom’s all influence, and he himself was assassinated many times, even the trading channels he worked so hard to open. Was shut down, the Silver Hand sent troops to the Bourbon Kingdom because the trade channel was shut down, which made the Marshal’s situation more difficult.

But none of these can defeat the Marshal, even if it’s facing this. In the sinister environment, the Marshal still persisted.

While resisting the invasion of the Silver Hand, while playing with the forces within the Bourbon Kingdom, he was about to see the dawn of victory. Klein, the Marshal's reform ally, betrayed the marshal at a critical moment.

In the end, the marshal died, and Klein, as a betrayer, took the position of the marshal and became the most steadfast and decadent in the kingdom. The leader of the Conservative Party!"

At this time, the old Jack completely confessed to Kane. After saying everything, the old Jack stared at Kane, expecting to see from his face. When he wanted to see the emotional changes, he was disappointed.

Kane, after listening to this, looked at Old Jack and pondered for a while: "I remember we met when I just took the Goblin Forest. You said me and said me It’s changed, and my speech has become a little convoluted. Can I apply this to you now?

But I can also understand why you go around such a big bend, even Nufu’s Speak out of your life experience.

When you pick up Nufu's life experience and speak, you should also understand in your heart that your purpose is almost impossible to achieve."

"It seems You already know what I said today!" Old Jack narrowed his eyes.

Since the words have already been said, Kane didn’t mean to hide it at this time: "Don’t forget where this is, this is the dead’s market, where the hands of silver are gathered. Merchants from the two countries of the Kingdom of Bourbon.

These merchants circulate not only money as simple as money, but also information and intelligence.

Information between these two countries, as long as If I’m curious, I can get the information I want with a little bit of effort.

It just so happens that I am interested in the trade channel opened by the Bourbon Kingdom and the Silver Hand, so here I have understood a little bit, and I have also learned about your identity..."

"Since you already know something, then if I say now, I represent the power behind me and you ……"

"I am willing to cooperate in trade, but I can only say sorry for cooperation outside of trade!

I just want to develop [Dead Market], I will never intervene in the others, nor can I intervene, after all, I am just a little Necromancer!"

From the very beginning, Kane already knew their The purpose lies.

They want to draw Kane into their camp and help them continue to advance the reform of the Kingdom of Bourbon.

But Kane is impossible to agree on this matter!

For Kane now, nothing is more important than stable development!

So in the end, Kane firmly rejected the old Jack masked girl.

Although the two have some regrets about this, they did not make too much demand.

After all, as Kane said, when they played Nufu at first, they knew Kane was impossible to agree.

So although there was no agreement at this time, the two sides did not have any complaints about it, at least on the surface, it is correct...


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