Undead Herder

Chapter 207

Along with Caesar's madness, Kane's undead army was in place, and the two hundred thousand troops were defeated and captured, and this war came to an end.

The end of the war was the beginning of Kane's purge of the nobles.

When dealing with the group of captives, Kane found a list from the army captured by him. All the nobles on this list supported this rebellion. The man in the army.

With such a list, Kane made things much simpler, and directly handled all the nobles on the list.

All the nobles involved will be killed regardless of the reason!

Faced with this butcher knife raised by Kane, those nobles would naturally not lie down and let Kane chop them. Even if a pig was to be killed, they would struggle and call out twice, let alone a human being. Now, those aristocrats are bound to resist during this process, but so what?

The 250,000 army of the Kingdom of Bourbon has been captured by Kane, and the nobles have no cards to play.

The only card that can be played is the rules, but Kane obviously didn't intend to tell them any rules or reason. In fact, the list in his hand was fabricated at will.

In this case, the nobles had no choice but to surrender to Kane by raising the white flag, but Kane did not accept it at all!

Under this situation, can those nobles still have a little bit of survival?

Kane quick sword cuts through tangled hemp, it took only three days to clean up all the dozens of deep-rooted nobles in the Bourbon Kingdom.

As these billowing heads fell, the power of the nobility was disintegrated and eliminated, and the naughty little troublemakers in the Bourbon Kingdom were cleaned up. Until this time, Kane was able to say Bourbon The kingdom is completely under his control.

After completely controlling the kingdom of Bourbon in his hands, Kane put the knife in his hand down.

Slaying allows him to completely control the kingdom of Bourbon in the shortest time, but the kingdom’s governance cannot be done by killing.

After the big stick killed the nobleman, Kane also started to appease the shiver coldly people.

In fact, for Kane, this is much simpler than cleaning the nobles. As a thousand-year-old kingdom, the decay of Bourbon is not what ordinary people can imagine. The people living in the kingdom of Bourbon can be very hot with water. To describe.

For such people, Kane can comfort them as long as he treats them a little better.

And Kane is not a little better for them as simple as that. After purging the nobles, Kane immediately issued several decrees.

1, exempt the people of the country from taxation for three years.

2. Take back the land originally controlled by the nobles and redistribute them to the people.

3, build 51 academies open to everyone nationwide.

With these three decrees, the people of the Kingdom of Bourbon not only calmed down their uneasy hearts, but even made the entire country of the Kingdom of Bourbon fall into joy like it did during the breakthrough seventh rank of Crein. In the ocean of Qing.

The difference from the last time Kray celebrated for the breakthrough seventh rank is that the last time was officially organized, and this time was spontaneous by the people.

In addition to the spontaneous celebration, these people also spontaneously did one thing, that is, to spontaneously repair the originally destroyed flower fields and cultivate the flower fields!

In just five days, not only the flower fields that were originally destroyed and repaired were completed, but the number of flower fields was expanded to 2,500 yuan.

From their actions, it is not difficult to see that Kane's decree directly allowed him to gain the support of the people of the Bourbon Kingdom.

Kane is naturally quite happy about this, of course he is more happy about the expansion of the flower field.

For Kane, the Kingdom of Bourbon is his logistics base. Its main function is to provide [the whispers of the dead] and the corpses. The restoration and expansion of the flower field is naturally the scene he wants to see most.

Just as the flower field expanded, Kane quickly encountered new problems.

Although flower field expansion is a good thing, not all cultivated flower fields are suitable for planting [the whispers of the dead].

The planting of [Dead’s Whispers] requires graveyards, or dark energy. There is no way to plant them on ordinary land. Among the 2500 flower fields, at least a few hundred or more flower fields cannot be planted.

This problem deeply affects Kane's heart. Fortunately, this problem is not impossible to solve. There is a building in Kane's domain that can solve this problem, and this building is [Blood Pool]!

The black blood in [Blood Pool] can not only accelerate the growth of [Dead’s Whispers], but also change the soil of the flower field, but the effect of Level 1 [Blood Pool] is slightly weaker , If you want to change the soil, you need a lot of black blood to irrigate.

Fortunately, Kane has been collecting blood to prepare for the upgrade of [Blood Pool]. With enough existing materials on hand, Kane easily took the [Blood Pool] The level has been upgraded to Level 4!


Blood Pool

Building Level: Level 4

Building description: Special undead building that can store blood and change The nature of blood.

Building effect: blood tempering lv4 (the blood can be tempered in a special way to give blood a special ability.

The blood tempering of Level 4 can turn the blood tempering into Level 1 Dark blood.)

Level 1 Dark blood: A pound of dark blood can increase the growth rate of ten acres of dark plants by 100%, and can change the nature of the soil, allowing ordinary land to grow dark plants, and at the same time It has a great impact on the quality of dark plants after they mature, and there is a greater probability of [exquisite] or even [excellent] dark plants.

Ps: A pound of dark blood requires 10 catties of Tier 4 blood plus 1000 territory energy to condense!


With the Level 4 blood pool and the blood collected when Kane slaughtered the mermaid tribe before, Kane directly irrigated all the 2500 flower fields in his hand.

Under the powerful function of Level 1 Dark Blood, it is no accident that Kane can harvest close to 30 million [Dead Man’s Whispers] in just two months or even less. If Kane’s good Luck, the energy of Level 1 dark blood is strong enough in [Dead’s Whispers] [Normal] and [Exquisite] if the quality is high after all, Kane is likely to be able to get 500 million territorial energy in 2 months.

It can be said that Kane's territory upgrade is already in sight. As long as he improves his strength and the strength of his subordinates, Kane's territory can reach Level within two months at most. 7 out.

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