Undead Herder

Chapter 248

[Ding, you consumed 100 magic stones and successfully opened the directional Transmission Gate! 】

With the sound of a system hint, the ruin key in Kane's hand flashed with intense rays of light and broke free from Kane's hand and landed on the edge of Kane's territory.

The key to the ruins fell, and a magic array of dozens of square meters was spread out, and mysterious runes jumped out of the magic array.

Kane, who has just been retreating in [Time Scrolls] for more than five years, has not yet emerged from the state of cultivation. Seeing this mysterious rune, he immediately became energetic and concentrated. Concentrated attention completely to analyze these runes.

In fact, Kane is not alone at this time.

Except for Kane, almost all the wizards on the side also look like this, even the'wind envoy' who just released a wave of blood from fiercely.

Except for Kane, all the remaining mage's research on this special rune was futile. Only Kane was able to learn because his mind was strengthened by [Scroll of Time] and Soul Scripture had baptism. The ability has been extremely horribly improved, and this has allowed him to gain a little bit from the analysis of these runes.

It's just a pity that rune appeared for a short time, only about half an hour.

After half an hour, these runes turned into a directional Transmission Gate, and Kane's analysis of these runes had to stop abruptly, which made him quite regretful.

But Kane regrets that the others around are quite excited.

These people have all seen the world, and Jialuo even wandered through the remains of the'Chaotic Forest'.

They know far more about the ruins than Kane. Just by looking at the Transmission Gate of this ruin, you know what scale the ruins are.

It is no exaggeration, this ruin is definitely the largest ruin they have seen so far. The resources in such ruins are absolutely terrifying. If good luck, they might even pass This ruin may be breakthrough to the ninth rank.

After getting a rough idea of ​​the ruins, the'wind envoy' couldn't wait to enter first.

As soon as the'windshield' entered, everyone on the side could not sit still. The two dwarves, the people from the City of Chaos, entered the ruins one after another.

Kane and the people from the mysterious club did not hesitate. After everyone entered, Kane called the iron bones and followed the people from the mysterious club into the ruins with the iron bones.

Stepping into the Transmission Gate, Kane officially entered the ruins.

What immediately entered his eyes was a secret room, but this secret room was obviously not the one where the iron bones came out, it was much larger than that one.

What's even stranger is that this secret room is not square, but an irregular secret room with 32 sides, and each side has a door.

When Kane came in, 7 of these doors had already been opened, and the "Wind Envoy" Kendi who stepped in first, and the four people in the City of Chaos were gone. Only three people from the mysterious club are still waiting for him.

"This is not a real ruin, it can only be regarded as a transit station for the ruins. There are 32 doors here, and each door has a special magic array. Once opened, it will be sent into Ruins.

Moreover, each door can only allow one person to pass through at the same time!"

Mr. Fu immediately helped Kane in the daze to explain, and while explaining, Mr. Fu also handed Kane two things, a ring, and a scroll.

"The ring is for contact. In case of emergency, you can use the ring to contact me. If I am in the vicinity, I will rush over immediately.

If I am If it’s too late, you can use this scroll. This is a scroll of [Dungeon Escape]. Under normal circumstances, it should be able to take you away from the ruins."

Kane looked at Mr. Fu and looked at it again. Looking at the two things he handed over, they didn't take them immediately.

"Why help me like this?"

Mr. Fu laughed: "We have our reason for helping you. As for the reason, this is not the place to talk. I waited for this one. Ruins, we’re looking for time to chat."

Speaking, Mr. Fu stuffed things into Kane’s hands, and after Kane nodded, he took the two behind him and opened the door and entered the ruins. Among them, Kane was left holding the two things in a daze.

“Forget it, no matter how many, let’s talk about the advanced one, I hope I can gain something from this one!”

Hesitated again and again, Kane finally took these two pieces The things were put away, they opened a door with iron bones, and formally entered the ruins.


The moment Kane opened the door, a large number of mysterious runes flashed past him. Kane didn’t have time to take a look. The scene in front of him was already Has changed.

Kane found that he was in a long corridor at this time.

The up ahead of the corridor seems to lead to a palace, and Kane is standing at the beginning of the corridor at this time. Behind him is a door exactly the same as he opened before.

On both sides of the corridor, there are old reliefs.

On the ground, there is a road paved with black masonry.

What makes Kane Hitomi’s flame hair bright is that in this corridor, there are several bones lying sideways, which are known to be very old at a glance, and the quality does not seem to be low. And beside the corpse, there are many broken magic items.

Seeing this situation, Kane's eyes of insight opened immediately, one after another identified the quality of these corpses, and the results of the identification made Kane excited.

A total of eight corpses, each of which is a seventh rank corpse that he urgently needs.

But excitement returned to excitement, Kane still did not lose his vigilance, let alone rushed forward.

A corridor that can lie down so many seventh-rank corpses is obviously not a good place, so rushing up is obviously a very brainless thing, so Kane did not act rashly, but hit one. Snap your fingers.

After more than five years of cultivation in the [Time Scroll], Kane is now a fairly qualified magician. At this time, he snapped his fingers and a dark puppet of the sixth rank appeared in front of Kane. .

"Go up!"

With an order, the three-meter-high dark puppet stupidly walked up.

As a result, the puppet has entered the corridor, and the reliefs on both sides broke out directly. First, a burst of rays of light, which should be used for detection, shone on the dark puppet. After it was found to be an intruder, one after another The green rays of light lit up and penetrated the dark puppet in minutes......


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