Undead Herder

Chapter 279

With a blink of an eye, it has been two months since Kane returned to the territory to take Ogre.

In the past two months, the Kane territory has been surprisingly peaceful.

The two messenger teams that Kane sent out before brought back fairly good results.

Either the Omar Empire or the human empire has acquiesced to the existence of Kane, and assigned both the Silver Hand and the Kingdom of Bourbon to Kane.

It's just that these two empires also set restrictions on Kane, allowing Kane to control his subordinates and not continue to expand his territory.

Kane is naturally willing to accept this point. After all, the two kingdoms are already enough to support Kane’s territory construction to level 10, or even Level 11. Therefore, Kane currently has no need for expansion, so this condition he The promise was very refreshing.

Of course, the promise now is now. It is another matter to wait until Kane has a need to expand before he can upgrade his territory.

After receiving this commitment from Kane, neither empire is watching Kane glare like a tiger watching his prey.

This allowed Kane to solve all external problems at once. Without external pressure, Kane's territory began to build rapidly.

Of course, there is nothing about Kane in the construction of the territory. In this aspect, Geyi and the Soul Seeker are responsible.

Among them, most of the construction work is directed by soul explorers.

Mainly in this regard, the soul seeker has a huge advantage. He can read the memory, whether it is a human undead or an orc, he can read it.

And he can store the memories of about ten people at the same time, which is very difficult to deal with.

In order for the Soul Explorer to build a good territory, he read ten administrative talents and stored their memories for his use.

In the case of reading and storing the memories of ten people, the ability of the Soul Seekers to build the territory directly soared to a very terrifying point.

In addition, there are songs to cooperate, one to give instructions, and the other to direct the action of an army of tens of millions of undead.

In the cooperation of the two undead, in just two months, 50% of the land of the Bourbon Kingdom and the Silver Hand were developed into flower fields. Now the two countries share flower fields. 3 million square kilometers, about 100,000 plants per square kilometer [the whispers of the dead].

In other words, these two kingdoms have planted a total of 300 billion [the whispers of the dead].

If these 300 billion [Dead’s Whispers] mature, Kane will be able to have 300 billion territorial energy in an instant. This number Kane can't stand a glance at his heart.

Of course, although the trees of this territory energy are huge, they are not so easy to get into their hands.

On the one hand, because of the large-scale planting and the massive loss of the original citizens of the two kingdoms, [the whispers of the dead] the care of the two kingdoms has become a major problem, and the problems of the two countries’ territories have not been completely transformed. [ The whispers of the dead] The growth period has been greatly extended, and the survival rate has also been greatly reduced.

Don't look at the 300 billion flowers that have been planted now, I don't know if they can reach 30 billion in the end.

Even if it is mature, most of [the whispers of the dead] will take at least half a year or even a year to mature.

Of course, these problems are not impossible to solve. Improve the level of [Blood Pool], transform a large amount of black blood to water the land, further increase the number of undead under his command, and cultivate a large number of gardener undead...

Through this series of methods, the survival rate and growth cycle of [Dead Man's Whisper] can be improved and shortened.

However, it is estimated that it will take a long time, and the resources of the Silver Hand and the Kingdom of Bourbon alone may not be able to transform the lands of these two countries.

So this period of time, Soul Explorer has been planning one thing, and that is to restart the trade market.

It’s just that what he wants to play this time is not Kane’s previous little jokes linking the two kingdoms. What the soul explorer has to do is to build Kane’s territory into Kaido continent. The economic center of a region.

It’s just that the Soul Seeker’s plan has encountered many problems before it even started. One of the biggest is that Kane won’t give him a decision!

There can also be many reasons for Kane’s refusal to approve, such as not wanting to be too noticeable, but in fact, there is only one real reason, and that is that Kane has not been out of the customs for a period of time. .

From the beginning of his retreat, he was silent among the five Sea of ​​Consciousness of the tenth-order powerhouse and could not get out at all.

In two months, he basically did not step out of the tower of bones.

Under this situation, the Soul Seeker is very helpless, he can only do what he can do first.

Without sufficient resources to support, the Soul Seeker did not intend to cultivate the flower field. Of course, he did not let the tens of millions of undead idle at this time. He began to direct these undead to carry out some Infrastructure.

He began to build roads on the ground, various urban defense settings, and build densely packed Underground Palace on the ground.

In addition, the technical talents of the undead were brought together to create several departments.

He is already preparing for the next step. Among these departments, apart from the undead blacksmith, the undead enchanter, the undead scroller, the undead cobbler, and the undead Spiritual Artifact, the huge undead equipment is composed of Department outside.

There is also a Ministry of Construction composed of various undead architects,

The Ministry of People’s Livelihood composed of undead farmers, undead herdsmen, and undead gardeners,

and even The Medical Department, the Transportation Department, and the Soul Seekers almost assembled all the human and goblins.

Of course, he did not copy it bluntly, but went through a series of modifications and integrations.

Through his intelligent operation, he finally came up with various departments in line with the characteristics of the undead.

He spent more than three months to do this, and in these three months, Kane still did not step out of the tower of bones.

Even when Mr. Fu came to take away the second batch of 3 million undead and delivered one hundred Tier 9 corpses, Kane did not come forward, and was completely in charge of the Soul Seeker. Kane was just like that. One-hearted cultivation.

Just like Kane, there is also Little Green. This guy started to be aggressive after Alice was snatched by Bone Dragon Brat.

Kane retreats for as long as he retreats. The difference is that Kane retreats is digesting the foundation of five Tier 10 powerhouses. He retreats is to sacrifice things to improve his strength, but the result is the same.

Kane has surged in strength during the five-plus months, and Xiao Green is also the same.

However, Xiaolu’s promotion stopped at the beginning of the fourth month. There seemed to be a ceiling in front of him that blocked him and made him unable to rise. In this case, Xiaoluyu Many times, but this time is not because the territory has not been upgraded...

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