Undead Herder

Chapter 281

Bone Tower 8-Layer, after Kane came in, he threw himself in front of Xiaolu and patted it.

Kane's sudden appearance and sudden move scared Xiaolu a pick.

Let Xiaolu subconsciously do a dodge action, but after seeing that it was Kane that shot, he immediately controlled his body and took Kane's palm obediently and honestly.

As Kane fell into the little green skull with a palm, a strength of Faith erupted, and the force that was eating away at the little green Soul Fire was directly destroyed. Up.

However, Kane did not relax because of this step.

Because Kane can clearly feel that the force he just extinguished has not completely dissipated, but lurks into the little green Soul Fire, unless Kane wipes the little green Soul Fire together Get rid of it, otherwise it will be difficult to completely eliminate that force.

At this time, Kane was anxious and angry, like a father who caught a cold when he saw the child playing in the water: "What is going on? What have you been doing for the past five months? How could there be such a thing? Power appears in your Soul Fire?"

Seeing Kane's anger, Xiao Green didn't dare to neglect, and cautiously explained to Kane what happened in the past five months.

For these five months, Xiaolu has indeed been offering sacrifices without leaving [The Tower of Bone], but the problem lies in the sacrifice.

In fact, Little Green’s sacrifice has a cooling off period.

It's just that this cool-down period does not mean that sacrifices cannot be made during the cool-down period. As Xiaolu's strength continues to grow, he can sacrifice even during the cool-down period.

However, offering sacrifices during the cool-down period is dangerous, and Xiaolu can feel it herself.

But the fact that Alice was taken away by Brat Bone Dragon made Xiaolu very irritated, so during this period of time, like Kane, he has to become stronger in his mind, regardless of whether it is dangerous or not.

With the unrestrained sacrifice of Little Green, such a force began to appear in Little Green Soul Fire.

at first Xiaolu didn't notice it, and when Xiaolu noticed it, it was too late. The power in his Soul Fire had grown to the point that Xiaolu couldn't handle it.

"Why don't you just die by playing yourself, and find things for me every day!"

Kane, who thoroughly understood the situation, was furious.

If he can, he really wants to tie this bastard up and beat him up.

I've seen someone who does it like this. I haven't seen anyone like that.

Of course, Kane was not able to play this hand in the end.

Furthermore, things are already like this. You have to beat this girl. Kane should find a way to help him solve this problem.

"Come here!"

Kane violently pulled Xiaolu over and pressed her hand on Xiaolu's forehead.

Although Kane's actions are rough, it is limited to when he pulls Xiaolu, and when he really puts his hand on his forehead and starts to sense the power of Xiaolu Soul Fire, Kane's anger is all Converged, all actions were cautiously, for fear of hurting Xiaolu.

Ten minutes later, Kane completely completed the investigation of Little Green Soul Fire, took her hand from Little Green's forehead, and resumed her violent attitude again, kicking it aside out of anger.

Xiaolu also knows that his Master has a knife-mouthed tofu heart. Although his actions are rough, he still hurts him, so this guy was kicked out and huddled up to please Kane.

Kane didn't have any time to take care of this stuff at this time, and focused all his attention on analyzing the power in Little Green Soul Fire.

In fact, that force is not very strong.

For its current strength, even if Kane didn't make a move just now, it couldn't help Little Green.

But the problem is that this force is in Xiaolu's Soul Fire, and it has a vague meaning of being one with Xiaolu, which is very troublesome.

This means that Kane can't kill it easily, and if accidentally, it might have hurt Xiaolu together.

However, Kane is not without gain. After more than ten minutes of exploration, Kane has a full understanding of that force.

The source of this power should be the power of Xiaolu's sacrifice, and it was Xiaolu's excessive sacrifice that was born.

But the source of this power is not Xiaolu himself. It should be due to a certain existence, perhaps the power that is activated by a certain prop awakening.

And that one exists, maybe that item It shouldn't be far away from Xiaolu.

In this case, Kane has a clue.

"Follow me!"

As soon as there was a clue, Kane got up and pulled Xiaolu directly out of the Bone Tower.

While walking out of the Bone Tower, Kane directly used his lord authority to gather all the ninth rank undead under his command except the iron bones in amber state, and the 8 ninth rank undead went directly to A goblin mine.

In fact, Kane has always been interested in this sacrificial power of Little Green.

However, due to lack of power, I have not been developing it. Later, my strength has been improved. However, all kinds of high-spirited things have continued. Kane would have forgotten about it. If it weren’t for Xiaolu’s sudden loss The power of sacrifice backlash, he didn't know when he would be able to think of it.

Soon, Kane entire group came to that mine.

However, although the people arrived, Kane did not directly go in. Although he was confident in his own strength, and there was a territory behind him as a hole card, Kane was still steady at this time.

The undead of Tier 9 stays still, and the 10,000 Tier 1 souls are sent in first.

The mine is not very big. Ten thousand Tier 1 undeads went in. After a while, the entire mine was turned upside down, but unfortunately there was still nothing to be discovered.

In this case, Kane said nothing, and directly ordered the undead under his command to dig out the entire mine.

Anyway, Kane doesn't have much else under his hand now, that is, First Rank has many undead. What Kane has to do is to send more undeads.

Fifty thousand undead were added again. In less than half a day, this mine was completely excavated.

As the mine was dug up, although the undead of the First Rank still didn't find anything, Kane had begun to perceive the same breath as the power of Little Green Soul Fire.

"Where! Come on!"

Kane gave an order here, and all the 6 ninth rank undead under his command except Xiaolu moved, and instantly surrounded one A place of more than ten square meters in size.

As the undead of the six ninth ranks moved, a violent aura in that place also exploded, and then a silhouette of crimson appeared in the circle of the six undeads. Among them...

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