Undead Herder

Chapter 40

In fact, Kane has always been worried that the arrival of the masked girl will affect his subsequent actions. He doesn't want the old Jack to just leave and he will be watched by the masked girl again.

However, after the masked woman arrived, he realized that his worries seemed unnecessary.

After the masked girl arrived, all my energy was put on Nufu's body. For him, there is only one requirement for a masked woman, and that is to complete the course!

As long as Kane's daily courses, whether it is the training of the'forester', or the writing, as long as Kane can complete the course, then she will not take care of Kane.

No matter what Kane wants to do, she ignores it.

On the other hand, the masked woman is very attached to Nufu. From the day she arrived, she spontaneously prepared a whole set of courses for Nufu.

From text enlightenment, to martial skill, reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, intelligence collection...Looking at her posture, I can’t wait to give all I know to Nufu!

Kane glanced at the course schedule prepared by the masked woman for Nufu, and suddenly there was a numbness of her scalp. It was madness and inhumanity. Kane already silently mourned for Nufu in her heart.

However, Kane had no intention of saving Nufu from the fire and water, and was even happy to see the masked women put most of their energy on Nufu.

It’s all for this girl. In this one, the weak are prey to strong. Mastering more ability is better than anything else. As for whether Nufu is willing to learn from masked girls, Kane directly Ignore it!

Kane used this excuse comfortably to push Nufu towards'Fire Pit', and he started a very fulfilling life.

After the masked girl arrived, Kane basically did not intervene in the affairs of Duolai Village. Most of the daily time was spent on the masked girl.

After spending a week or so, handing over the masked women to him, old Jack expects that it will take him at least a few months to learn all the skills of the'forest ranger', he This is also a finished apprenticeship.

This horrible learning speed made the masked women a little surprised.

But surprised and surprised, the masked woman did not treat him differently because of Kane innate talent, nor did she intend to give him a little cook, and she even seemed a little relieved, as if Just like getting rid of some troublesome things, some little ones happily spent more time teaching little Nufu.

For this situation, Kane is naturally an attractive spectacle.

On the eighth day of the arrival of the masked girl, Kane turned her head cruelly, ignoring Nufu’s distress look, and left the house with the long sword given by old Jack. At the same time, it is also the first time that Kane has traveled through Duolai Village for more than two months to go to a place other than the Goblin Forest!

"From today, I am free!"

Opening my hands and hugging Heaven and Earth, Kane at this time is really a kind of Sea is broad enough for fish to leap about sky is high enough for a bird to fly through.

From the beginning of his journey, his mood has been suppressed, at first because of the environment of life.

As a result, he has just adapted to the environment of life just a few days ago. The self-destruct identity of old Jack dragged him into the ranks of the'Forest Rangers', which again stood on top of Kane's head. With a sword of Damocles, he was afraid that his undead territory would be exposed.

Until today, until today the old Jack leaves, he has finished all the courses of the "Forestman" from the masked girl. The masked girl focuses entirely on Nufu. He It was relaxed.

Although there is still a Duolai village under construction, at least now, there are no people around him who need fear and need cautiously guard.

"Now I can let go of my hands. As long as I can collect enough [Dead’s Whispers], my territory can be horribly improved in a short time. When the strength of my territory reaches a certain level, I don't need to be cautiously like this!"

Looking forward to a bright future a little bit, then Kane carried the long sword and started to take action.

Kane came out at this time obviously to go to [the whispers of the dead], and it is not very difficult to find this plant, as long as you find the graveyard, it is very possible to find the [whispers of the dead] ].

And if it was a week ago, Kane would have been a bit difficult to find the graveyard, but today it will be a lot easier.

This week, Kane learned from the masked woman the techniques of detection and counter-reconnaissance, such as intelligence transmission between the forest guards, and also learned from the masked woman A map from the Goblin Forest to the Moon-Worshiping City.

In fact, the purpose of this map for Kane by the masked woman was to make Kane familiar with this area. Because of the departure of the old Jack, the "forest guard" in this area was vacant.

In this special environment at the moment, the'forester' cannot send an individual to take over the work here, so it is simply handed over to Kane for the time being, and Kane is supposed to be an intern.

Anyway, there is not much work here at the moment, the most is to pay attention to the movement of the goblin tribe in the goblin forest.

With this piece of land, Kane’s task of collecting [the whispers of the dead] is much easier. He only needs to use this map to go to the thieves who have been or had been in the Heihu Village. , In short, there must be a place to stroll around the cemetery.

Opening that map and looking at it, there are not many existing villages near Duolai Village. There were two before, but both of them were already under the operation of Moon Worship City, and they were ‘thieves 'Broken and moved to Duolai Village.

But this does not affect Kane's collection of [the whispers of the dead] As long as there are cemeteries in those two places, Kane went up to the two villages first.

Kane’s luck was quite good. Although the two villages did not exist for as long as Duolai Village, it took a few years. Kane easily found the graveyard near the two villages. And then find what you want.

He was busy working on these two cemeteries this day. After scraping the cemeteries, Kane collected a total of 34 [garbage quality] [Dead’s Whispers], which is a good start!

In the next three days, Kane ran through the graves that might appear within 15 miles of Duolai Village, and dug up a total of 181 [garbage quality] [Dead’s Whispers].

Although Kane has built 9 [small tombs], the territorial energy generated by the cemetery is basically used to maintain the [small tombs], but the 181 [Dead’s Whispers] also let Kane's territorial energy soared to an unprecedented Peak.

"Not counting the territorial energy produced by a small graveyard, I also have 1810 territorial energy in my hand. With such a huge sum of money in hand, I should also prepare to raise the territorial level!"


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