Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 101: Boss Tauren Commander! The Fear Of Buff Goblins!

"Hmm??This is...the breath of opportunity??"

Lin Xiu, who was admiring Death Knight's crazy killing, suddenly seemed to feel something.

He couldn't help but look up into the distance and murmured thoughtfully.

The opportunities in the Secret Realm of the Holy Spirit, according to Tang Feixuan, are the kind of twisted space cracks,

It stands to reason that you can only sense it if you see it within one meter, but now I can feel the aura from an unknown distance away.

Lin Xiu's intuition told him that it was a bit strange!

But he was too lazy to think about it anymore. Now he was surrounded by goblins.

Even if the opportunity is a hundred meters away, he can't enter. First, he has to deal with these goblin monsters.


"A humble ant dares to kill a great goblin

"Kill...kill him and I can break through..."

The area within a radius of ten meters was shrouded in a rich red light.

One by one, the goblins rushed towards Lin Xiu with red eyes.

The few zombies he recruited with a sense of luck were torn to pieces by the goblins in the blink of an eye!

Occasionally, a knife struck the matte shield, making a crisp clanging sound.

But the Aphotic Shield is not invincible. After supporting it for ten minutes, it finally ushered in the moment of breaking!

"Apholess Shield!"

You may not care much about other things, but Lin Xiu is always concerned about your own safety.

When the Aphotic Shield was shattered, more than six million Pure energy instantly killed a dozen goblins around him.

Taking advantage of the gap, Death Knight immediately added another one to Lin Xiu.

[Get: Life +10]

[Get: Mana +10]


Numerous beeps came, and Lin Xiu simply sat on the ground and let the goblins attack him.

Death Knight and Bounty Tired are both invisible, and no goblins will attack them at all.

For a moment, the shouts of killing were loud, and the goblins seemed to be menacing as they circled and kicked Lin Xiu.

But in fact, the goblins were killed and defeated. If it weren't for the increasing number of buffs on Lin Xiu's body,

He estimated that these goblins with certain intelligence had already fled!

In less than half an hour, he had nearly three hundred layers of buffs superimposed on him.

The lord's own attributes have more than doubled!

[Talent slightly improved]

[SS-blood phagocytosis→SSS-blood phagocytosis]

[SSS-Blood Devour: Every time you kill any creature, you can get two points of energy. Consuming a certain amount of energy can increase the leader's desired attributes (1028)]


Suddenly, a blood-red light pillar suddenly rose from Lin Xiu's body,

A pleasant sound sounded, and it seemed as if some huge changes had occurred in the body in an instant!


Lin Xiu was surprised. If it hadn't been for this reminder, he would have almost forgotten the existence of this Talent.

This was an inheritance given to him by the strong Demon Race man who sacrificed his life to trick him into leaving.

Given to a SS Level Talent.

But he always felt that this blood Demon Race might have some conspiracy. Although it gained a lot of energy,

But it has never been used.

Unexpectedly, this Talent was suddenly upgraded to SSS Level.

"More than a thousand points of energy..."

Lin Xiu's heart skipped a beat, but she had no intention of using it.

The origin of the Blood Demon is too mysterious, and judging from the news obtained from the underground palace,

The relationship between the Shura Clan and the Blood Demon Race is not as well known to the world. They concealed everything and somehow came to the trial site of the Human Race.

It must contain some shocking secret!

Before he understands these things, he will never dare to use the blood demon's inheritance easily!

"It's three hundred o'clock...why is there no boss yet?"

After closing the Talent attribute bar, Lin Xiu stood up and looked far into the distance.

Countless goblins kept rushing towards him. The sharp blades in his hands had already cut off the grass along the way, which greatly improved his field of vision.

But the goblins that appeared from time to time would still greatly block his sight, making it difficult for him to see the scenery a hundred meters away.


Just when Lin Xiu thought he could only sit here and wait for the two-hour period to come,

Suddenly, a different kind of roar sounded from a distance, and all the goblins nearby trembled.

Obediently take a step back and let out a two-meter-wide Great Dao!

At the end of the Great Dao, a huge creature about three meters tall was shrouded in a layer of red light.

It's rushing this way quickly!


Lin Xiu stared at the visitor with a dumbfounded look on his face, as if everything overlapped with the memory of his previous life.

The Goblin clan...there really is a tauren with a secret that must be told!

"The leader of the Goblin Tribe-Tauren??"

Lin Xiu murmured to himself, although he felt weird,

But the pressure brought by this big boss made him dare not neglect it.

The three-meter-high body is not too big for a monster of this level, but compared to the petite Goblin, it is a giant.

The flashing red light all over his body resembles the Overlord's body, and he charges extremely fast with his head lowered.

The two horns are half a meter long, and the muscles all over the body demonstrate its explosive power.

He holds a long-handled giant ax in his hand, giving people a strong sense of oppression!

Especially when its charge came closer, Lin Xiu's breathing almost stopped!


The tauren stared with eyes as big as copper bells, opened its huge mouth and made a sound like a bell,

The roar brought sound waves that made the air twist and tremble!


Lin Xiu felt that his mind went blank for a moment, and Death Knight activated his control skills to stop him.

However, the tauren's domineering body flashed, completely ignoring its control.

The horns of the bull rushed directly and pierced the Aluminous Shield hard!


Lin Xiu felt as if she had been hit by a train, although not a drop of blood was lost.

But he was dizzy and knocked to pieces!

It finally hit the ground and made a big hole in the grass!


The Minotaur ignored the attacks of Death Knight and Bounty Hunter, adjusted its direction and roared to charge again!

"Damn it, your uncle...your sister, I chopped off his mouth!"

It was the first time that Lin Xiu was so embarrassed. When she got up, she still felt severe pain in her body.

Suddenly he became furious and roared an order,

At the same time, he also took out the White Jade Bone Knife for self-defense, and stared at the minotaur charging again!

"Bone prison!"

"Spatial Swap!"


Death Knight and Bounty Hunter's heroic instinct to protect their masters also made them anxious.

He activated a few control skills one after another, but the tauren was possessed by a hegemonic body.

It is immune to most control effects, and its brutal charge directly smashes the bone prison into pieces!

Spatial Swap lost its effect after a flash of red light on its body, and rushed towards Lin Xiu with unabated force!

"Damn, do you really think I'm a weakling??"

Lin Xiu bowed slightly and held the White Jade Bone Knife in her right hand.

He stared hard at the charging tauren leader!

The Minotaur charges extremely fast and is immune to the skills of Death Knight and Bounty Hunter.

For the two heroes to be unable to catch up with it, it was simply too much coverage!

"It's now!"

The charge of a behemoth that was three meters tall and weighed at least ten tons,

The earth trembled and roared with every step, just like stepping on his heart.

It makes Lin Xiu extremely uncomfortable!

But he still endured everything and stared at the tauren.

When the opponent comes within one meter, lowers his head and prepares to poke him with the horns,

Lin Xiu's eyes flashed, he did not retreat but advanced!

"I'm a sliding shovel...

Lin Xiu drank loudly, and the tauren seemed to understand and couldn't help but lower his head a little lower.

However, the next second, Xiu jumped up and stepped between the tauren's horns with his feet!


A hint of cunning flashed in the tauren leader's eyes, and the tauren suddenly raised its head fiercely,

I want to dress Lin Xiu directly into a candied haws!


Lin Xiu is not afraid of danger, and the physical fitness brought by powerful divine power has improved.

Let him easily complete all the difficult actions in his mind!

The foot gently touched the Minotaur's head, and with the help of its upward force, he was directly ejected.

It landed lightly on the Minotaur's neck!


The tauren was furious, jumping and swinging wildly,

Lin Xiu, however, reached out and grabbed the horn of the bull tightly, clamping her legs tightly around its neck.

No matter how it swings, don’t let go!


The tauren's roar shook the sky, but for such giant creatures, the back and neck were their blind spots.

Sora has a body of force but cannot touch it.

The tauren roared angrily and suddenly jumped up high,

Then he fell on his back, trying to crush Lin Xiu to death!


Lin Xiu's scalp was numb. After all, he had underestimated the intelligence of this boss.

If such a huge thing comes crashing down, it's hard to say whether my lightless shield can block it.

But I will never feel better!

"piss off!"

Lin Xiu had to jump off its neck,

But he couldn't let it go so easily. The White Jade Bone Knife in his hand slashed hard across the horn.

In an instant, a half-meter-long sharp horn was cut off directly from the flesh!


The tauren leader never expected that the horns, one of his most powerful offensive weapons, could be cut off so easily.

In an instant, blood flowed from the wound,

The tauren howled in agony, causing his whole body to twitch!


There was a loud noise, and the entire grassland seemed to tremble.

Lin Xiu turned over and backed away with the horn in his hand, and put his foot on the cow's back.

The whole person's white clothes were fluttering as if he had no weight. He stepped back ten meters and landed on the ground.

And the tauren who had just suffered a heavy blow and was hit hard on the ground,

I couldn't get over it for a while, and the redness on my body seemed to have been severely damaged and disappeared!


Lin Xiu was overjoyed, saying that he would take advantage of his illness to kill him.

With an order, the Death Knight and the bounty hunter rushed over instantly.

The weapon in his hand slashed hard at the immobile tauren!

"All attributes are converted into attacks!"

Lin Xiu calmly activated Divine Level, and the attack of the two heroes skyrocketed to more than 600,000!

With a few cuts in the blink of an eye, the life of the tauren who was so arrogant just now was instantly wiped out!

[Kill: First Grade Rank Nine·Goblin-Tauren Commander]

[Get: Life +50]

[Get: Mana +50]

[Get: Command +50]

[Get: All recovery power +50]

[Obtain: Talent slightly improved]

[Obtain: Goblin's Fury*10

[Obtain: Goblin's Fear*10]

[Acquire: Skill-Savage Crash]



The huge tauren leader just made a mistake and directly received the lunch box.

If anyone sees this battle, they will definitely be scared to death!

Generally speaking, facing a boss of this level, at least several powerful lords must cooperate with each other.

After a long tug of war, it was slowly worn to death!

One mistake can at most result in an extra wave of blood.

Wanting to kill instantly... is something that is simply unthinkable!

"."Damn, so strong!"

However, Lin Xiu was not very satisfied. This battle exposed many of his shortcomings.

There are too few main troops, and only two heroes have good combat power.

Without the coordination of Ordinary's units that can be used to contain them, the battle will be very difficult.

But there is no other way. The Ordinary lord needs to upgrade the Ordinary troops because they cannot replace the troops in a short time.

But Lin Xiu’s synthetic talent is destined to only take the Elite route.

As long as there are more than two units of the same level, a high-level unit can be synthesized.

Show stronger combat power!

It takes a lot of effort to cultivate a batch of Ordinary troops, and then you have to start from scratch once you combine them.

It’s really not cost-effective.

"We need to build a few units with hard control skills..."

Lin Xiu thought thoughtfully, control is a very important skill,

Whether it is fighting, chasing or escaping, those with control skills will definitely have a higher success rate.

Especially during battles, when there are many people on the opposite side, there are many cooperative control skills.

You can completely encircle and kill stronger enemies without any damage!

But if you encounter a bully skill like a tauren... Ordinary's control skill will be ineffective.

More powerful hard control is needed!

"The controller of the undead... seems to have taken the time to recruit them!"

Lin Xiu took out the Necromancer Hero Crystal that had been put aside for a long time. If I remember correctly,

This hero has hard control skills that ignore all defenses!

"Synthesize several super-level soul reapers...and then recruit the undead controllers!"

Lin Xiu secretly made a plan in his heart, and now Talent Two-in-One has risen to the Supreme Level.

This can be achieved without sticking to the racial restrictions of military units.

But he was not in a hurry now. He was thinking about it all over again.

While starting to look at the loot.

The tauren boss is actually a strong man of First Grade Rank Nine.

If you get a little stronger, you can reach Second Grade. At that time, your strength will definitely improve significantly!

When a boss dies, the spicy harvest will be five times that of a goblin.

The improvement of attributes is still secondary. Goblin's anger directly superimposes 10 layers.

It has reached the 350th floor, and the effect seems to be wider.

The radius of the red light has reached more than thirty meters!

From a distance, it looks like a huge red sphere, looking like the sun has fallen to the earth.

But there was another layer of buff, which made Lin Xiu a little curious.

[Fear of Goblins (10): Killing the Goblin boss brings a certain amount of fear to the Goblins, and the attributes of the Goblins within their own range are reduced by 10%]

"The rage of the goblin, the fear of the goblin! Swish!"

Lin Xiu touched the back of his head, and the two buffs were superimposed on each other at the same time.

It's quite interesting.

"If you add up the goblin's anger..."

Lin Xiu looked a little weird, one was attracting the goblins,

One is to greatly reduce the attributes of Goblin... This is a bug!

Deceive the pigs and then kill them??


Lin Xiu looked weird and could only comment like this,

In addition, the tauren also has one more skill.

[Brutal collision]

[Hero Skills]

[Requirements for use: Knight heroes]

[Launch a brutal collision, quickly collide with the target, and cause an additional 15% of your own life damage to all enemies in a straight line. The control effect ignores magic immunity]

"Hard control!"

Lin Xiu's eyes lit up, she was really dozing off and met the pillow.

Just now I was thinking that I didn’t have the hard control skill, but I turned around and got one!

Although the duration is short, it is still under control!

It comes with 15% of its own life as damage... This is simply tailor-made for Death Knight!

An attribute conversion spell directly increases the Death Knight's life to more than 600,000.

Fifteen percent is also close to 100,000 damage... Any existence within the Second Grade,

If you're hit like this, you'll be crippled even if you're not dead!

Just go back and hit the target again, you have to go when the boss comes!

"Kill them all!"

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