Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 106 The Third Level Secret Realm! Central Star Domain War Temple!



Dozens of guardian beasts were all wiped out in less than two seconds.

Especially Death Knight's three-consecutive stabbing record was obviously the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Even Qin Mingyue couldn't help but tremble, her legs softened and she fell to her knees!

"You...you...how could you be so strong??"

Li Qinghua also had a pale face. He took a few steps back and fell to the ground.

His whole body was as limp as noodles, and he looked at Lin Xiu with dull eyes.

Mumbling to himself, I don’t know what to say.


Lin Xiu glanced at the two of them coldly, completely losing interest in talking to these second-generation people who did not know how to live or die.

He gave the order coldly!


Death Knight immediately took the order and moved, dragging the Weeping Blood Blade from the ground.

Suddenly there was a crisp sound of metal collision. This sound,

It also instantly awakened the two desperate people!

"No...Brother Lin...spare my life...you can't kill me..."

Qin Mingyue couldn't hold on any longer and started to beg for mercy, rolling and crawling.

Tears flowed down her pretty face, and the drops on her chest felt cold for a while.

But it also made her eyes light up, as if she saw some hope!

"Let me go... Spare my life and I will do whatever you want..."

Qin Mingyue moved her knees on the ground, trying to stay away from Death Knight while quickly unbuttoning her shirt.

Her fair skin and impressive figure almost blinded Lin Xiu!

"Lin...Brother Lin...Brother Lin is still a virgin~"

Qin Mingyue tried her best in her life and looked at Lin Xiu charmingly,

Licking the corner of his mouth with his red tongue, he looked at Lin Xiu shyly,

Shake her body a little and act coquettishly, such a charming lady with childlike face and big breasts,

Anyone who sees it will be unable to walk!


Lin Xiu's mouth was dry and she swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

For the first time, I saw what real rough waves are!

Lin Xiu unconsciously took a few steps forward, reached out and pinched Qin Mingyue's fair face,

His hands slid down slightly.


Qin Mingyue groaned softly in pain. The feeling she had never felt before made her proud heart filled with shame and anger.

However, in order to survive, she had to make such sacrifices!

Suppressing the shame and anger in her heart, Qin Mingyue was secretly happy,

In the past, I had a noble status and there was no need to sell my body in exchange for any information or resources.

This is the first time she has experienced the power of her body!

"Even if you are as strong as Lin Xiu, you still have to bow down to this girl..."

Qin Mingyue's face turned red, but she couldn't help but feel proud in her heart, and even began to have wild thoughts.

I fantasize about using my beauty to control Lin Xiu in the future and let him be used by me,

Use his power to reach the top.


Just as she was thinking about it, the sudden feeling of a foreign object intruding made her whole body tremble!


Li Qinghua watched this scene happen, and Qin Mingyue suddenly found a glimmer of hope.

But I had no intention of admiring the spring scenery in front of me, my mind was thinking desperately,

I was thinking about what trump cards I could have in exchange for a chance to survive, but I didn't expect the opportunity.

Instead, an unexpected movement disturbed Lin Xiu!

"Kill him!"

Lin Xiu stopped what he was doing for a moment, glanced at Li Qinghua lightly and ordered.

"No...you can't kill me...my uncle is from the Privy Council...I can give you money, lots and lots of money..."

With such a light word, Li Qinghua suddenly felt like he was dying!

Shouting and praying at the top of one’s lungs,

"I'll give you treasures...books of command...high-level skills...undead! There are also undead, I know there are many undead there..."

Li Qinghua shivered and backed away, pretending to be crazy and shouting,

Seeing the Death Knight getting closer and closer, the bright red blade is like the sickle of death,

He finally collapsed completely!

"Haha...Lin Xiu, son...you are dead...if you kill me, you will die..."

"Kill Tan Hongli... you are doomed... He has Lord Xingyao behind him, and no one can save you"!

"You have ruined the alliance's good deeds and ruined the temple plan. I, the Heavenly King, will not be able to save you even if I come..."

"You're dead!! Even if you kill me, you won't survive..."

Li Qinghua shouted at the top of his lungs, sometimes crying and sometimes laughing,

He looked crazy with disheveled hair, but when the Death Knight put the Blood-weeping Blade on his neck,

Suddenly, a pool of yellow liquid flowed out from Li Qinghua's lower body, and in an instant, a disgusting stench came.

Lin Xiu's sexual interest suddenly decreased!

"Damn trash, die...!"

Lin Xiu was furious, Death Knight's body shook,

The Weeping Blood Blade fell instantly, and a Gululu head rolled on the ground.

Li Qinghua's screams suddenly stopped!

"I don't know whether I'm dead or not, but you are dead anyway!"

There was a hint of violence in Lin Xiu's eyes. Of course he knew how much trouble he had caused.

These were originally hanging over his head like the sword of Darklimo, but now Li Qinghua said that,

It immediately made him extremely annoyed!


Qin Mingyue watched Gululu rolling, Li Qinghua's head with a dead look on his face,

Her delicate body suddenly trembled, looking at Lin Xiu with reddish eyes,

He forced a smile.


Lin Xiu turned around suddenly, staring at Qin Mingyue with red eyes,

That white body and proud figure immediately made him feel evil fire rising!

Half an hour later, the familiar feeling came out again,

The gravity that she had become accustomed to surged again. Lin Xiu finished packing the items in the treasure box on the ground.

After tidying up his clothes, he exited the hall directly, leaving only two corpses behind.

Maybe when the next Secret Realm opens in a thousand years, someone will come here by chance and witness the fighting today!

Qin Mingyue miscalculated after all, or she should blame herself for being unlucky.

A proud figure and a pitiful expression can easily arouse a man's desire for protection.

Even in the worst case, there is a chance to save one's life!

However, the curse before Li Qinghua's death undoubtedly aroused the demon in Lin Xiu's heart.

He only needs a way to vent his tyranny. Unfortunately,

Qin Mingyue happened to become this tool!

Even if she tried her best to cater to her despite the pain of losing her body, and served her in every possible way,

Lin Xiu, who experienced being soft-hearted and being trapped last time, has already become determined to kill all threats!

A beautiful woman of this generation cannot escape death even after dedicating her all to herself!

It's just that she, who died after having her soul energy drained away, is undoubtedly more decent than Li Qinghua and Pang Shanshan.

"If I'm to blame, I blame you for not provoking me again and again..."

Lin Xiu looked cold and murmured to himself,

Turn around and leave without looking back!

Click, click, click!

On the third level, Secret Realm, the environment is still this environment.

The Secret Realm, filled with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, is simply a paradise. The entire continent is rising rapidly at this moment.

The huge gravity keeps skyrocketing, increasing tenfold from the second level of Secret Realm!

Twenty times....

Thirty times…………

Forty times…………



The continent trembles, the earth cracks,

The grass is withered and yellow, the flowers and birds are mourning,

When the continent stopped, a hundred times the force of gravity exploded,

In an instant, the flowers and plants in the entire Secret Realm were forced to press hard against the ground.

The invisible huge pressure caused these plants to quickly turn yellow and wither.

It turned into withered grass in a very short period of time and was then crushed into dust by gravity and dissipated into the earth!

Click click click…………

The sudden increase in gravity to a hundred times caught Lin Xiu off guard.

He was directly pressed to the ground alive!

The bones all over the body were rattling, and the Death Knight and the bounty hunter were not much better either.

The bones and joints seemed to be falling off, but the undead controller was still a soul body.

There is no feeling.


Lin Xiu took a deep breath and slowly stood up, with surging divine power flowing through her body.

Soothing the discomfort caused by the sudden tenfold increase in gravity.

"It takes at least four thousand divine powers to resist and adapt to this level of Secret Realm!"

Lin Xiu sensed it slightly and murmured to himself.

[Enter the third level of Holy Spirit Secret Realm]

[Get: Permanent +4 (20) life/mana/command power per minute, permanent recovery +1 (20)/minute]

[Tip: The deeper you enter the Secret Realm, the higher the bonus]

[Tip: You can stay in each level for up to two hours. When it expires, you can enter the refresh time of the next level. If you are unable to enter, you will be kicked out of Secret Realm]

The pleasant sound sounded, Lin Xiu looked around but did not find Tang Feixuan's figure.

This made him feel a little disappointed.

"There are no natural enemies. If you don't take risks, you won't be in danger. At most, you will be eliminated..."

Lin Xiu murmured, not too worried,

Tang Feixuan's strength is not bad either. Compared to Li Qinghua and others, she is even stronger.

Although the super-level troops died when Secret Realm was opened, a World Tree hero was obtained by clearing the dungeon when Secret Realm was on the first level.

Even if the strength is not very high due to the insufficient level of other arms, it must not be underestimated!

As long as he can't provoke the native monsters like him, there won't be any danger.

Tang Feixuan is not a vase after all!

Before meeting him, he was a person who made Han Dufeng and the other three people change their minds after hearing about him!

Putting away his thoughts, Lin Xiu stopped thinking too much,

The gravity on the third level is too great, and the environment is completely different from before.

All the flowers, plants and trees disappeared, replaced only by the scorched yellow ground!

The field of vision is much wider, and I can clearly see the monsters in the distance that belong to the third secret realm!

He is still a goblin, but his body is getting shorter and shorter.

There is a strange blue light shield on his body, which makes him look much stronger.

However, Lin Xiu's eyes lit up. The benefits gained from killing this monster made him appreciate the taste of the marrow.

Where are these vicious monsters?

This is obviously a little bit of Baihuahua’s attributes!

"Little darling...I'm here!"

Lin Xiu's eyes lit up and he quickly rushed towards the location of the monster.

Before anyone arrives, the bounty hunter, Death Knight, and Master of the Undead have already arrived!

"Soul-Chasing Thorn!"


"Death Pulse!"

All humans in the entire Holy Spirit Secret Realm have been killed, and Lin Xiu no longer has any scruples.

The three heroes rushed to take action. In an instant, countless goblins didn't even make a sound.?

He was instantly killed on the spot!

[Get: Life +30]

[Get: Mana +30]

[Get: Command +30]


Alerts sounded one after another, and Lin Xiu followed happily, enjoying the pleasure of rapidly improving attributes.

But at this time, he didn't know that countless powerful people in the outside world had already caused a huge quarrel!

The Trial of Lords has been a major event in the entire Human Race over the years!

From the Holy City Family and the Human Race Temple to the eliminated lords, traffickers and pawns,

Attention to all!

Even if there is a chance, everyone will put aside all their work to watch the Newcomer King Challenge, which represents the top combat power in this trial!

Every Rookie King Challenge is bound to be accompanied by extremely fierce battles.

It was a peak combat power that far exceeded that of the eliminated lords, and every move made them envious!

Although for the strong, Bronze Dingtian, White Silver Level and other challenges are nothing,

But they are the future of Human Race, representing the status of mankind in the starry battlefield for a long time to come.

Even the powerful people who stand at the top of the Human Race pyramid will take the time to pay attention as long as they have time!

The situation during the trial cannot be watched, but the Rookie King Challenge is actually an activity after the trial.

It is a stage that belongs exclusively to the strong men in this year’s trial. Tiandao specially broadcast it.

All Human Races are welcome to come and watch!

It's just a few hours later than the live broadcast.

"."General Tan, is this Leng Sun? He is indeed a young and promising man with outstanding talents!"

The Star Wars Temple in the north of the central Star Domain town was packed with guests.

The middle-aged man at the top is wearing armor and has an extraordinary bearing. His aura is restrained but not angry or intimidating.

Just sitting there makes people dare not look up, and there seems to be an invincible fighting spirit permeating the air.

It’s enough to scare most people away!

In the middle of the main hall, a picture emerged in the void,

The official Newcomer Challenge is here!

The nine participants stood together on the ring, either standing confidently with their hands behind their backs or looking around.

At that time, the three members of the Holy City family gave up one after another. Tan Hongli expressed his filial piety with a deep feeling in his chest.

Several other people praised it and gave it up!

The next person with a similar temperament looked at the picture with admiration. He couldn't help but stand up and bowed his watch to the person in charge.

Although his strength and status are not inferior to Tan Siyan, Tan Siyan has had constant opportunities in recent years.

Winning several battles in succession and making great contributions to Human Race,

Even the Holy Temple personally awarded the Medal of the God of War, which gave their Zhennan Army a lot of face.

Won the general's favor!

Their other generals also had to keep their head down!

Coupled with Tan Siyan's overwhelming luck, it coincides with the start of this year's Human Race.

There is a grandson who happens to be of the right age (money is good) and is selected as a temple representative to enter the Holy Spirit Secret Realm and start the Holy Spirit inheritance.

The general took the opportunity to adopt him as his adopted grandson, which can be said to be a closer relationship.

They and other generals had to retreat three times!

"Haha... General Shen is joking. How dare a young boy take the initiative to fight for the new master?

"It is absolutely inappropriate to compete with the people for profit!!"

Although Tan Siyan has reached the thousandth birthday, he looks like just a middle-aged man.

He stroked his non-existent beard and pretended to be angry and said,

"It's all my faulty teachings that make all my colleagues laugh!"

Tan Siyan is so humble, so the people below will naturally appreciate him.

They all stood up and handed over their hands, saying that the general was serious!

"The general is serious, and your son is very filial. Maybe he is not considerate... But young people, who is not frivolous when they are young?"

Chen Mao waved his hand and cursed the old fox in his heart,

But I still had to hand it up the steps.

"If I had Lingsun's strength when I was young, I might be crazier than him, hahaha!


The people around him chuckled, and Tan Siyan sat down with satisfaction.

Rarely satisfied with their response.

"Yeah? Why don't you see anyone from the Fang family? Could it be that you didn't even get the quota?"

"Haha, after all, the trend is coming... It's normal to have some talent!"

"The grandson of General Tan really has the demeanor of a general! He retreats between the enemy and the palm while talking and laughing!"

"That's right! You can tell at a glance that you have learned the true story of General Tan! He is planning a decisive victory thousands of miles away!"

"Yeah? Who is this person? Does he still want to compete with Mr. Tan?"

"Haha...they're just people who don't know whether to live or die!"

"Look, the battle is about to begin!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk...this musket array is truly perfect for someone of this age!"


A group of people were blowing rainbow farts, some looking at the picture,

Everyone knows that the main event is coming later, and now they are just trying to flatter Tan Siyan.

However, as the battle progressed, the atmosphere suddenly became a little weird!

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