Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 141: Formation Inheritance! The Four Directions Mysterious Thunder Formation!

Shadi took the order and left. As the young master of the Fox clan,

Infinitely charming, he is like a star in Human Race,

The licking dogs are all over the human race, and even many young masters in the King Clan are her loyal licking dogs!

It’s so easy to attract other people here!

Lin Xiu skillfully operates the Blood God Manual, and the blood brought by hundreds of high-quality corpses even exceeds the previous two times!

The surging divine power is swimming in the body, and the blood is constantly condensing the essence in the body,

The essence and blood all over the body are like substance, and the sound is like thunder!


The ground collapsed, and Lin Xiu's muscles all over his body seemed to explode.

The whole person is like a ferocious humanoid beast, with a powerful breath blowing towards his face.

The extreme impact brought by these rich qi and blood almost formed a physical realm!

What flows through the body are drops of blood as heavy as a thousand quintessences. He looks small in stature.

But the weight is unimaginable!

[Get: Divine power +100000]

Ten minutes later, this practice finally ended.

A pleasant reminder sounded, and Lin Xiu took a breath and stood up slowly.

The bones all over the body were crackling like firecrackers!

"Supernatural power, eight hundred thousand!"

Lin Xiu's face showed joy. This Blood God's Heavenly Scripture is troublesome.

But it’s very efficient!

I only practiced three or four times today, and my divine power has soared to 800,000.

If there is a sufficient supply of high-quality blood, the increase in strength will be unimaginable!

"Recruit! Netherworld Wraith Emperor!"

After practicing, Lin Xiu looked at the corpses and bones lying on the ground,

These materials cannot be wasted. The quality of Shadi’s dog licking is super high.

The followers are far stronger than the white elephant and golden lion in terms of strength and number.

A wave of recruitment directly integrated Death Knight into Fourth Grade!

"Finally caught up..."

Lin Xiu sighed and was slightly surprised. The unit of Fourth Grade corresponded to the Platinum Lord.

Moreover, the strength of the synthesized Death Knight far exceeds that of ordinary Fourth Grade heroes. Each time it is synthesized, there is a certain chance of obtaining an entry.

The Death Knight synthesized into Fourth Grade went through hundreds of synthesis, and the length of the entries is simply staggering!

Lin Xiu's crazy killing caused the Death Knight's level to soar, reaching Iv120.

The total number of thinking attributes is over 10 million!

Lin Xiu felt that the luxurious attributes were a bit exaggerated!

"Sure enough, the power of the undead lord must be based on crazy killing"!"

Lin Xiu murmured, her eyes cold,

I have heard in the past that many powerful undead people often come to certain small tribes to kill them in order to develop.

Human Race is so famous in this battlefield,

Their undead lords are indispensable!

"When your strength is insufficient, it is also a good choice to follow the large army to the battlefield!"

Lin Xiu's eyes flickered, thinking about future development plans.

But before he could think of the reason, he sensed Shadi's aura!

This witch is really efficient.

Thirty kilometers away, there was a large group of people being led by Shadi and heading towards this direction at great speed!

Lin Xiu felt it for a moment and was shocked.

This woman didn't know what method she used to find two orc legions!

"Snake tribe and ant tribe??"

Lin Xiu frowned slightly, feeling happy and worried at the same time.

I am happy that my income has doubled, but I am worried that there are so many people.

He is a little unsure!

He was confident against one team, but facing two at the same time,

There are inevitably some risks!

"Set up the formation!"

While thinking about it, Lin Xiu suddenly had an idea,

Formation is a special branch. In Human Race, there are dedicated lords of the formation system.

It is also a type of special lord, extremely powerful.

It is also famous in the starry sky battlefield!

You can deal with the enemy by arranging various magical formations. The disadvantage is that it takes a little time to deal with the environment and timing.

But the advantages are also obvious, and the power is extremely amazing!

If there is enough time and expensive materials, a platinum lord can even attack and kill Sixth Grade or even Seventh Grade experts by arranging formations!

He can't do such a magical formation,

But Heavenly Dipper, the Third Highness passed down to him, knows a thing or two!

This extraordinary talent in Shura Clan has a vision beyond imagination.

When the Human Race first emerged, when the big clan didn't take it seriously, he had already noticed this race!

At that time, he had already started working on his reincarnation plan,

And the bloody Demon Race, which made Myriad Races horrified and terrified, no one knew that it was actually just a product of his plan!

It is no exaggeration to say that Human Race has not had much contact with blood, Demon Race,

Actually it was born because of Human Race!

In addition, Heavenly Dipper has quietly captured many Human Race strongmen,

After in-depth study of the characteristics of various lords in Human Race, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages,

This is why he quickly mastered and used Talent after taking over Lin Xiu's body!

With his strong strength and noble status, he has done many experiments,

It is no exaggeration to say that the research on the various lords of Human Race is not much worse than that of the top leaders of Human Race!

As for the lord of the formation system, he has also dabbled a little.

I even tried to learn formation methods and conducted various experiments.

Unfortunately, they all ended in failure!

According to his speculation, it should be the difference between Human Race's special identity and divine power.

There was some factor inside that he couldn't understand, which was the key to the success of the formation.

In the end, after countless experiments, I had to give up this idea.

But at this moment, Lin Xiu couldn't help but think of,

Heavenly Dipper, as Shura Clan, cannot form a formation, but as Human Race II

Maybe there is a possibility of success!

Just do it if you think of it!

Lin Xiu took action immediately. He chose a formation called the Sifang Xuanlei Formation.

This kind of Fifth Grade formation is equivalent to the Fifth Grade unit among the lord units.

But it depends on the special power of the formation. If its power is maximized,

Even enough to kill the Seventh Grade strong man!

'''''々If the arrangement can be successful, then this wave will be stable!"

Lin Xiu murmured and immediately started to take action.

First, arrange the formation. The most important thing is the material used as the formation eye.

The higher the grade of this material, the more powerful the formation will be and the more stable the formation will be.

Lin Xiu previously obtained a lot of high-quality materials from the Holy Spirit (good) Secret Realm, including a treasure-level thousand-year lightning strike wood.

It has three attributes: thunder, wood, and fire, which is just right for mantras!

"Thousand-year-old lightning struck wood to make the formation eye! Take three water wave stones, four earth Spirit Stones, five wind wave stones and six flames to anchor the four directions!"

"One more phantom sound stone to make the formation skin... Done!"

Lin Xiu carefully recalled the memory of Heavenly Dipper. The former Heavenly Dipper had done many experiments.

I also collected various precious materials and made almost every formation exactly the same as that of the formation lord!

With his most powerful and peak demigod realm cultivation, he ensures that there are no mistakes at all, and even inputting divine power can run smoothly.

Only at the moment when the formation started, it seemed as if there was some kind of barrier. Failure!

He checked it over and over again to make sure there was nothing wrong with the arrangement.

Then he slowly stood up and mobilized the holy light power in his body,

Input it towards the Thousand-Year Lightning Strike Wood in the center of the formation!


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