Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 153 Yes, Maybe... I Can Go To [The Land Of Fallen Gods]

But as time goes by, Tianji will soon return to normal.

At that time, many powerful demigods will definitely use their own methods to deduce the secrets and locate the whereabouts of the longevity fruit.

At that time, even if Lin Xiu had sealed the longevity fruit, they could still find it easily.

But now, Lin Xiu cannot use the blood demon method, otherwise, it will be easier to be deduced.

As for Shura combat skills, although they can be used, they are not safe.

Lin Xiu used [Lingyun Xiuwu Externally Possessed Soul] and displayed [Xiaoyaoyou], which was a moderate burst, soared into the sky, and the late rest was thousands of miles away.

But in just a short moment, it was already outside the range of the Forbidden Forest.

However, after leaving the range of the Forbidden Forest, Lin Xiu not only did not feel that he was safe, but instead felt that the pressure on his heart became more intense.

That feeling was like a stone pressing on his heart, as if it was going to crush his heart and made his breathing become a little hurried.

"Okay, the secret has begun to return to normal. Those demigods have already calculated based on the breath of the longevity fruit. I'm afraid it won't be long before they capture me!"

"I have to find a way to get out of here first!"

While Lin Xiu was flying by at extremely high speed, he was also thinking quickly about countermeasures.

Right now, it is obviously impossible to enter the giant city governed by the Beast Human Race and then leave here through the teleportation array.

However, if you continue to escape like this, you will inevitably be pursued by the powerful demigods.

The only way now is to leave this space as soon as possible.

You must know that the starry sky battlefield is vast and has different levels of plane space.

No matter how powerful a demigod is, he cannot move from one spatial plane to another in an instant.

That is something only true gods can do!

Therefore, if you want to travel from one space plane to another within a short period of time, you can only use the teleportation array!

Now, as long as Lin Xiu can find a teleportation array at random, teleport to another space in the starry sky battlefield, and then continue teleporting, then...

…Please give me flowers…………

Even if those powerful demigods have various means to deduce the whereabouts of the longevity fruit, it is of no use!

Because as time and distance lengthen, the aura left behind by the longevity fruit will slowly dissipate and cease to exist!

But the key now is, where to find the teleportation array?!

"Yes, maybe...I can go to [The Land of Fallen Gods]!"


Lin Xiu's eyes flickered, and a place about the starry sky battlefield emerged in his mind!

The land of fallen gods!!

According to legend, it was the place where a god fell. Because the resentment was too deep, the blood of the god spilled merged with the resentment, forming a Jedi on the starry sky battlefield!

In the Jedi, the secret has become extremely chaotic!

At the same time, countless evil creatures were born here [Extreme Darkness!

Anyone who enters it, without any exception, will be torn into pieces by evil creatures!

As for how terrifying it is...

Someone once saw an Eighth Grade star-level lord entering the Land of the Fallen God alone. Within a few days, his miserable screams were heard. .

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