Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 267 You Are Right, It Is Indeed Like This

"You mean, you have to enter that energy vortex now to start the decisive battle?"

Looking at God's Dew Seven, Lin Xiu frowned slightly and said this.

Shen Zhiwu Qi nodded slightly, and then said: "You are right, it is indeed like this."

"Because this place of decisive battle was opened by integrating the power of inheritance inherited by the successors of the Black Dew Clan, so it has a time limit."

"If you do not enter the decisive battle within the limited time, it will be regarded as giving up the qualification to participate in the successor. In that case...

Having said this, God's Mist Seven's face became very ugly, and there was even a look of shock in his eyes: 1540 will be directly obliterated!"

God's Mist Qi's words made Lin Xiu frown.

He could tell that God's Dew Seven was not joking.

The issue is………………

This place of decisive battle actually looks like this?!

What the hell is going on?!

Suddenly, Lin Xiu had a strange feeling in his heart.

Because he found that this seemed to reveal something strange.

It's just that he couldn't find out where the weirdness happened for a while.

At that moment, Lin Xiu asked again: "If it is true what you said, then do you know what will happen in the decisive battle place?"

"Are there any rules for a decisive battle?"

These questions raised by Lin Xiu made Shen Zhiwu Qi shake his head: "I don't know."

"Don't know?" Lin Xiu raised his eyebrows in surprise when he heard this.

To be honest, the answer given by Shen Zhiwu Qi was something that Lin Xiu did not expect at all.

He originally thought that God's Dew Seven would have some understanding of this decisive battle place.

As a result, he actually told him that he didn’t know?

Is it so magical?

Lin Xiu instinctively believed that Shen Zhiwu Qi was lying.

But the question is, does he need to lie?

Even if you tell such a lie, what's the point? (cdfil

And looking at his eyes and expression, it didn't look like he was lying.

At this time, God's Mist Seven also opened his mouth to explain: "That's right, this place of decisive battle will not be opened until I absorb God's Mist Three, and there are memories of the place of decisive battle. It was also unlocked because of this. Before that, I had no idea that such a thing existed!"

Hearing the words of God's Mist Seven, Lin Xiu narrowed his eyes and thought to himself: "It seems that even this dead Black Mist God has done a lot of things!

At this moment, Lin Xiu finally knew what was strange.

That was about how after the death of the Black Dew God, his consciousness was torn into seven pieces and he became the successor of the Black Dew God Clan.

Logically speaking, if the black male god really wants to cultivate a successor, then there is no need to go back to foreign countries.

Wouldn't it be enough to directly integrate all of one's own inheritance into the consciousness of these successors? Why go to such trouble to do these things?

The only possibility is this black mist god......

Has other purposes!

It can even be said that this Black Mist God may not have completely fallen!

Otherwise, Kunxiu really can't think of any other problems. .

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