Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 279: Could This Guy... Be Telling The Truth?

God's Mist Seven looked at the Prodigy who was wrapped in black mist, and said these words indifferently.

Immediately afterwards, he clenched his palm slightly, and with a "bang" sound, the Prodigy's body exploded and turned into a ball of blood mist.

The wreckage and blood splattered on the ground shocked many Myriad Races Prodigy present.

They had no idea that this seemingly immature boy would actually possess such a magical "540" power!

Isn’t this too scary?!

None of them could figure out how this guy did it!

Suddenly, these Myriad Races Prodigy looked at God's Mist Seven and became very wary.

Seeing the vigilance in the eyes of these Myriad Races Prodigy, a look of contempt appeared in the eyes of God's Mist Seven.

He slowly raised his hands.

The next second, at the feet of each Myriad Races Prodigy, a black mist emerged, directly enveloping their bodies!

"What?! This can't be——"

"When exactly did this happen to me?"

"Damn it, what the hell is this?!"

"I can't break free!"

"what to do?!"

"Is everything this guy.........is true?!"

Suddenly, each of the many Myriad Races Prodigy at the scene was controlled by the Seventh Mist of God and was completely unable to move.

Lin Xiu, who was standing behind Shen Zhiwu Qi, saw this scene and his pupils shrank sharply.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that this God's Mist Seven actually had such an ability.

This is how one person controls everything!

Now he really means what he said.

The lives of these Myriad Races Prodigy are all in the palm of his hand.

"It's just that this kid didn't actually think about dealing with me, which is really interesting!"

Lin Xiu was thinking secretly in his heart.

After all, the life mark of God's Mist Seven is in Lin Xiu's hands, although God's Seven has now broken through to a higher level.

But it's still under Lin Xiu's control.

If God's Mist Seven can really use power at will...

Lin Xiu didn't believe that the Seven Gods of Mist didn't want to break away from his hands and gain freedom.

Of course God's Mist Seven has thought about it and has taken action for it...

However, God's Mist Qi discovered that his power... did not have any effect on Lin Xiu.

This shocked Shen Zhiqi's heart.

You know, after he entered the place of decisive battle, he began to absorb all the memories about the place of decisive battle, as well as many inheritance powers.

The floating land where he is now is equivalent to the territory of God's Mist Seven.

On this site, he can do whatever he wants.

He is the master.

Therefore, in other words, Lin Xiu should have become a chess piece in the Garden of Gods when he was on this land.

It can be controlled at will.

Therefore, after digesting the memories of the successors of 5.7 in the decisive battle place, God's Fog Seven immediately launched an attack on Lin Xiu, hoping to quietly solve it in an instant.

The results of it?

No response!

God's Mist Seven thought he had made a mistake.

But after he tried it again, he found that there was still no way to succeed!

This made God's Mist Seven understand something. .

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