"Are you surprised?"

"Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu, this is the secret of my Wind Clan, and it is a truly forbidden method!"

"Even if you possess the inheritance of the Holy Light God, you will never be able to compete with the power of the ancient wind demon!!"

That's right, the forbidden technique performed by Feng Lingtian is called the Heaven-Sacrifice Wind Magic, which is similar to a summoning technique.

What it summons is a trace of power from the ancient wind demon.

In ancient times, there was a period of time that was the glorious era of the devil.

Their strength is extremely terrifying, and it is difficult for other gods to compete with them.

The Wind Demon Tribe was a very powerful race back then.

However, the subsequent rise of the gods destroyed all the demons and gods!

It was also because of this that the Wind Demon God Clan disappeared, leaving only the Wind God Clan.

However, many taboo methods related to the Wind Demon Clan were left behind and stored in the Wind Clan.

But because these are taboo methods, unless they are the most core members, they are inaccessible.

Logically speaking, although Feng Lingtian is the favored son of heaven, it is impossible for him to have access to these core secrets.

I don't know how he knew it and cultivated it.

After hearing Feng Lingtian's words, Lin Xiu, whose consciousness was locked in his mind, was really shocked.

Is this Feng Lingtian crazy?

He actually wanted to draw in the power of the wind demon from ancient times.

If this goes wrong, it is very likely that the ancient wind demon will break time and space and come across!

At that time, it will really be a huge disaster!

You need to know why Human Race works so hard to improve. In addition to dealing with the suppression of Myriad Races today, more importantly, it has to face the demonic disaster in the future!

The main culprit of the demon disaster is these Demon Race!!

As a result, Feng Lingtian, a bastard, actually wanted to draw the power of the ancient wind demon to deal with him. Is this crazy?!

However, Feng Lingtian has lost his mind because he wants to kill Lin Xiu.

After all, it is simply impossible to suppress Lin Xiu using ordinary means.

Rather than being like this, it’s better to give it a try!

Because Feng Lingtian needs to consume his own life essence to summon the power of the ancient wind demon.


By the time he was summoned, Feng Lingtian actually had very little life left.

This is a way to kill everyone in one move.


An oppressive growl slowly came out from the energy vortex, and then a huge palm, exuding terrifying black demonic energy, slowly reached out and grabbed Lin Xiu's direction.

"Damn it, move it!"

Feeling that the giant Great Demon's hand in front of him was getting closer and closer to himself, Lin Xiu screamed angrily in his heart, wanting to activate the Holy Light Bone to break this restricting power.

However, although the Holy Light Bone is powerful, it is still not enough to face the power of the ancient Demon Race!

Not to mention, the current Holy Light Bone has flaws!

Seeing the Great Demon grabbing Lin Xiu step by step, Feng Lingtian's face was filled with a proud smile: "Die! Lin Xiu, hahahaha..."

As he said these words, Feng Lingtian's face also quickly withered and his skin shrank, but in the blink of an eye, he turned into a twilight old man.

However, this did not prevent Feng Lingtian from being excited. .

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