"What? Are you so cowardly that no one comes up to fight me?"

"It seems that you guys are all useless and cowards!"

After hearing this Prodigy's words, many Prodigy from the Seven Fog of God camp suddenly became angry.

Are you kidding me?!

They are all Prodigy!

In the clan, they are all top-notch beings, how could they be cowards and losers?

Such words directly made many Prodigy in the Seven Fog of God camp unable to sit still any longer.

"Damn it, who do you think you are?!"

"Just because of you, I can beat you ten times!" 23 "Come on, come on, I want to let you bastard know who is the loser!"

"let me!"

All of a sudden, these Prodigy began to scramble and clamor to get up.

But at this time, a figure had already flashed out and jumped onto the ring.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on, just do it!"

This is a boy from the cat tribe with sharp eyes and a Seventh Grade state.

The opponent's Prodigy is a mountain man with very strong muscles and looks difficult to deal with.

Prodigy from the Mountain Tribe saw that the person on stage was actually a boy from the Cat Tribe. He couldn't help laughing wildly. His eyes were full of sarcasm and he said coldly: "So, your camp sent such a thin boy to fight with me?"

"You really look down on me..."

As for the many Prodigy from the Seventh Fog of God camp, they couldn't help but scream when they saw this.

"I'll go, when did this kid go up?"

"No, why are you a cat tribe going up there?"

"You are tired of living, are you planning to die first?"

However, at this time, after the mountain man finished saying these words, he stepped hard on the ground with the soles of his feet. With a "bang", he punched out, bursting out with a violent and unparalleled power. , like a hill, directly bombarded the cat tribe boy.

When the cat tribe boy saw this, his eyes were sharp, and he dodged the mountain tribe man's fist in a flash.

Immediately afterwards, he swayed on the ring with very agile movement.

It's just that within a short period of time, countless figures have appeared all around, making it unclear who among them is the real person.

"Interesting! But, do you think you can deal with me using such a trick?"

When the mountain man saw this, he twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, forming a very ferocious smile. Then he clenched his hands, bent his knees slightly, and then hit the ground hard with his fist.


An unparalleled force burst out from the mountain man's fist, and then formed a wave of energy that spread out on the ground. 330 At that moment, wherever the energy wave went, it hit the figures of the cat tribe teenagers.

The figure of the cat tribe boy could not withstand the impact of the energy wave, and then dissipated after shaking slightly.

In the end, only a figure was left, and it fell hard to the ground.

"Boy, suffer death!"

Seeing the cat tribe boy who had revealed his true form, the mountain tribe man looked ferocious, roared, and then moved out, appearing in front of the cat tribe boy. His punch contained very violent power, and he struck hard. Bomb away!


The mountain man's fist hit him hard. .

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