Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 343: The Master Is Indeed A Master, He Actually Solved This Puzzle In Two Or Three Times.

It seems very out of order and irregular.

However, after Lin Xiu saw this pattern, he couldn't help but squinted his eyes and murmured softly: "Nine-square grid?"

Hearing Lin Xiu's words, Shen Zhiwu Qi asked: "Master, do you know this thing?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiu nodded gently: "Well, this thing is what we tried in the last level. "Seven Sixty" "Huh?"

Lin Xiu's answer caused a look of astonishment to appear on Shen Zhiwu Qi's face. He did not expect that such a thing would happen.

Upon seeing this, Lin Xiu just smiled and said nothing more. Instead, he stretched out his palm and began to decipher the nine-square grid in front of him.

After a while, a clear "click" sound was heard in the void, and then the Nine Palace Grid was untied.

This made a look of shock appear on Shen Zhiwu Qi's face, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Master is indeed a master. He actually solved this puzzle in two or three times."

Hearing the rainbow fart from God's Mist Seven, Lin Xiu kept a calm expression on her face and didn't say much.

After solving the puzzle of Jiugongge, a ray of light shone in the void, and then a fragment appeared, and then floated towards Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu stretched out his palm, took it, and then took a closer look. A look of concealed surprise appeared on his handsome face: "This is... a map?"

That's right, although it's only a small piece, Lin Xiu can clearly identify that this small piece is actually the maze map.

"A map of the maze?"

When Shen Zhiwu Qi heard Lin Xiu's words, a look of surprise appeared on his face. Then he came over and looked carefully, and found that it was really a map.

"So, if you want to get out of the maze, you must get this map?"

God's Mist Seven asked aloud.

After hearing the words of Shen Zhiwu Qi, Lin Xiu also nodded gently, and soon a rather solemn look appeared on his face, and he said softly: "Looking at it like this, there should be nothing wrong, but But what I didn’t expect at all was that if you want to leave the maze, you need a map, which is going to be a problem now..."

"Trouble? Why trouble?"

Lin Xiu's words made Shen Zhiwu Qi show a confused expression on his face, and he asked aloud...

Seeing that God's Mist Qi seemed confused, Lin Xiu opened his mouth and explained aloud: "Think about it, if you really need a maze map to escape from here,

So it is impossible to have a large number of this maze map if you can't walk it all. "

"There are four camps in the maze now. Think about it, if we want to leave here..."

"This means that in 3.2, we have to compete with people from other camps, because they can definitely get the map fragments!"

Before Lin Xiu could finish his last sentence, Shen Zhiwu Qi had already reacted, with a very ugly look on his face, and then he spoke the answer.

Hearing the words of Shen Zhiwu Qi, Lin Xiu nodded and replied: "That's right, it's like this.".

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