This crack spread up from the fist of the Black Mist Giant Ape, making a "click" sound.


A loud explosion sounded, and then the entire Holy Light Black Mountain Shield was torn into pieces and exploded.

Countless fragments flow with a faint luster and dissipate into the void.

After shattering the Holy Light Xuanshan Shield, a cold smile appeared on the face of the Black Mist Giant Ape, and he said in a cold voice: "Now that I have broken all your defense methods, I I want to see what other methods you have!"

Just when the Black Mist Giant Ape said such a sentence, it saw before its eyes that there were sword lights floating in the void around Lin Xiu.

These creative lights circulated with a faint golden light, exuding a magnificent and sacred aura, as if they were divine swords from nine heavens away.

Seeing this scene, a look of horror appeared on the face of the Black Mist Giant Ape.

"What is this?~.!"

The Black Mist Giant Ape felt a dangerous aura from these holy light swords, filling its heart with uneasy emotions.

As for Lin Xiu, after seeing the Black Mist Giant Ape destroying his Holy Light Xuanshan Shield, a very bright smile appeared on his handsome face, and then he slowly opened his mouth and said : "Did you just say that I have always been hiding behind and being a coward?"

"Then now, come and have a taste of my offensive!"

After saying these words, Lin Xiu raised his hands, his eyes became extremely sharp, and then he waved forward and shouted deeply at the same time.

"Thousand-fold Sword of Holy Light!!"


At that moment, the Holy Light Divine Swords shot out suddenly and headed towards the Black Garden Giant Ape.

Upon seeing this, the Black Mist Giant Ape roared angrily. His entire body grew taller, and then his arms were crossed in front of him, hoping to resist the former's attack.


One after another, the Holy Light God continued to praise the body of the black mist.

Although the Black Mist Giant Ape also has the power of regeneration of the Black Mist Clan.

However, under the offensive of such a large number of Holy Light Divine Swords, the regeneration power of the Black Seeking Ape was unable to keep up with the injuries suffered by H himself.

Therefore, after a period of time, the Black Mist Giant Ape let out an unwilling roar of despair, and then its body was completely wiped out by the Holy Light Sword.


[Ding! Win and be rewarded with nine escape points!]

After the Black Mist Giant Ape was eliminated by Lin Xiu, a line of text appeared in the void again.

"Killing a target from the enemy camp only gives you nine escape points? Isn't it? So few?"

Seeing the text emerging from the void, a look of surprise appeared on Lin Xiu's face, and he curled his mouth and said something.

At that moment, he couldn't help but shake his head (hao Zhao), he really wanted to complain, it was so screwed up!

But then I thought about it, something is better than nothing!

As for God's Mist Seven, he also shook his head gently, thinking that this black mist giant ape was quite pitiful, and he met Lin Xiu in a desperate situation.

After solving the Black Dew Giant Ape [Lin Xiu and God's Things Seven are the main move. (013304023Feilu071362410]

Because they were in [Duel Mode] just now, their turn was automatically skipped. .

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