"Very good. If this is the case, then we can have a good talk now."

Hearing Lin Xiu's words, Shen Zhiba Si's face became very ugly and his mood was also very bad.

However, due to the rules now, he, God of Mist Four, has no way to attack the former again.

Therefore, he could only endure it.

At that moment, Shen Zhiwu Si once again kept his emotions calm at "530", and then breathed out gently. Then his eyes fell on Lin Xiu's face and said: " So, what's your problem?"

"You want us to cooperate with you. It's actually a very simple matter. All I need to ask is, how do you plan to cooperate?"

Looking at God's Mist Four, Lin Xiu asked.

Shen Zhiwu said expressionlessly: "It's a very simple thing. We share information with each other. At the same time, we don't fight each other. If we encounter one, we choose to use the [surrender card] and surrender directly."

[Surrender card]?”

The words of God's Mist Four made Lin Xiu raise his eyebrows slightly, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Is the [surrender card] you're talking about... one of the escape cards sold in escape shops?"


After hearing Lin Xiu's words, Shen Zhiwu Si nodded slightly, then opened his mouth and continued: "When two people from different camps meet, [Duel Mode] will be triggered. You should do this." I know."

"That's right, I do know that.'"

Lin Xiu nodded and replied.

[Duel Mode] can be avoided. There are two ways. One is that the leader of the camp refuses the duel. However, there is a limit to the number of times such refusal can occur. If you encounter enemies from the same camp more than three times, then Refuse the power and it will be invalidated [Song Neng is forced to duel. "

"As for the second method, just like what I just said, using the [Surrender Card] can directly end the duel mode. Of course, the [Surrender Card], as the name suggests, is to declare surrender after the duel mode is turned on. In this case, the escape point will be lost.

"And this [Surrender Card] can be used without limit, so as long as you have the [Surrender Card], you can always surrender and avoid the duel mode...

Hearing these words spoken by Shen Zhiwu Si, a strange look appeared on Lin Xiu's face.

Because from these words, he could hear the intention of God's Tyrant Four.

At that moment, Lin Xiu asked: "So, what you just said, if we encounter each other, you said to surrender directly with the [surrender card] [so who takes the lead first?"

"Of course whoever has the [surrender card] will use it. Of course, the premise is to see who challenges it first!

God's Mist Four explained 0.0: "If it is our turn to enter your grid, it will be equivalent to us automatically challenging you, so it will trigger the duel mode. In that case, we will use the [surrender card] Surrender, and vice versa, you will do the same, do you understand?"

When Lin Xiu heard this sentence, she nodded gently to Shen Zhiwu Si, then opened her mouth and said aloud: "I understand.",


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