Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 362 It Has Reached The Eleventh Grade, The King Of Glory!

"What information do you want to know?"

After hearing the words of Shen Zhiwu Si, Lin Xiu kept a calm expression on his face and said slowly: "Of course that's all the information.

"That's what I said, but there is a lot of information. It depends on what information you want, right?" God's Mist Four replied.

Hearing this, Lin Xiu and Shen Zhiluqi looked at each other, and the former said again: "Then do you know how many fragments there are in the Mi Bai Map?"

"I know."

God's Mist Si opened his mouth and said: "There are six pieces in the maze map, and they are all unique. There is no number."

"In other words, there are still two map fragments that have not been found yet?"

Hearing the words of God's Tyrant Four, Lin Xiu raised his eyebrows and said this.

"You are right, it is indeed like this.

God Tyrant IV nodded.

At this moment, Shen Zhi Lu Qi also spoke: "So, is there any other information about Shen Zhi Yao and Shen Zhi Zero Negative?

"Of course there is."

Shen Zhiwu Si nodded, a very solemn look appeared on his rather handsome face, and then slowly opened his mouth and said loudly: "Shen Zhi Ling, it itself is the falling god. The first black mist creature born in the land, so it has a natural effect on the black dew creatures, which caused most of the black dew creatures to surrender under his command. "

"Moreover, God's Mist Zero itself is also very powerful."

"It has reached the Eleventh Grade level, the King of Glory!!"


The last words of God's Mist Four caused Lin Xiu and God's Lu Qi to open their eyes wide at the same time, with an unconcealable look of horror on their faces.

God's Mist Seven immediately asked: "Are you sure? God's Mist Zero... is the King of Glory?!"

Shen Zhiwu Si nodded, raised his palm slightly, shrugged his shoulders, and said lightly: "That's right, there is no need for me to lie to you on this matter, because I have personally experienced the aura emanating from him. .17

"He is indeed the King of Glory, which is why I want to form an alliance with you."

At this point, God's Mist Four's tone became very deep, and he said in a deep voice: "Because it is absolutely impossible to defeat it with just the power on my side, so I must rely on my alliance with you. It is possible for the regiment to compete with him!"

…Please give me flowers………………

When Shenzhi Luqi heard this, he frowned and turned his head to look at Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu's mood was also a little solemn at this moment.

He really didn't expect that God Zero would be a glorious king in the Eleventh Grade realm!


The glorious king of the Eleventh Grade realm!!

Although Lin Xiu has never encountered one, he has met a demigod who is a Twelfth Grade expert.

Although the difference between the two is only one level, it is definitely not something that the current Lin Xiu can compete with.

At that moment, Lin Xiu asked: "If you say so, then it is completely impossible for us to defeat him, isn't it?"

"Even if the three of us are in the Tenth Grade realm, there is no way we can compete with him!"

"You are right!"

Lin Xiu's words made the fourth god nod in a rare move, and then he said aloud: "So, our purpose is not to defeat him."

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