Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 699: They Know The Master’S Intentions Well And Must Take This Book Back For Detailed Interp

The three of them walked into the secret entrance in tacit understanding, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

After entering the secret room, Lin Xiu saw that the surrounding walls were covered with ancient and fragile paintings.

The scrolls carefully depict various magical creatures and magic runes, and each one is filled with the atmosphere of long history.

In the center of the room, there is a locked wooden box.

"It seems like this is a treasure trove of ancient books."

Lin Xiu whispered, "Sell and find."

God's Mist Seven and God's Mist Negative immediately began to search everywhere. They opened the scrolls one by one and observed, but did not find anything more valuable.

Just when everyone was gradually losing hope, Lin Xiu suddenly discovered a small switch hidden on the wall.

He flicked the switch, and the wall immediately rotated, revealing a hidden room.

The room was dark and damp, but it shone with that familiar ancient atmosphere.

Lin Xiu's heart was filled with tension and expectation, and he stepped into the room.

In a dark corner, he found an ancient bookshelf with several yellowed ancient books on it.

Lin Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly and stopped in front of the oldest ancient book.

"Netherworld He or Lu"! This was exactly the treasure they were looking for on this trip! Lin Xiu was so excited that she carefully took the book into her hands.

The secret hidden on the stone tablet was finally revealed.

Shen Zhilu Qi and Shen Zhilu negative saw the "Netherworld Synthesis Record" in Lin Xiu's hand, corresponding to the west of the country.

They placed infinite trust in their master and knew that this book would definitely bring them huge gains.

Lin Xiu reached out and touched the cover of "Netherworld Synthesis" and could feel the powerful and profound spells contained in the book.

He suppressed his inner excitement and whispered: "Take the book back and prepare to start experimental research."

God's Dew Qi and Shen's Dew Negative immediately took the "Netherworld Synthesis" and carefully put it into a special magic storage bag.

They know the master's intention well and must take this book back for detailed interpretation and practice.

After closing the secret door of the room forcefully, Lin Xiu breathed a long sigh of relief and stared at the "Netherworld Synthesis" in her hand, feeling ripples in her heart.

Broken Soul Valley... this place dyed red with blood will be his base for trying higher-level undead synthesis experiments.

After leaving the secret room, Lin Xiu and his men walked into Broken Soul Valley.

This was once a beautiful and prosperous place, but now it has become a ruin.

Damaged buildings and broken weapons litter the ground, as if recounting the bloody battles that took place.

Corpses were scattered all over the ground, which was strange and eerie.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Xiu started preparations for his first high-level undead synthesis experiment.

Shen Zhilu Qi and Shen Zhilu were busy collecting materials according to their master's instructions.

They inspected each undead corpse and removed specific parts for synthesis.

The Valley of Broken Souls is filled with unrested heroic spirits and Damaged warriors. Each undead spirit has its own unique abilities and fragments of memory.

This is an important material that Lin Xiu relies on, and it is also the key for them to create more powerful units.

The preparations were carried out in an orderly manner, and Lin Xiu was slightly glad that he chose Broken Soul Valley as the experimental base.

He relies on his extremely high talent and calm personality to welcome the birth of each new unit.

When a new type of undead was successfully synthesized, an indescribable sense of satisfaction filled my heart. .

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