Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 701: Searching Among The Wreckage And Rubble, Hoping To Find A Glimmer Of Opportunity

"God's Mist Seven, we need to rearrange the traps in the defense line, strengthen the ability to counterattack quickly, and combine the power of the mortal world and the netherworld to create a more powerful formation."

Lin Xiu ordered thoughtfully.

Determination flashed in God's Mist Seven's eyes: "Yes, Master! I will immediately arrange the soldiers for tasks and organize the construction team to start laying traps.

Lin Xiu looked at the starry sky that gradually became brighter in the night, feeling the rich and mysterious breath flowing through his body.

Lin Xiu stared at the ruins of the Mourning Plain. This land that was once immersed in the breath of death still made his heart surge.

He realized that there was some key secret hidden here, which was an important opportunity for him to expand his power territory.

He looked at God's Mist Seven and God's Negation beside him, with a serious and determined expression: "The Mourning Plain is an important part of the defense line of Broken Soul Valley, and underneath it lies a secret passage leading to the unknown realm. I need It is very important for us to investigate and crack this passage."

Shen Zhiwu Qi and Shen Zhiwu nodded understandingly, their expressions full of determination and trust.

Lin Xiu continued with a smile: "This secret passage is very likely to connect other forces or bury valuable resources. If we can occupy it or use it, it will be of great help to us to build a stronger defense line and expand our power, so You must find out the truth as soon as possible.”

God's Mist Seven tightly held the weapon in his hand: "Master, rest assured, we will not let you down. As long as it is a task you give us, we will try our best to complete it."

Lin Xiu patted Shen Zhiwu Qi's shoulder encouragingly: "Very good, I believe in you. The success of this mission will have a great impact on our future development. Go ahead, Shen Zhiwu Qi, Shen Zhiwu negative, Show your endless wisdom and ventilation.”

Shen Zhiwu Qi and Shen Zhiwu looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

As the two people left gracefully, Lin Xiu couldn't help but look at the ruins of the Mourning Plain again.

Damaged buildings, tombstones where unknown heroes rest, and undead soldiers wandering among the ruins all give this land a desolate and heavy atmosphere.

He took a deep breath and became more determined.

"The Mourning Plains will become the key to the expansion of my powerful territory!"

In the middle of the night, God's Mist Seven and God's Mist Negative walked through the ruins filled with cold wind, moving forward silently under the afterglow of the setting sun.

They carefully searched every corner, trying to find clues leading to the secret passage.

God's Mist patted his head: "The master once said that the ruins of the Mourning Plain are chaotic and complicated, with multiple hidden entrances. We need to patiently explore to find the most secret and critical passage."

God's Mist Seven nodded: "Yes, I have seen records about the history of Broken Soul Valley in the literature, saying that this place was baptized by a great war. Perhaps, we can find some information from the ruins left over from the war. What."

The two continued to move forward, searching among the wreckage and rubble, hoping to find a glimmer of opportunity.

Lin Xiu continued to search for clues to the secret passage in the ruins with Shen Zhiqi and Shen Zhifu.

When they passed by a piece of wreckage and rubble, they suddenly felt a powerful aura coming from an old ancient tower. .

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