Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 711 Master, Don’T Worry, We Have Already Investigated And It Is Said That There Are A Large

He realized that the combined energy of [Star Stone] and the light it emits could help him further expand his power.

Using his infinite synthetic talent, Lin Xiu began to extract the essence of [Star Stone].

This is a very complex and dangerous process, but Lin Xiu does not flinch.

Under his diligent and meticulous operation, a new type of soldier——[Star Shadow Martial Warrior] was born.

[Star Shadow Martial Warrior] has a slender figure and exudes a mysterious and cold aura.

They are endowed with strength and speed beyond ordinary soldiers, and the Congress is Lin Xiu's right-hand man in the battle.

Lin Xiu watched the new military units move quickly in the Star Observation Tower, full of pride and confidence.

He knew that he had established a solid strategic location and obtained such a powerful force as a new type of military force.

The star observation tower towers into the clouds, and the star stones emit dazzling light.

Lin Xiu stood at the top of the Star Observation Tower, facing the magnificent scenery and the newly born [Star Shadow Martial Warrior].

Lin Xiu led his subordinates Shen Zhiwu Qi and Shen Zhiwu negative to Bibo Lake, which is a picturesque lake. "The green lake water reflects the colors in the sky."

Microwaves ripple on the lake, giving people a sense of tranquility and tranquility.

Lin Xiu stood by the lake, looking at the small island in the center of the lake.

He was filled with anticipation.

According to rumors, there is a rare herb growing in Bibo Lake——[Moonlight Grass]. It has powerful and mysterious power and can provide practitioners with a steady stream of spiritual power.

"Searching for [Moonlight Grass] in Bibo Lake is our next important task. We must plan an action plan as soon as possible and ensure that all preparations are in place."

Lin Xiu said to his subordinates.

God's Mist Seven smiled and nodded, "Master, don't worry, we have already investigated. It is said that there are a large number of [Moonlight Grass] on the island."

Shen Zhiwu negative stretched out his hand towards Lin Xiu and pointed to the island, "Then the question is, master, how can we reach the island?"

Lin Xiu gently touched his chin and thought for a moment.

"We can find some rafts or boats to go to the island, but we haven't seen anyone around the lake these two days."

Shen Zhilu Qi looked at the lake and thought, "I have observed it. This lake is very clear. It should be suitable for us to dive into it. We just need to be careful of stones and aquatic plants. I believe we can swim across."

“Then let’s do it.

Lin Xiu decided, "Let's first find some suitable aquatic plants to use as respirators in case we need to use them when diving to the bottom of the lake."

God's Dew Seven and Shen's Dew Negative immediately took action and searched carefully near the lake.

After some hard work, they finally found a few soft water plants and set them up in the garden.

After the team preparations were completed, Lin Xiu553 led his men into Bibo Lake.

Gradually, their bodies were surrounded by clear lake water.

Under the sunlight, the underwater scenery is extremely beautiful.

They carefully transmigrated the Bibo Lake, shuttling among the lush green water plants and strange-shaped stones.

Occasionally, some fish swim by Lin Xiu's side, adding some fun to the two fish.

Lin Xiu gradually found a suitable location along the shore of Bibo Lake, and he began to arrange a complex magic circle on the ground.

He carefully laid out gems and runes, making the entire circle look mysterious and spectacular. .

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