Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 718 We Finally Have The Magic Core The Raikage Warriors Need!

God's Mist Seven hesitated for a moment, but still nodded: "Yes, Master."

She bent down and picked up the broken echo stones scattered on the ground and put them in her backpack.

Lin Xiu continued to move forward and found more echo stones on the rock wall.

After the two collected a sufficient number of echo stones, Lin Xiu finally began to study them in detail.

He took out a piece of thunder crystal and echo stone and observed their appearance and characteristics closely.

Blue current flows on the rocks on Leiling Island, emitting bursts of claps.

The echo stone appears dull and dull.

Lin Xiu is thinking about how to combine these two gems and exert a more powerful Combat Power.

He thought for a long time and turned his inspiration into practice.

God's Dew Seven looked at Master 857's focused expression and began to quietly feel the joy and excitement in his heart.

"Master, do you have any breakthrough ideas?" Lin Xiu raised his head, with a flash of excitement in his eyes: "Yes, God's Mist Seven I plan to use my unlimited gold to synthesize and improve the echo stone and thunder crystal. ”

He pointed to the two gems in his hand and explained, "I believe that through synthetic improvements, we can cultivate a new unit with extremely strong electric attack capabilities - the Raikage Warriors.'

God's Dew Bear stood quietly beside him, listening to his master's plan, his slender figure trembling slightly.

(cddj) She knew that this plan meant unknown and potential risks, but she did not hesitate to express her support.

Lin Xiu took out the tools and began to put the Huibei Stone and Thunder Spirit Crystal into the synthesis compartment.

He was extremely excited as he watched the chemical reaction between gemstones during the synthesis process.

Gradually, a bright light emitted from the synthesizer.

When the light dissipated, a brand new gem appeared in front of Lin Xiu's eyes.

The surface of this gem shows the texture of an echo stone, but inside you can feel the pulsation of the powerful electrical energy of the thunder crystal.

Lin Xiu held the newly synthesized gem tightly, excitement and satisfaction flashed in her eyes: "Success! This is the power I have been pursuing!"

God's Mist Seven looked at the new synthetic gem in the master's hand, and an uncontrollable joy surged in his heart.

"We finally have the magic core the Raikage warriors need!"

Lin Xiu smiled and nodded: "Yes, now we just need to find the right candidates and start training them. We will reshape the battlefield and create an indestructible Combat Power force."

He looked firmly at the Wind Whispering Canyon in front of him, imagining the future of that fierce battle.

This synthetic improvement was another breakthrough after he inherited the territory.

Lin Xiu came to Jinghu Island [This island, known as a magical place, has beautiful scenery and a unique environment.

The clear lake water and green trees on the island set off a fairyland-like picture.

Lin Xiu stood on the shore, looking down at the reflection of the sun on the lake. The breeze blew across his face, bringing peace and tranquility.

The island was far away from the hustle and bustle, allowing him to concentrate on observation and exploration.

Carefully observing the geographical conditions of the island, Lin Xiu found that the vegetation here is lush and the ecosystem is complete.

A feeling of wildness and vitality coexisted in his heart, as if he could turn this land into a real fighting place.

Suddenly, a gorgeous and mysterious light attracted Lin Xiu's attention.

He walked towards the location of the light and discovered a rare and ancient plant——Mirror Flower Water Moon grass.

Lin Xiu crossed the dense grass and carefully touched its weak and beautiful flowers. .

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