Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 729: What We Are Facing Is A Powerful Tower Of Choice.

Lin Xiu is deeply grateful for the strength they showed. They are his most solid backing.

As time passed, members of the Night Shadow Guards and the Duke of Black Bones launched a fierce duel.

In this duel, the Black Bone Duke was gradually repelled by the Night Shadow Guards.

He roared angrily, trying to reverse the situation.

"Yingyingwei, just wait for me! I will destroy you!"

The Duke of Black Bones cursed fiercely.

The members of the Night Shadow Guard were unmoved and still maintained a tenacious offensive.

They knew that only by completely defeating the Duke of Bones could this end.

Finally, with repeated efforts, the Night Shadow Guard finally knocked the Duke of Black Bones to the ground.

Duke Black Bone's face was full of resentment and despair, "How could you become so powerful?"

"This world can no longer tolerate existence like you."

The Night Shadow Guards member said with a sneer.

God's Mist Seven hurried back to Shadow Valley, where Xiu Xiu was waiting.

His brows were furrowed and his expression was serious.

He was worried about the reason for the spread of this dark power, and decided to go and exterminate it personally to protect the safety of Shadow Valley.

"Master, the results of this investigation are not optimistic."

God's Mist Seven said, "The dark power seems to originate from an ancient ruin deep in the Shadow Valley. It is growing at an alarming rate and threatens all of us.

Lin Xiu frowned and took a deep breath.

He knows it's a tough battle, but he won't back down.

He stood up straight and said firmly: "Give me the order, all members of the Night Shadow Guard should be prepared. I will personally go to the ruins and destroy this dark force!"

After hearing Lin Xiu's order, Shen Zhiwu Qi saluted respectfully: "Yes, big."

Then turned and left to deliver the order.

That night, under the night sky with the full moon hanging high, Lin Xiu set foot on the road to the ruins alone.

The Shadow Valley was shrouded in a strange layer of fog, making everything hazy.

He could feel the growing dark power, which seemed to have a life of its own and wanted to devour the entire land.

Walking into the ruins, Lin Xiu realized that it was extremely cold here.

A chill came from the soles of his feet, shaking every nerve in his body.

Lin Xiu walked along the road leading to the Chosen Tower, followed by an elite undead army. Each undead soldier turned into mist and accompanied him without saying a word.


Under the full moon in the night sky, the Tianxuan Tower towers into the clouds, exuding a solemn and majestic atmosphere.

Lin Xiu stopped and raised his head slightly to look at the Tianxuan Tower.

Determination surged in his heart: Only by improving his own strength could he protect Shadow Valley from the Night Demon Cult and other forces.


He turned to face the undead soldiers and glanced at each of them.

"What we are facing is a Chosen Tower with great power."

Lin Xiu's voice was calm and firm, "I hope to improve our strength by challenging the trials in the tower, and test whether our newly adjusted undead troops have good combat effectiveness."

A low-pitched response came from the elite undead troops.

This force is formed with the God's Mist as its core, and its Combat Power is very powerful. This is one of the reasons why Lin Xiu plans to lead them to challenge the Chosen Tower.

Lin Xiu began to formulate tactical strategies.

He took out a crystal blue crystal from his pocket, squeezed it gently, and suddenly a blue light shot out, showing a three-dimensional map in the air. .

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