Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 746 I Know You Because You Are Driven By The Same Pursuit Of Power As Me.

He is determined to maximize his strength and protect the world with his own power.

Lin Xiu stood silently on the top of Jade Heaven Peak, with his eyes closed and his body straight.

During the training process, he was completely immersed in the exploration and practice of infinite synthetic talent.

For several days, he has been trying to combine undead arms with more elemental powers to create a more powerful existence.

He was enthusiastic and motivated about the idea.

Various colorful lights surround the body, as if the energy originating from Lin Xiu23's heart shows its true appearance.

Gradually, he felt that the power in his body had made a qualitative leap.

A faint mist rose from the skin, and a weak flame boiled out from the fingertips.

As time passed, the mist became thicker and thicker, and the flames became more dazzling.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, forming a huge vortex around Lin Xiu.

The mental power in the vortex burst out with trembling power fluctuations.

Lin Xiu closed her eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground, her body muscles tense.

Even though the blazing flame hurt his body, he remained unwavering.

Time passed quietly, until finally the east vortex released a transparent and pure beam of light.

Lin Xiu felt that the power in his body had reached a new level.

When the beam of light gradually faded away, Lin Xiu slowly opened her eyes.

At this moment, he felt as if he was integrated with the world and could reach deeper mysterious powers.

He smiled slightly, his heart full of joy and satisfaction.

"I finally succeeded."

He said softly, his voice echoing on Jade Heaven Peak.

On this island-like mountain, Lin Xiu seemed to have regained his original intention.

He knows that he must continue to become stronger to face the upcoming challenges and dangers.

Lin Xiu opened his eyes and stood up. He felt the strength surging through his veins.

He looked around and found that the top of Jade Heaven Peak was covered by night, and the stars in the sky were shining in the darkness.

Lin Xiu took a deep breath, filled with desire for new challenges.

He decided to leave this island-like mountain and continue to seek breakthroughs in the outside world.

So, Lin Xiu took a solid step and left Jade Heaven Peak.

Walking on the dangerous mountain road, the quiet forest came into Lin Xiu's eyes.

The dark night forest is full of tall and dense trees, giving people a dark and mysterious feeling.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps and whispers coming from the depths of the dark night forest.

Lin Xiu stopped cautiously and clenched the sword in his hand.

After a moment, a figure came out of the darkness.

It was a tall man, wearing a black cloak, and his blue eyes revealed a sharp and calm aura.

He is Marquis Shadowsong, a famous Martial Artist.

Marquis Shadowge stopped in front of Lin Xiu and smiled slightly.

"Lin 237 Xiu, nice to meet you.'

His voice is like the night wind, full of magnetism and power.

Lin Xiu stared at Marquis Shadowsong sharply.

"Who are you? Why do you know my name?"

he asked, eyes flashing with alarm.

Marquis Shadowsong raised the sword in his hand, swung it gently, and pointed the tip of the sword at Lin Xiu.

"I know you because you are driven by the same pursuit of power as me. You are a talented genius."

Lin Xiu nodded, "In that case, what are your intentions?"

Marquis Shadowsong smiled and said: "My intention is very simple, that is to become a strategic alliance with you. We can help each other and gain a foothold in this continent with constant disputes.

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