Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 750 Are You Here To Improve Your Strength?

They danced and released powerful light of life, and the power of death attributes burst out in their moves.

Lin Xiu nodded with satisfaction, which made him look forward to the Creation Crystal Core even more.

However, he still needs to continue to explore in future adventures how to use the sword soul crystal core and its more uses.

When all the actual combat tests were over, Lin Xiu and the "Star Revenant" soldiers returned to the lakeside.

Behind him are the reflections of countless "zero-nine-zero" bright meteors on the lake, forming a sacred and beautiful background.

Lin Xiu stared at the sword soul crystal core, sat down by the lake and began to think.

He knows that the power these two creations bring to him has unlimited possibilities, but it also comes with huge responsibilities and challenges.

“I will continue to move forward and discover more clues and knowledge in my adventures.’”1

Lin Xiu made up his mind.

Lin Xiu was excited and embarked on the journey to Huanggu Valley.

This is the place of fire and rebirth, and is rumored to contain the hottest flame energy in the universe.

In this mysterious land, Lin Xiu hopes to further improve his strength and test the effectiveness of the new units [Star Revenant] and [Sword Soul Crystal Core] in actual combat.

Finally, he came to Phoenix Valley.

A sea of ​​molten and burning fire came into view, as if the entire earth was wrapped in flames.

Gorgeous and spectacular fiery red feathers flutter in the air, like a phoenix spreading its wings in the sky.

Lin Xiu took a deep breath and felt the heat wave coming towards her face.

He looked up at the mountains away from him, where the masters of the White Feather Sect and the Black Rock Castle were stationed.

"Master Baiyu Sect, Master Black Rock Castle, we meet again."

Lin Xiu used Qinggong to move quickly through the sea of ​​fire.

Soon after, they got together again.

The leader of the Baiyu Sect is wearing a white robe, and his light and flying movements show the characteristics of his elegant swordsmanship.

The Lord of Black Rock Castle is tall and mighty, exuding an aura of indestructible strength.

"Lin Xiu, are you here to improve your strength?"

The leader of the Baiyu Sect asked with a smile.

Lin Xiu nodded and replied: "Yes, I hope to further test the effects of "Star Revenant] and [Sword Soul Crystal Core] in battle."

The Lord of Black Rock Castle grinned: "Lin Xiu, you can always think of things that others can't imagine. I am also looking forward to these two creations."

The three began to share their experiences and insights...

Lin Xiu told them in detail about his experiment on [Star Revenant] on Meteor Lake and the process of fusing the sword soul crystal core.

After hearing this, the leader of the Baiyu Sect was filled with admiration: "Lin Xiu, you are really a genius! The [Xinghui Revenant] unit looks very mysterious and powerful, and it is even more shocking after being fused with the sword soul crystal core."

The Lord of Black Rock Castle knocked on his chest: "I also agree with Bai Yu's point of view. Such a warrior not only has the power of life, but also the power of death. He is simply invincible."

Lin Xiu smiled and thanked them for their compliments, and added: "But we still need to test their actual effects in actual combat [find their suitable fighting methods and coordination]"

5.7 After the three of them were silent for a moment, they suddenly reached a consensus.

The leader of the Baiyu Sect said: "Lin Xiu, we have fought side by side and trust each other.

"Since you have such powerful troops and treasures, why don't you consider forming an alliance with us?"

Lin Xiu thought for a moment and replied: "You have a good suggestion! We can share our experience and knowledge together and work together to face the challenges of demonic disasters that may break out in the future."

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