Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 755 Feeling This Huge And Sacred Energy, She Couldn't Help But Whisper: Are These...Ang

Everyone around looked at Lin Xiu, looking forward to his answer.

Lin Xiu smiled and nodded, accepting Nalan Fei Lie's request.

He knew that befriending such a powerful lord would bring him more opportunities and help.

When other lords saw Nalan Feilie taking the initiative to join Lin Xiu's force, they felt envious in their hearts.

They understand that only by making friends with the strong and surrendering to the strong can they survive in this cruel world of "570".

Beside Lin Xiu, Shen Zhi Lu Qi and Shen Zhi Lu negative watched this scene silently without showing any emotion.

They knew that Lin Xiu, as the master, needed to form his own power system on land.

Outside the Frostfire Plains, there are also some lords on other territories who are targeting the opportunities that will arise after the battle here.

They were shocked and angry to see Lin Xiu defeating many lords so easily, leaving a name that could not be ignored on the Frostfire Plains.

After the news spread, more attention was paid to the liver, such as symmetry.

They all planned to come and witness the strength of this legendary new lord in person.

Lin Xiu and his subordinate Shen Zhilu Qi walked into the hall in Guanying Castle, which is the residence of Countess Lina of Twilight.

The light in the hall is dim, and the white marble floor reflects the faint light, giving people an eerie and cold feeling.

Lina was wearing a gorgeous black robe, standing in the center of the hall, her tall, pale face flashing with vigilance.

Lin Xiu looked at her eyes as dark as night, with a trace of fighting spirit and caution in them.

"Congratulations on defeating many lords on the Frostfire Plains. I have completely remembered your name. Lin Xiu. I am Lina, Countess of Twilight. I have a strong interest in your cause of resisting disasters."

Lin Xiu took out a piece of yellowed parchment from the storage ring without hesitation and slipped it into his hand.

"These are my angel wings.

The parchment records the treasure he obtained after all the hardships - angel wings.

As Lin Xiu sang softly, a pair of wings as white as snow appeared behind him, and the light flashed.

Lina's eyes widened and she felt this huge and sacred energy. She couldn't help but whispered: "This is...angel wings?"

She was completely moved by Lin Xiu's strength.

Lin Xiu smiled slightly, "Yes, this is just a part of my strength...

Lina stared at the fluttering wings behind him, and at this time she had forgotten that she had been wary of Lin Xiu.

An inexplicable throbbing and yearning arose in her heart.

"You can withstand demonic disasters and show your strength to such an extent. I recognize you and am willing to contribute to your career. If you are willing to accept me as your subordinate, I am willing to contribute my territory and resources to you."

Lina decided resolutely,

Lin Xiu's smile became even brighter. He knew that this powerful and mysterious countess had brought great help to him.

“It’s an honor to have your support.

With respect and caution surrounding them, Lin Xiu and Lina exchanged the agreement and covenant in their hands and officially became allies.

Lin Xiu4.5 looked at Lina and smiled slightly.

He knew that at this moment Lina had completely accepted his strength and charm and was willing to join his cause.

"You are a smart woman, Countess Lina. We share the same philosophy regarding the goal of resisting demonic disasters."

Lin Xiu said affectionately.

Lina raised her head, with infinite joy in her eyes. .

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