Li Xunle said without hesitation: "Yes!"

"The dragon ball is with you, then I feel relieved. Among the masters of our academy, I think you are the most powerful."

"You are very spiritual, and you are better at talking than Zhao Hao."

"No, big brother, I am just telling the truth."

"Do you say this to any master you meet?"

Zhang Peng smiled and said with a guilty conscience:

"Hehe, no! No!"

Li Xunle seemed to see through the other party's mind, but did not expose it.

He waved his staff carelessly again, using the wind of revival to restore some health to Zhang Peng:

"How are you going next?"

"All the way east!"

"Then together?"

"Ah? I'm afraid of holding you back..." Zhang Peng was very tactful.

"My legs are very thick, you can't drag them!" Li Xunle said nonchalantly.

"If others say this, I will definitely refute it, but if the first poison milk says this, I choose to believe it without hesitation."

Zhang Peng climbed up.

How could I let go of the chance to get close to someone so hard?

As long as the other party doesn't despise me, I can be his younger brother!

Zhao Hao is his role model.

"Let's go!"

Li Xunle walked eastward in a carefree manner.

Zhang Peng excitedly followed Li Xunle.

Li Xunle's speed was as slow as ever, so slow that Zhang Peng suspected that he was here for a walk on vacation.


Zhang Peng couldn't help but speak:

"Boss, isn't our speed too slow?"

"You don't understand this."

"What do you mean?"

"Sometimes you need to slow down, have a pair of eyes that can discover beauty, and appreciate beautiful things."

"Eyes that can discover beauty?"

Zhang Peng was very confused. The realm of the first poison milk seemed a bit high, and he couldn't comprehend it.

After all, working hard to upgrade and earn money to support himself was his top priority.

The first poison milk was indeed the first poison milk, and his realm was extraordinary.

It was far beyond the experience of a rookie like himself.

He sighed thoughtfully.

Suddenly, his eyes fixed, and he said hastily:

"I found beauty!"


Now it was Li Xunle's turn to be surprised. Did this guy realize it so quickly?

"There is a beauty over there! Oh no! Two beauties!"

Zhang Peng stared blankly at the place not far away.

"..." Li Xunle curled his lips speechlessly.

Good guy, it has to be a beauty!

He followed Zhang Peng's gaze and saw that there were indeed two beauties fighting.

One was in the black and white school uniform, and the other was in the Tenglong School uniform.

Very beautiful!

Her appearance and figure were not much different from Xia Bingxue.

"Boss, according to the rules, challengers who are not from this school must be sent away!"

Zhang Peng muttered to the side.

"I know." Li Xunle continued to watch.

"But how can I do it when she is so beautiful?" Zhang Peng was a little embarrassed.

After all, appearance is justice.

"Don't panic, just wait and see, I'll be ruthless when the time comes!"

Li Xunle said indifferently.

Zhang Peng's eyes looking at Li Xunle suddenly became complicated.

He wants to be ruthless to two such beautiful beauties?

I definitely can't do it if it's me.

As expected of the number one poison nurse, the poison is really poisonous!

At this time.

One of the two fighting beauties spoke up:

"You Ouyang Qing, as the school belle of Black and White Academy, you just fight when you don't agree?"

"You Lin Xiao are not a pushover! I thought you, the school belle, were just a vase, but you actually have some strength!"

Li Xunle understood it immediately.

These are two school beauties, from Black and White Academy and Tenglong Academy, respectively. Together with Xia Bingxue, I have seen all three school beauties.

No regrets.

At this time.

Outside the copy.

Most people's eyes are on the close-up of the two school beauties fighting.

Because the fight is very elegant.

Both of them are swordsmen, and they look heroic.

Their beautiful faces, charming figures, and graceful movements are pleasing to the eye.

Deans Mei Xingchen and Zhou Shanhai also watched this scene quietly.

The fight between these two people is indeed quite entertaining.

Compared with other shots, it looks more comfortable.

Therefore, many people are paying attention.

Someone with sharp eyes discovered Li Xunle and Zhang Peng who were hiding in the distance and watching:

"What are those two men watching secretly?"

"That's right, two old perverts, it's really too much."

"If I recognize these two people, I will beat them up."


Countless spectators are rubbing their hands.

Some of the spectators are students from the three major colleges, who came to watch the game specifically.

Among them, there are students from Fengchu College who naturally recognize one as Li Xunle and the other as Zhang Peng.

"Damn,These two guys are embarrassing us!"

"Yeah, what are they looking at secretly?"

"Just look at them openly, it's better to send them away directly!"

"Send these two school beauties away? I'm afraid they will be cursed by thousands of people!"


Guan Shanyue on the side stared at the screen calmly.

He recognized that one of them was Li Xunle, who was handsome.

However, Li Xunle and the other man's behavior of peeping at girls will be criticized more or less.

While everyone was chattering.

In the copy.

Li Xunle appeared.

He and Zhang Peng jumped out of the thatch and looked at Ouyang Qing and Lin Xiao openly.

The two figures that suddenly appeared made the two school beauties stunned.

All stopped their actions.

Ouyang Qing carefully looked at the school uniforms of the two and asked first:

"Are you from Fengchu College? ”

Zhang Peng nodded immediately:

“That’s right, we are not only from Fengchu College, but the person next to me is the first poison nurse of Fengchu College, Li Xunle!”

“The first poison nurse? Li Xunle?”

Lin Xiao looked at Li Xunle in surprise. Apart from anything else, his appearance was still online.

“What does poison nurse mean?” Ouyang Qing immediately asked.

“A nurse who can poison!” Zhang Peng explained.

“Poison?” Lin Xiao suddenly took two steps back.

She knew that there was a holy poison mage in her college, whose methods were very strange and could easily poison people, making it difficult to guard against.

Here comes another poisoner, which is a bit too much.

“So, we are poisoned?” Ouyang Qing’s face was uncertain.

Li Xunle shook his head nonchalantly:

“You worry too much, I haven’t poisoned yet! "

Lin Xiao and Ouyang Qing looked at each other, as if they had reached some tacit understanding in their hearts.


The two attacked at the same time, pointing their swords at Li Xunle.

Li Xunle did not expect the two to be so sudden, so he ran away at a speed that was outrageous.

Outside the copy.

Zhou Shanhai and Mei Xingchen glanced at Guan Shanyue and found that he turned his head to look to the side.

He completely ignored it.

At this time, other audiences applauded:

"Okay, kill that first poison milk!"

"So what if he is handsome? What's so great about it?"

"Take him away to get rid of harm for the people! ”


At this time.

Li Xunle suddenly raised his hand, waved his staff, and two balls of green light instantly hit Ouyang Qing and Lin Xiao.

Everyone was confused, what was this guy doing?

Poisoning the two school beauties???

How could he do such a thing?

Three seconds later.

Ouyang Qing and Lin Xiao turned into white light and were carried out of the copy...


Everyone reacted after a moment:

“Wow! This guy is so cruel to the beauties!”

“Two school beauties, I guess his future is quite bumpy…”

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