After the announcement of the final boss kill sounded, Li Wei was stunned for more than ten seconds.

His brain, which had experienced many storms, also crashed at this moment.

He really didn’t want to admit that his investment was about to go to waste.

He couldn’t explain to his family if he failed like this, and he also doubted his ability.

“What should I do?”

Li Wei put aside his chaotic emotions and concentrated on thinking.

If Qin Ze had control over the main line dungeon, he would be fully capable of kicking Li Xinggang out of the main line dungeon Dusk Plains. He was in the third stage of the sacred transformation in the castle. Once out of the specific environment, Li Xinggang would definitely die, and his plan to come here this time would completely fail.

“First of all, I have to do my best to protect Li Xinggang. I can’t go back empty-handed. This is also an explanation to my family. It proves that the sacred transformation path can completely allow a useless professional to gain the strength to challenge higher levels after going through this path!”

“Just three times the attribute points is enough to make others far behind.”

“As for Qin Ze’s control of the main line copy, that is, the control of this inheritance route, when the time comes, just pay the money to discuss cooperation, and then sign a confidentiality agreement. I heard that Qin Ze owes Li’s company 150 million. From his past behavior, he must be a person who loves money and likes to get it for free.”

“Then I will let him get it for free. Generally, such a villain who is greedy for money can’t see the huge value behind the entire inheritance route! ! This is no longer something that can be measured by money.”

Li Wei quickly thought of a response strategy, called protecting Li Xinggang to death, so that the family can see the value of the inheritance route. Then use money to stun Qin Ze and buy the exclusive inheritance rights of the main line copy in Linhai City.

From his perspective, Qin Ze did nothing and was able to earn a large sum of money from the Li family.

But what he didn’t expect was…

Qin Ze’s understanding of freeloading was a little different from his.

[You have chosen the hidden inheritance route]

[Trigger the hidden inheritance task chain]

[Please follow the task chain, otherwise the inheritance may fail]

Qin Ze: “???”

“Don’t mention it, it’s quite considerate!”

It saves him from collecting information and investigating step by step.

[Hidden Task 1: Accept the inheritance of the Bobo people·Magic Energy Body]

“Xiao Qiong Qiong, can I accept your magic energy body inheritance?”

“Of course, Qin Ze, you are now a great hero of our Bobo people. We will sing your name forever, build statues for you, and build churches for you!” Xiao Qiong Qiong said excitedly.

The death of General Hei Ri was really inspiring.

The huge stone that weighed on the hearts of the Bobo people finally disappeared.

“Well, thank you. You don’t need the statue and the church.”

“You will have to rely on yourselves in the end, so that you will be able to deal with the next crisis. I won’t be here forever.” Qin Ze said lightly.

He was also very happy that the Bobo people were completely liberated, but their final fate was still in their own hands.

“Brother Qin Ze, are you leaving?”

Xiao Qiong Qiong’s eyes were full of tears, full of reluctance.

“Almost, I want to go to the Black Emperor to see.” Qin Ze looked at the distant sky. If nothing unexpected happened, after finishing the main line of Linhai City this time, he would follow his mentor to the central area.

That is the gathering of the main lines of all local copies, and it is also the real stage for countless geniuses to compete.

At the same time, there is a world-class BOSS Black Emperor sitting in charge.

He naturally has to go and try.

“Ah, Black Emperor?” Xiao Qiong Qiong’s tearful eyes suddenly showed fear, and she covered her mouth and retreated one after another.

“What’s wrong?”

“The Black Emperor is very scary, do you really want to go?”

“The Holy Royal Family is only loyal to the Black Emperor. Under the Black Emperor, there are many cruel and bloodthirsty subordinates like the Holy Royal Family. I’m afraid that you, big brother…” Xiao Qiongqiong said excitedly.

“Are you afraid that I will become a minion of the Black Emperor?”

“No, no, no, I’m afraid that you, big brother, will be captured and killed by them.”

“Haha, don’t worry, I can kill General Black Sun, so I have the confidence to escape.” Qin Ze touched Xiao Qiongqiong’s head and said with a smile.

“Xiao Qiongqiong, you must work hard in the future and become a helper standing behind me.”

Before the voice fell, Xiao Qiongqiong’s eyes immediately brightened.

“I will!”

Xiao Qiongqiong nodded fiercely.

What Qin Ze didn’t know was that his casual words created an extraordinary queen in the future.

[The inheritance place of the magic body of the Bobo people]

This is an extremely ancient stone building.

It was once occupied by the Holy Royal Family, but they did not destroy the building, but carefully protected it.Come.

It is about the origin and history of the Popo people.

The Holy Royal Family once spent a lot of effort to study, but they could not open the stone lock of the stone building.

At this time, the Popo people were gathering here to hold a grand inheritance ceremony.

In their opinion, although Qin Ze was an outsider, he was fully qualified to obtain the inheritance of the magic body.

[Get inheritance] [Professional transfer]

[Please choose]

Qin Ze stood in front of the huge stone door, and two options appeared in front of him.

If it is just inheritance, it means getting some attribute bonuses and inheritance characteristics, such as increasing the speed of mana recovery per second, which is not even a skill, but an increase in some values.

But if it is a professional transfer, it will be integrated with his current [Undead Summoner].

It is still uncertain what profession he will transfer to in the end.

The only thing that can be confirmed is the Undead system.

“I choose professional transfer!”

Qin Ze made his choice without hesitation.

In his understanding, career change is to help professionals tap into and develop deeper professional power.

[Choose success, start hidden inheritance·career change]

With the sound of the prompt, the stone door slowly opened.

When he stepped in, the ground was like the surface of the water, sparkling.

There were several stone pillars standing around, and there was a faint chanting sound around.

In the front was a large stone pool, which kept overflowing with water and then flowed into the floor under his feet.

Qin Ze felt very magical, stepped on the ground twice, and immediately stepped out two big splashes.

But he always stepped on the surface of the water and did not sink.

“This is… the so-called magic power.”

Qin Ze had some enlightenment, which could carry everything and accommodate everything.

As he continued to approach the magic power pool, his perception of magic power became stronger and stronger.

In the end, the magic power liquid turned into several water columns, which began to rotate around Qin Ze’s body, and Qin Ze also entered a mysterious state.

He seemed to see the past.

Beautiful giant butterflies spread their rainbow wings at the edge of the magic energy pool.

The rainbow-colored magic energy fluctuations made everything around them come alive.

Countless people knelt under the magic energy fluctuations, as small as a speck of dust.

Qin Ze: “?”

[Congratulations, you have obtained the magic energy body career inheritance]

[Open the hidden job transfer task 2: Get the perfect sacred king insect]

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