After leaving the secret room, the Dark Queen and the Dark Emperor immediately felt as if they were facing a great enemy.

The energy on their bodies was surging like spikes.

Qin Ze followed and walked out. A huge circular cave was immediately reflected in his pupils. The densely packed humanoid monsters were all headless. Instead, there was a long worm twisting in the air. In the center of the cave, there was a ribbon-like light floating continuously, and it seemed that a cocoon was bred in it.

The holy royal physician wearing a white worm mask stood around the cocoon.

Looking at Qin Ze from afar, his eyes were full of indifference.

[You have entered the high-dimensional transaction location]

[The golden compass has found the target, and this mission is over]

Qin Ze took out the golden compass in a daze, and then saw that the pointer on it was madly pointing to the cocoon in the middle.

[High-dimensionalization·Perfect Holy King Cocoon]

[Status: Unhatched (experimental state)]

[Introduction: Once high-dimensionalized, it cannot be calculated with numerical values. High-dimensional has a terrifying crushing ability over low-dimensional, and also has the ability to touch the world wall that high-dimensional life has never had]

[High-dimensionalization success probability: 1%]

“I just wanted an ordinary perfect Holy King worm, but I got a high-dimensional one?”

“Wait, I was thinking of a Holy King worm out of the human body before. What would be the difference if it was a Holy King worm in the human body?”

Qin Ze’s heart moved, and he quickly imagined it in his mind, and then the golden compass started to turn again.

Finally, it pointed to the way he came from, in the H-shaped area.

“The old man of the Li family took advantage of my cognitive bias, so he gave me the golden compass?”

“Want to use this high-dimensional trading point to trick me to death?”

In a flash, countless thoughts came up.

To be honest, he lost his temper this time because the people of the Li family figured out that he had a biased understanding of the Holy King Worm, or that most people don’t want their job transfer materials to be taken from humans, so when using the golden compass, he imagined a single Holy King Worm, and then pointed him here.

If you associate the parasitic human body with it, the answer you get will be completely different.

“The case is solved!”

“But, it seems that I lost, but I didn’t.”

“The real high-dimensional creatures are not here. The core physician of the Holy Royal Family is here to study high-dimensionalization. So he killed all the monsters and the Holy Royal Family here, and then caught the Holy King Bugs that were still in high-dimensionalization into the Plague Cauldron. Isn’t everything solved?”

“The most important thing is that in terms of high-dimensionalization level, my Dark Queen and Nether Iron Underworld Emperor are no worse than the monsters here!!”

“Don’t you think so?”

Dark Queen: “Of course.”

Nether Iron Underworld Emperor: “I’m going to release my real power.”

“Dark Throne, start spreading!” The Dark Queen threw away the Queen’s Longbow, spread her arms suddenly, and gently left the ground with her feet. Countless darkness rushed out from behind her, and then dragged her to sit in the darkness.

Due to the level limit of the summoner, the Dark Queen and other royal summons cannot release all their power.

Summoning your own throne is equivalent to temporarily opening the limiter. After the end, you will not be able to continue summoning for a short time.

“Phantom Iron Throne, follow me to kill all enemies!”

Phantom Iron Emperor walked forward, stepped on the iron steps, and climbed up step by step. At the end was the Phantom Iron Throne made of countless swords. After he sat on it, his momentum changed instantly.

He is the emperor who overlooks all living beings!

[Warning, the Dark Queen summoned the Dark Throne. After this summoning, the skill cooldown will be +72 hours]

[Warning, Phantom Iron Emperor summoned the Iron Throne. After this summoning, the skill cooldown will be +72 hours]

The high-dimensional upgrade of the two royal summons caused the entire space to begin to vibrate.

The holy royal physician wearing a white insect mask had a rare look of fear in his eyes. They looked left and right in the trembling space. It seemed that they were not afraid of the two royal summons that were upgraded to a high dimension, but were afraid of waking up a potential existence.

Qin Ze originally wanted to summon the Thunder Skeleton, as this guy also had the Thunder Throne to summon.

But after thinking of the potential danger, he had to give up.

The two royal summons sitting on the throne, one on the left and one on the right, stood in the air beside Qin Ze. Their momentum could match that of thousands of troops, and they could even kill a large number of people with just their eyes.


The monsters they faced this time were not easy to deal with. They could be said to be the ultimate test subjects of the Holy Royal Family, and they were mixed with high dimensions.

[Failed Product No. ②·Human Centipede]

[Status: High Dimensionalization, Holy Third Stage Insectification]

[All attributes are doubled]

[Strength*15723, Agility*9327, Intelligence*3238]

[Skill 1: High-dimensional Bite] [Skill 2: Immortality] [Skill 3: High-dimensional Movement]

[Failed Product No. 3·Sacred Transformer]

[Status: High-dimensionalization, mid-stage of the third sacred stage]

[All attributes are doubled]

[Strength: 9823, Agility*7562, Intelligence*5956]

[Skill 1: Top Fighting Skills] [Skill 2: High-dimensional Slash] [Skill 3: High-dimensional Movement]

The so-called high-dimensionalization, in theory, can ignore a series of low-dimensional rules such as space, time and reality rules, and is in a state that low-dimensional creatures cannot understand. For example, these failed products only have a little bit of high-dimensional characteristics, which is crushing for low-dimensional creatures.

For example, if someone slashes at you with a knife, you can’t defend at all.

The level of the professional is actually the process of high-dimensionalization.

At the same time, the battle between the two sides is imminent.

The Queen of Darkness sat on the throne of darkness, her body completely hidden in it, only two scarlet eyes could be seen lighting up in it. Her attack on the enemy was to release darkness, completely trapping them in it, and the monsters could not escape at all with their high-dimensional fur.

The Queen of Darkness’s darkness was like a millstone, trapping them in it and crushing them to death.

[Congratulations, you killed the failed item No. ② · Humanoid Centipede, and gained experience: 23,000]

[Congratulations, you killed the failed item No. ③ · Holy Transformed Man, and gained experience: 20,000]

The Emperor of the Dark Iron sat on the iron throne, and the dark green light burst out from the iron armor. His authority was the control of the sword of the dead. Any enemy who approached him would be pierced into a sieve by the sudden sword. At the same time, he also had the ability to trap the enemy firmly and extract the soul.

This was a bit conflicting with Qin Ze’s Huangquan right hand.

However, it was not a big problem, just kill him! !

On the top floor of Li’s Mansion, Li Wei sat cross-legged in the center of the scarlet formation.

He looked at Li Xinggang who was gradually becoming quiet, and he breathed a sigh of relief: “Li Xinggang is about to complete his transformation and become the only hidden profession. He should eventually grow into one of the top ten masters of the family, which will be of great help to the entire family in the future.”

“And my position will be further consolidated.”

The corners of Li Wei’s mouth suddenly turned up.

“And this Qin Ze, haha, he really went in.”

“It involves high-dimensional power there, I can’t detect it, but I think he will definitely not survive.”

“It’s a pity for my golden compass, let Li Xinggang go in and help me find it later.”

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