Countless professionals are eagerly waiting for Qin Ze’s return.

He is no longer a person, but a symbol of victory.

As long as Qin Ze can return, they will follow Qin Ze’s footsteps and further resist the exploitation of Li’s company.

Not to mention erasing all debts, but at least the two items of low-price acquisition and forced trading can be removed. Otherwise, no matter how many times they go to the dungeon, the result will be the same. 80% of the profits will be eaten up by others, and the 20% of the profits they get will have to repay the debts, which is extremely outrageous.

At the junction of the Black Abyss, some professionals even set up altars and prayed that Qin Ze could come back intact.

The eagerness was almost beyond words.

Li’s exchange company would naturally not tolerate such a thing, and immediately issued various task orders, using the debts to drive these people to go to the dungeon.

The professionals were all honest and straightforward, and they followed the dungeon one by one.

There is no way, if you ask them to resist as individuals, they naturally dare not.

A day passed quickly.

What the professionals were hoping for never happened.

No one came out, and no body was teleported out.

It made people very nervous.

“There is still a chance. The body has not been teleported out, which means Qin Ze is not dead!!”

“Hey, it’s been a day, I think it’s too bad. That’s a nightmare-level copy. It’s not that I haven’t seen monsters that eat people without spitting out bones. Those nightmare copy clearance videos that have been turned around and around, there are such monsters everywhere. If Qin Ze was swallowed, it would be normal that there is no body.”

“No, Qin Ze withdrew when he saw that the situation was not right. He wouldn’t really want to send his life in there.”

“The nightmare copy is not subject to human will. You can go in if you want to, and you can come out if you want to. ? What do you think of the nightmare-level copy? ”

“Indeed, a day can actually determine a lot of things. ”

“Damn it, now we really need a peerless genius to lead everyone through the difficulties and break the monopoly and oppression of the Li family. It’s really useless to speak without strength.”

“I am a pessimistic person. If Qin Ze succeeds, the Li family will tempt him with a lot of money, and even pull him into the family to share the resources of the entire city. Do you think Qin Ze will be tempted?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent.

On one side is a golden road.

On the other side is a difficult road full of thorns.

Any normal person knows which one to choose.

They found that they were still naive.

Linhai City, Mayor’s Office.

Tang Zhu, wearing a white suit, had a serious face, and her fingers kept tapping the table subconsciously.

She is currently only level 24, and it is difficult for her to control the entire Linhai City.

But there is no way. Official resources are tight. Her level is the highest in the official team of Linhai City, but compared with the power of Li family in Linhai City, it is not enough. They have a professional level of 37, which is 13 levels lower than her.

In this world, strength speaks. Even if she is the mayor, she has no real power if her level cannot suppress others, let alone compete with others.

Moreover, as a super family, Li family can also suppress the official in the central area.

If there were no other four super families to check and balance, Li family’s wolfish ambitions would probably bring the entire Dragon Country back to the feudal system, and they would dominate all resources.

At this time, the principal sitting below suddenly spoke:

“The current situation is very serious. The power structure of Longguo has gradually formed five major groups. The official power is being infinitely weakened. The five super families are deliberately excluding official personnel, and very few high-level copy resources have been transferred.”

“It’s really hard to say what the future of Longguo will be like!”

He looked very anxious, and his eyes were full of worries about the future of the country.

While the internal changes were taking place, the external threats were also growing.

And he knew too well the practices of the five super families, who used the most extreme suppression to grab the nutrients for their own growth.

In the end, they would cause everyone to fall into the abyss, including themselves.

“Hey, we can’t control the national level, and it’s not our turn to control it. The most critical thing now is the problem of Linhai City. The professionals have been resentful for a long time.”

“And the Li family is sacrificing the future of all professionals, and then grabbing resources to strengthen themselves.”

“We must find a way to eradicate this cancer!!”

As soon as this was said, the official senior officials present were silent.

They have a level 37 professional and have established a whole system of exploitation.

It is even legal and compliant, so there is no reason to intervene.

Take your head and eradicate it!

“I thinkThe key to breaking it is… Qin Ze. ”

Principal Shi Kang was silent for a long time, and then suddenly spoke.

Wow–Everyone looked at him in unison.

The head of the Human Resources Department was the first to jump out: “I object. Qin Ze’s talent is only B-level, and he is also a summoner of the dead. We don’t have much resources, and we can’t bet on one person.”

“That’s right. Even if Qin Ze can escape successfully, it can’t prove his value unless he can pass the nightmare copy. But this possibility cannot be said to be zero, but it can only be said to be infinitely close to 0.”

“It is so difficult to break the monopoly of the Li family. We need to rely on the power of the grassroots professionals. Qin Ze is now the popular choice. I think he is the best choice.”


A group of senior officials began to argue with each other.

Mayor Tang Zhu, who had been silent for a long time, sighed deeply.

“Everyone, stop for a while. I have decided to mobilize all resources and bet on Qin Ze.”

“He is now popular with the people, and the power he can mobilize is unimaginable. ”

“But the premise is… he can come out alive.”

In Nightmare Manor, Qin Ze didn’t know that he had already won the favor of everyone.

“I remember that the corpse burial point was just ahead. The environment of the nightmare-level copy has changed, but the most important position should not have changed.” Liu Yang’s eyes swept around, looking for the place in the video.

“No need to look for it, see if that is the ancient door mentioned in the introduction.”

Qin Ze patted his shoulder, and he was immediately scared.

“Ancient door?”

“A place dedicated to waist.”

Liu Yang looked in the direction Qin Ze pointed, and there was indeed a big door hidden in the dead branches and the night, with this prosperous pattern engraved on it, giving people a sense of cult horror.

[Ancient door: There is a terrifying unknown existence sealed in it]

The two of them tacitly did not go over to commit suicide.

Instead, they searched nearby, and the corpse pit must be around.

“It’s here, found it! ”

“I was wondering why it was so hard to find. It turns out it’s overgrown with weeds.”

Liu Yang pointed to an empty space and shouted excitedly.

Qin Ze nodded, raised the magic book of the dead in his hand, and began to chant.

“Spread, the cemetery of the dead! !”

A huge wave of light rushed in all directions.

Wherever it passed, tombstones emerged from the soil, marking the identities of these nameless bodies.

All of them were children, and their deaths were horrible.

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