Returning to Lienia

Melina was very upset. She used to think she knew too little, but now she felt like a clown when she learned the truth.

The nameless swordsman is the most mysterious existence in the Shattered War, and bards have written countless epics for him.

Or praise bravery, or praise strength, or praise his mercy, anyway, no matter from which point of view, this is a great hero worthy of praise.

Dare to intervene in the decisive battle between the two demigods. This is already very brave and powerful. In addition, from the consequences, his righteous deeds have saved hundreds of thousands of people and even the entire junction. Who would not give a thumbs up to this? Hero?

I thought he was a fading person who was easy to fool, but it turned out to be an epic hero.

‘So I got blinded all the way by him and told him some ridiculous things. ‘

“Are you still sulking? You have said that I am honest and trustworthy, and you think I am bragging, so what can I do?” Tang En walked across the bridge, and there was no guard here, so he pointed point around.

“I used to pass by here and blocked Gregory back, you should believe it now.”

“Believe me, that’s why I’m sullen.” Melina replied without raising her head. She really couldn’t say that Tang En had lied to her.

The truth has long been there, it’s just that I don’t believe it.

Tang En spread his hands and stopped talking to the girl who was trying to make ends meet. Just to be on the safe side, he waved the girl to turn into a spirit body.

He stood on the bridge and looked around. The sea was on the right, the majestic castle was on the left, and at the end of the bridge was a checkpoint.

They are all old friends.

The people at the checkpoint were wearing azure armor. They were not the cuckoo knights. The difference was that there was a magician wearing a pyroxene mask next to him.

This is normal. Ever since Tang En disturbed Lienia, the power of both sides has ebbed and flowed. If they don’t unite sincerely, they will be hanged by Kalia sooner or later.

There weren’t many people at the checkpoint, and they obviously didn’t care much about the people who passed by Ningmgfu, but from the looks of it, they should have received a lot of Gregor’s defeated soldiers.

‘It means that I have helped them? ‘

Tang En was a little ironic, but he didn’t take it to heart. They were all chickens and dogs, and they were not as troublesome as some faded people mixed in.

For example, a person was wearing a bright silver-red armor with an iron whip hanging from his waist. At first glance, he looked like a powerful faded person, and he was very representative. Twain recognized him instantly.

“‘Blood Word Knight’ Huo Siluo? Has that old Yinbi already started the layout?”

Sir Baizhi couldn’t ignore the problems that Twain could see. Ningmgfu’s strategy was essentially a failure for them, and the help of Two Fingers needed to be rewarded.

The Great Rune lost one, and the most recent Great Rune, Lienia, happened to have one, and the magic academy that happened to ‘master’ the Great Rune was having a hard time right now.

‘It actually counted on us Kalia. ‘

Tang En thought it was very interesting, so he walked over without showing any signs of expression. After getting closer, he found another acquaintance, who was the battlefield mage Yogg who was going to support Greg.

He is more familiar with this person. He even pretended to be someone else’s name when he was in Seria. Time to stand together again.

It is not surprising that interests determine the relationship between friends and foes.

The magician was still arrogant, and he didn’t even look at Tang En who was approaching, but the Blood Word Knight came up to meet him with someone.


“Yes, my lord. I’m Del Horth the Faded.” Tang En’s identity was no nonsense. He was one of the faded people he beheaded outside Fort Hyde back then.

Oh no, this magician was hacked by Melina, it’s none of his business.

It’s just a small person, and he didn’t participate in the subsequent battles, unless Tang En was extremely lucky and happened to meet an acquaintance here, um, but in this way, it seemed that the other party was even more unlucky, and he would not leave a living, even if he and Huo Si The Lao family has a little friendship.

The Blood Word Knight didn’t think too much, and continued to ask in a sharp voice: “What occupation, why did you leave Ningmgfu?”

“I’m a stargazer, who left quietly when Lord Fearless announced the start of the war, hiding all the way, and only then did I know that the battle was over.”

Tang En’s words made the magician and the fading person show contemptuous expressions together. The former thinks these fading people are nothing but stargazers, while the latter despises this person’s weakness.

I don’t care if I don’t care, identity is still no problem, faders are free to come and go, and there is no military law to speak of.

The Blood Word Knight was silent for a moment, he had no right to hold this person accountable, he just said: “The Round Table Hall has a mission in Lienia, are you interested in joining?”

“Forget it, my strength is too low, I just want to find a small village to live in peace and stability.” Tang En replied timidly.

“There is no safe place at the junction, and if you don’t fight, you can only die.”

“That will take a while, better than nowGood luck, I heard that Lienia is rich in products, no matter how bad it is, you can use magic to catch some fish to eat. ”

The Blood Word Knight looked at him, sighed, and waved Tang En away. This is a true portrayal of faders, not everyone is willing to fight.

Death will come eventually, and even Gregor doesn’t know how to resist with the butcher’s knife on his neck, so why should he waste his saliva.

Tang En passed by like this. Fortunately, he was in a very good mood, so he didn’t care at all. He just paused a little when passing by the barracks behind.

He saw Yogg, the battle mage, and someone more powerful.

Wide-brimmed hat, gag mask, black cloak.

‘Oh, isn’t this the professor of magic? The breath is so familiar, it’s Oritis. ”

Tang En has a very good memory. He still clearly remembers that this guy tried him and then chased him down. He is also the chairman of the Academic Committee, but he doesn’t know if he is stepping down now.

Olytis’ perception was also very keen, and he looked over in an instant, and moved to the side after seeing a faded person.

Over the years, because the School of Magic couldn’t close the school gate, he had a lot of dealings with faders, and sometimes taught him knowledge. Of course, they were all heroes of the round table hall, so he wouldn’t waste time on such low-level faders.

After being distracted for a moment, he turned his attention back to his eyes, looking at this powerful magician who had retreated from the battlefield.

“Yug, I have read your report, but many places are still unclear.”

“Of course, because I am also confused and defeated.” Yuge spread his hands and complained: “Greek doesn’t trust us at all, and he doesn’t listen to any advice at all except when he is attacking Hyde Fortress. The Faded Ones came to attack at night, but luckily you reached an agreement with the Round Table Hall, and then you retreated safely.”

Yogg was really confused. Less than ten spells were used in the whole battle, and then he was surrounded by the round table hall. Fortunately, the magicians were not eliminated because of their conspicuous appearance.

Olytis lowered his head and pondered, he couldn’t get any beneficial information from this front-line commander, combined with the information from the round table hall——

“Who do you think killed Gregor?”

“Ghost knows, there was heavy rain and chaos that night, and Greg was the first to flee.” Yogg spread his hands and said helplessly: “Actually, the round table hall did not confirm who did it, Vic the Unafraid only told them that there was a The faded person named Wei Mingyixin is responding inside, and the whereabouts of this person are still unknown.”

“Could it be this Wei Ming who did it wholeheartedly?”

“Impossible. If this Wei Ming is determined to kill Greco, why is he running away? Is he so afraid of being a hero?”


Obtaining a big rune will immediately surpass all faders by a large margin. The round table hall has not beat drums to welcome him to the God’s Tower, even Sir Baizhi has to pinch his nose and call him a hero.

There are only a few big runes, and the faders don’t all rely on their own abilities. They never said that they need to concentrate resources to build a person.

“Unless it wasn’t the fader who killed Grek, then things would be troublesome.” Oritis pondered. As a professor of magic, his IQ must be top-notch.

Only with this kind of possibility will he take the initiative to conceal the news, and only with this kind of possibility can he get rid of Wei Ming’s suspicion of Yixin.

Wei Ming is all about mystery, and it may also be involved in the whole incident, but the identity of the faded person is certain.

“Hey, these don’t care about our business. What the college needs now is the right to survive.” The professor sighed, and he couldn’t control so much. There was going to be a big mess at the junction, so it was the little Rhea Lucaria able to bear.

“The latest experiments have yielded results, and we’ll soon have an even stronger force.”

“You mean that the soul puppet project combined with Servis’s research results still lacks some materials?” Yuge is a first-level lecturer after all, and he has heard about it before going to Ningmgfu.

“The material has been found.”

“From where?”

“The Ansel River.”

Hearing this, Yogg held his breath a little bit. He didn’t expect the academy to move so fast, but it was normal. The sword of the Kalia royal family was hanging above their heads, which could not tolerate the elegance and calmness of magicians.

“Have you explored the passage?”

“Joke, this eternal city is originally under Lienia, the river well has been opened, and to explore the treasure, don’t we have a group of professional allies?” Oritis looked at the faded ones, obviously the other party helped a lot .

Driven, capable, and more urgent, there’s no doubting it.

Oritis smiled arrogantly, and waved his hand lightly: “Come with me, let’s go down and have a look.”

The two magicians left quietly, not noticing that an invisible person was eavesdropping not far away, and when the two walked away, they were in a tea room by the side of the road.

Tang En picked up the cup and sipped Hepa tea. There was also a map of Lienia on the table.

Nearly half of this area has already been dyed in the color of Kalia, and the naval forces of both sides are fighting endlessly on the lake. Judging from the intelligence, Ninny is obviously not in a hurry, so as not to touch some people’s nerves.

She occupied a place and farmed with peace of mind. This kind of blunt knife cutting flesh made the power unbalanced. The current academy coalition army is already filled with a large number of Kaidan mercenaries, and the control over the villages and towns is even lower to the limit.

“Really? They’re experimenting.”

Tang En stared at the map and nodded slightly. The plum wood has become more cooperative recently, even willing to do such things as eavesdropping.

He put down his teacup and finally let out a long sigh:

Soul puppet is really a nostalgic noun.


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