The two of them met in the first round.

"What a coincidence, Brother Wang. I didn't expect that we would meet in the first round." Zhuge Qing walked over with narrowed eyes.

Zhuge Bai followed him and looked at Wang Quan with curiosity.

Looking at the match list, Wang Quan's mouth twitched for a while. He knew why Wang Ye went to see the old master last night.

And this match, he didn't believe it at all if it wasn't set up to trick him. Just look at the people he met along the way.

If he can successfully defeat Zhuge Qing and advance to the quarterfinals, he will face the winner between Wang Ye and Liao Fan.

There is no doubt that the winner of this match is definitely Wang Ye, and Liao Fan can't even have a half chance of winning.

Not only that, as the competition deepens to the semi-finals, he can foresee his opponent at that time-Zhang Lingyu.

After all, the only one worth paying attention to in his group is Lu Linglong, but Zhang Lingyu has a 100% chance of winning without using supernatural powers.

So far, from the preliminary round to the final, he has stepped on the road to confront the top players who are expected to become the successor of the Heavenly Master.

"Old Heavenly Master, you really know how to play."

Wang Quan grinded his teeth secretly with a fake smile, thinking about how to beat Wang Ye to vent his anger.

As for Zhuge Qing's words, he didn't hear a word just now.

At this time, Wang Ye came up with a listless face, put his arm around Zhuge Qing's neck, turned his back, and whispered in his ear.

"Zhuge Qing, he is a natural superpower, be careful that he copies your abilities, that's all I have to say, come on."

After saying that, Wang Ye was about to slip away, but suddenly felt his neck was a little tight.

Looking back, it was Wang Quan.

"Okay, Old Wang, you're showing me off, right? I advise you to admit defeat when you play against Liao Fan, otherwise, hum."

"It seems that Brother Wang is really confident, so sure that he can beat me?" Zhuge Qing smiled with narrowed eyes.

Wang Quan let go of Wang Ye, stretched his waist, put his hands in his pockets, and raised his chin slightly, "Give it a try."

"Please enter the venue quickly if your name is called!"

"Zhang Chulan vs. Tang Wenlong!"

"Wang Bing vs. Feng Xingtong!"

"Feng Baobao vs. Xiao Xiao!"

"Feng Shayan vs. Jia Zhengliang!"

As the referee's voice sounded, eight players quickly entered the venue.

Zhuge Qing led Zhuge Bai to Feng Baobao's competition venue, and Wang Ye followed closely behind.

It seems that after the previous competition, they all found some problems with Feng Baobao.

"If I remember correctly, the old Taoist priest and the others will also go." Wang Quan raised his eyebrows, but he was not interested in getting involved in the matter there.

There was another competition that was more worthy of his attention.

The battle between Wang Bing and Feng Xingtong.

This was one of the most emotional plots in the early stage of the comics, and he had to go and watch it.

In the field, Feng Xingtong and Wang Bing looked at each other.

"Xingtong, we have almost finished our private competition, let's get straight to the main show."

Wang Bing was wearing casual clothes, and his every move was quite like a child of a wealthy family. He was completely different from the past.

There was always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which meant that he was satisfied.

During this period, he experienced feelings that he had never experienced before.

The praise of others, the approval of the elders, and the boasting of the grandfather.

He had everything he wanted since he was a child, and he never thought that there were things that money couldn't buy.

So after experiencing this feeling, he was addicted to it.

He knew that the recent changes were all due to what his elder brother once said to him: "Strength is the capital of arrogance."

During this period of time, he had sought out many strangers to learn from, which was also a confirmation of his past level of practice.

As a child of the Wang family, he was naturally talented in practice.

When he got serious, with his foundation that was forced to be compacted in the past, he finally broke out with the expected effect.

Not to mention rapid progress, at least he is improving every day now.

But as his strength became stronger, the arrogance in his heart disappeared.

Because there was a mountain on his head.

He kept reminding himself that the road he was taking was just climbing a mountain.

Wang Bing looked at Feng Xingtong asking for the Changbai Mountain Liu Kunsheng who was detained from the disciple Deng Youfu, but his face remained unchanged.

He just stretched out his hand and waved, "Come!"

But he saw that Mr. Liu, who was invited by Feng Xingtong, was led away by Wang Bing, causing an uproar in the audience.

However, Feng Xingtong was not surprised. He had already

I learned some things from my father, including the fact that the Wang family would also detain spirits and send generals.

"Xiao Bing, send Uncle Liu back to Mr. Deng." A familiar voice suddenly came from the stands.

The referee in charge of this competition in Longhu Mountain was Rong Shan, a disciple of the old Tianshi. He glanced at Wang Quan and didn't say much.

This really wasn't a violation.

Wang Bing was slightly startled, with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Since he participated in the competition, his elder brother has never come to watch his competition.

For some reason, he was a little excited at this moment.

He nodded quickly, his eyes swept across the stands, and waved his hands, "Mr. Deng, take Uncle Liu!"

"Thank you, little brother Wang!" Deng Youfu clasped his fists and thanked him, and immediately pinched the seal, "Uncle Kunsheng, come back!"

As Deng Youfu called him back, Uncle Liu's scarlet vertical pupils glanced at Feng Xingtong and Wang Bing, and was invited back by Deng Youfu.

"Brother." Wang Bing called again with a smile.

Feng Xingtong did not make trouble during this process and waved to Wang Quan.

"You two, do you still want to compete?" Rong Shan's deep voice came.

"Compete!" Wang Bing replied, with an excited smile on his face, and immediately invited the elves he had detained.

"Xiao Bing, you are not allowed to use the spirit detention and generals. You can use other means as you like. Let me see your progress."

Wang Quan's voice came again.

He really didn't expect that, unknowingly, this younger brother was no longer the Wang Bing he knew.

No wonder the Wang family's reputation has improved a lot during this period.

Hearing Wang Quan's words, Wang Bing's expression suddenly became serious, and a faint golden light appeared on his body.

Unlike the golden light effect attached to the practice of the Golden Light Mantra, this is the protection formed after the pure horizontal training reaches a certain level.

Wang Quan raised his eyebrows, "I never thought that this guy could even practice the Golden Bell Cover. It seems that his level is not low."

While he was thinking, Wang Bing had already started fighting with Feng Xingtong.

There were no fancy tricks, just a punch-to-the-flesh fighting style.

One practiced horizontal kung fu, and the other invited spirits to possess him. The battle was to see who could last to the end.

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