At this moment, Zhang Chulan seemed to smell a tube of aged mustard.

A burst of sourness flowed from his nostrils into his brain!

Tears could not stop flowing.

Zhang Chulan's body's desire to fight just now collapsed at this moment!

His body softened and he knelt on the ground.

"Master Tian... I thought... I thought... I really thought..."

Tian Jinzhong's nose was also sour, and tears were rolling in his eyes.

"Chulan, come here..."

Zhang Chulan listened to Tian Jinzhong's voice and quickly got up and came to his side.

He grabbed Tian Jinzhong's arm with both hands.

"Master Tian, ​​you scared me to death..."

Zhang Chulan sat diagonally in Tian Jinzhong's wheelchair like a child, looking up at Tian Jinzhong.

Tian Jinzhong gently stroked Zhang Chulan's head and said gently: "I'm sorry to have worried you.

In fact, I don't know what Lin Fan and your master are planning.

The two are very mysterious and have to hide the news that I survived.

I'm sorry to have worried you. It's my fault."

Zhang Chulan wiped his tears and shook his head: "It's okay, Master Tian, ​​it's not your fault."

Tian Jinzhong is still the same. No matter what happens, he blames himself.

The old man who always blames himself for the fault and always protects his child gently is not dead.

Zhang Chulan leaned on Tian Jinzhong as if he was leaning on a rare treasure.

The old master did not participate in the conversation between Zhang Chulan and Tian Jinzhong.

He just watched silently, sometimes looking at Zhang Chulan and sometimes looking at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan looked at the old master and then smiled easily.

"Old Taoist priest, are you nervous?"

Zhang Zhiwei pretended to be calm and swung his sleeves: "Why should I be nervous?

When I killed the fourteen people of Quan Xing, I didn't even blink!"

Lin Fan walked in front of the old Taoist priest while talking.

He whispered: "Old Taoist priest, if you are not nervous, how come you scratched the handle of Mr. Tian's chair?"

Hearing this, the old Taoist priest quickly looked at the handle of the wheelchair.

The handle made of pure steel had been scratched into pieces by the old Taoist priest.


The old Taoist priest was embarrassed.

"I just like it, what's your business?

Hurry up and start your performance!

If you can't do it, I must cripple you today!"

As the old Taoist priest spoke, he covered his shame with anger and raised his hand to make a gesture to hit Lin Fan.

Lin Fan quickly stepped back and came to the open space.

At this time, Zhang Chulan looked at Lin Fan.

His face was full of guilt.

"Lin Fan... I was impulsive... I'm sorry..."

Just when Zhang Chulan hadn't finished saying the three words "I'm sorry", Lin Fan suddenly put his hands together!

Standing in place, he suddenly shouted: "Spiritual Art!


As soon as the voice fell, a coffin suddenly drilled out from the ground!

The coffin broke out of the ground, causing a burst of dust in the yard!

Zhang Chulan hurriedly protected Tian Jinzhong behind him, but he inhaled a little dust.

He spit out saliva repeatedly: "Tsk!


Lin Fan!

What are you doing!"

After a long time, the dust settled, and everyone saw clearly that a coffin appeared in front of Lin Fan.

Several people stared at the coffin.

Zhang Chulan said, "Lin Fan, what are you going to do?

What do you mean by bringing out a coffin?"

Tian Jinzhong looked a little confused: "Lin Fan, what do you mean?

I just survived, and you are sending me away now, right?

Come on, carry me in.

I'll go with you...

But your coffin is a little small, I don't have feet, I can't even lie in it!"

The old Taoist priest standing behind Tian Jinzhong was even more nervous at this moment.

He knew what this coffin meant.

He grabbed Tian Jinzhong's wheelchair with more force and frequency.

At this moment, a voice came from the coffin.

"Brother... are you making fun of my short stature?"

When this voice came out, the three people in front of him were all stunned!

First of all, this coffin was not empty!

There is someone inside! ?

And this person is still alive and still talking!

What shocked several people even more was that this voice sounded a little familiar!

The old Taoist priest, who had known the answer in advance, exerted his full strength at this moment!

There was a snap!

The old Taoist priest actually tore Tian Jinzhong's wheelchair into pieces!

The wheelchair fell apart instantly, and Tian Jinzhong sat on the ground!


Tian Jinzhong sat on the ground, his butt hurt, but he still stared at the coffin.

"Call me..."My senior brother?

Lin Fan!

What are you doing?

Are you trying to scare an old man like me by playing tricks here?

You and my senior brother are in collusion!

And dismantled my wheelchair..."

But before Tian Jinzhong finished speaking, the lid of the coffin in front of him was opened!

With a creaking sound, the coffin lid fell to the ground beside him.

At this moment, the person inside slowly walked out of the coffin.

The man stepped on the ground and looked at the few people.

All of them were stunned.


This was a minute of silence!

In the silent forest, there was no sound!

Only the heartbeats of a few people echoed in the courtyard.

The first to make a sound was the old Taoist priest.

Although the old Taoist priest was a hundred years old, he was in good health.

But I didn't expect that at this moment, he actually staggered.

He stretched out a trembling hand and walked slowly towards the man.

As Zhang Zhiwei walked, big tears fell at his feet.

At this time, it seemed that something was stuck in his throat, and he kept sobbing in his throat.

At this moment, the old master really looked like a centenarian.

Coming to the man, the old master's hands kept shaking, and gently stroked his face.

After a while, the old master finally squeezed out a few words from his throat.

"Huaiyi... is it really you..."

Zhang Huaiyi looked at the old master and said softly: "Brother... it's me..."

Just these two light words.

The moment Zhang Huaiyi said it, the old master burst into tears.


The old master held Zhang Huaiyi's face with both hands, just like holding his face when he was a child.

In the eyes of the old master, at this moment, Zhang Huaiyi gradually changed from the white-haired old man to a young and strong young man.

And gradually became the childish look when he just came to Longhu Mountain.

The old master almost lost his voice.

At this moment, Zhang Chulan rushed up in one step!

Hugging Zhang Huaiyi and crying loudly!


Grandpa!! !


Zhang Chulan screamed in agony.

It was as if he wanted to make up for all the times he hadn't called Grandpa in these years!

Zhang Chulan knelt on the ground, hugged Zhang Huaiyi with both hands, and cried like a child.

Just like when he was a child, when he was wronged for the first time and cried to his grandfather.

Cry however you want.

In front of Grandpa, he can be unscrupulous...

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