The old man was so angry, but he was still alive.

Lu Lingfeng muttered in his heart, who on earth is this person?

He called Zhang Chulan to find him?

He thought about it and realized that because his phone was turned off, he might not be able to contact him.

Taking the phone from Zhang Chulan, Lu Lingfeng asked unhappily: "Who are you? This sniper should be your work now."

A slightly harsh voice came from the other end of the phone, "Mr. Lu is really a noble man who forgets things easily."

Lu Lingfeng really felt a little familiar when he heard this voice, and suddenly he remembered who was on the other end of the phone.

Kojima Yuyasu, the Japanese devil who was cheated by Lu Lingfeng once.

Knowing who the opponent is, Lu Lingfeng is still a little surprised. How did the Japanese devil bring a sniper rifle to China?

However, considering that they also have aliens, it is not difficult to achieve.

For example, they also have space aliens or have similar means to Ma Xianhong's swallowing capsule.

With this thought, Lu Lingfeng taunted the phone: "You little devils are brave enough to attack us in China."

The voice of Kojima Yuya came from the phone, "It's not good to be timid. After all, Mr. Lu is not trustworthy in business, so we have to use some means."

Lu Lingfeng continued to ask: "What is your intention to attack us this time?"

While Lu Lingfeng was talking to the Japanese devil, he turned on his mobile phone and handed it to Zhang Chulan.

At this time, the best solution is to contact the official personnel of the company and ask them to come to assist.

Kojima Yutai said calmly: "In fact, we also took a big risk, but we really want the things on you."

"It's hard to come across such a good opportunity today, so I want to ask you for some good ways to make a living."

Kojima Yutai's words were a bit roundabout, but Lu Lingfeng still heard that he might not be the only target he wanted to deal with this time.

After all, among the people present, Zhang Chulan may have the secret of the origin of the Qi body, Wang Ye has the Fenghou Qimen, and Lu Lingfeng has a magical talisman.

These are undoubtedly the means coveted by the Japanese devils.

It seems that Kojima Yutai thinks that they have just attacked Biyou Village and have separated from the large team. They are in a weak period and should be a good opportunity to attack.

Lu Lingfeng laughed, "You little devils are quite greedy."

Xiaodao Yutai was not angry when he heard Lu Lingfeng's words, "There is no way. After seeing these magical methods of your China, we really want them."

It must be said that it is difficult for a small country like Japan to breed these magical methods full of historical heritage of China.

So they can only steal and rob.

Lu Lingfeng was thinking about how to deal with the sniper in his mind, and threatened: "It's a pity that you still don't see the situation clearly. Do you still want to stir up any waves in our territory?"

"I advise you to think carefully about how to spend your next life in prison."

Kojima Yutai was not at all panicked by Lu Lingfeng's threat, "I guess you have contacted the company now?"

"But Boss Lu can also guess, since we can bring in sniper rifles, will we also bring some more powerful hot weapons?"

"If you really don't give us face, we will have to attack by force."

"Even if we all sacrifice for the Great Neon Empire, we are not afraid. We must get those magical techniques from you."

Lu Lingfeng felt a little headache. It must be said that these Neon people are really crazy.

And those who can be brought by Kojima Yutai should be aliens.

A group of aliens equipped with hot weapons and fearless of death, even Lu Lingfeng and his men cannot guarantee that they can retreat unscathed.

At this time, Wang Ye, who was standing in the corner, suddenly spoke. His body swayed slightly and he seemed to be a little unstable.

He signaled Lu Lingfeng to cover his microphone, and then whispered:

"There are about 10 Japanese aliens on the opposite side, and the sniper is about 780 meters away from us at one o'clock."

Wang Ye's brows were slightly frowned, and his voice was a little weak. He obviously used divination to calculate the enemy's lineup.

It must be said that these people from Japan really spent a lot of money.

In order to obtain the Eight Wonders and Lu Lingfeng's talisman, they actually dispatched a 10-man alien death squad.

But if they really succeed, even if all ten people die, it will definitely be a sure win.

At this time, Zhang Chulan also replied weakly: "I have contacted the company, and it will take at least 20 minutes for their fastest group of people to return."

This is inevitable, after all, the company's people have been gone for a long time.

And the first group of people who arrived is unlikely to bring any substantial help to Lu Lingfeng and his team.

Lu Lingfeng knew that this time they would most likely have to rely on themselves.

After all, the battle between the aliens is about to break out, and with the bonus of hot weapons, it is estimated that if a fight really breaks out, the winner will be decided within 10 minutes.

However, Lu Lingfeng decided to delay for a while, and said unforgivingly:

"What advanced thermal weapons can you bring from Japan?"

"You won't bring all the nuclear bombs, will you? I'm really scared if that happens."

"Oh, no, I actually forgot that although you Japan is the country with the most experience in nuclear weapon explosions in the world, you don't have nuclear weapons."

Lu Lingfeng's words obviously broke Kojima Yuya's defense. He didn't speak Chinese for a while, but spoke his native language.

He said a lot of gibberish, but Lu Lingfeng didn't understand it anyway, so he just listened to the barking of a dog.

At this time, Lu Lingfeng was thinking about how to break the situation. The talisman he drew obviously couldn't attack such a long distance.

If he teleported, he could only teleport a few dozen meters at a time, and it was still quite dangerous to be exposed in the open terrain.

There are two useful trump cards that he can think of now:

One is that you are 100% sure to be attacked with bare hands. Isn't your sniper far away from me?

Then I will call you over to kill you.

However, Lu Lingfeng is not sure whether he can use the 100% sure to be attacked with bare hands.

After all, he doesn't know the name of the sniper, nor does he know his appearance. He only knows his approximate position.

What if he changes his position?

If he wants to call him over, it is still quite abstract.

Even if he can really call him over to kill, what if he calls the wrong person? Calling a suicide squad covered with bombs will only make him suffer.

Of course, Lu Lingfeng still has the ultimate trump card in his hand: the Summoning God Scroll!

He has never used the Summoning God Scroll in battle before.

But if he invites a powerful sage to take over, he should be able to deal with these little devils.

But who to invite is another problem.

Who is good at long-range attack?

Lu Bu?

Li Guang?

Hua Rong?

Cyber ​​bow and arrow against sniper rifle?

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