The tiger didn't know why he felt a chill in his body.

But when he saw Lu Lingfeng's "kind" eyes, he nodded and agreed.

Isn't it just a name? Let him choose it.

What's the big deal.

Seeing that the fat orange cat in front of him agreed to his proposal to name it, Lu Lingfeng suddenly smiled.

He touched his chin and thought for a while, "Since you are a Siberian tiger, why not call you Mimi!"

Mimi protested with his teeth and claws.

How can such a name match his majestic and domineering identity as a Siberian tiger?

Seeing this, Lu Lingfeng took out a fried chicken from the space and threw it to Mimi.

Mimi's front paws, which were still waving with their teeth and claws, caught the fried chicken and could no longer swing.

He had no choice but to enjoy the food in his paws. This might be what humans call "the one who eats the food will be grateful to the person who eats it".

Lu Lingfeng lifted Mimi's neck and held him in his arms, casually stroking his tiger head.

Resistance was futile, and the name Mimi was officially confirmed.

He took Mimi to find Deng Youcai and prepared to go down the mountain together.

Deng Youcai saw Lu Lingfeng holding a kitten in his arms and couldn't help but curiously asked: "Brother Lu, where did you catch such a fat orange cat in this wilderness?"

Mimi's body was a little too fat, and it didn't look like a wild cat that could survive in the wilderness!

However, when Mimi heard someone say that he was an orange cat, he immediately bared his tiger teeth and prepared to talk back, but Lu Lingfeng grabbed the cat's head.

Lu Lingfeng said nonchalantly, "It's nothing. It was hatched from the egg I just took away."

Deng Youcai certainly didn't believe it, but he glanced at Lu Lingfeng's backpack and found that it was shriveled up, with no trace of the egg.

He couldn't help but whispered, "Can a cat really be hatched from an egg?"

But he quickly shook his head and denied this absurd idea.

Lu Lingfeng didn't want to give him any extra explanations, so the two of them rushed down the mountain together.

When they arrived at Deng Youcai's car at the foot of the mountain, Lu Lingfeng said that he didn't plan to return to the village and would leave the Northeast directly.

The purpose of his trip to the Northeast this time had been successfully achieved, and there was no need to bother the Chu Ma lineage anymore.

Although Deng Youcai tried to keep him several times, Lu Lingfeng had made up his mind and decided to leave.

Deng Youcai sent Lu Lingfeng to the train station, and Lu Lingfeng prepared to take the train back to Tianjin.

While he was waiting for the bus in the waiting hall, his cell phone rang. The caller ID showed that it was Wang Weiguo.

Lu Lingfeng hurriedly picked up the phone. This was his big sponsor.

"Boss Lu, how is your business recently?" Wang Weiguo's hearty greeting came from the phone.

Lu Lingfeng smiled and said, "Business is bleak, so I'm really looking forward to your call."

Wang Weiguo laughed twice, but soon said, "This time I really have good news for Boss Lu."

Lu Lingfeng's eyes lit up, "Then I'm really all ears."

Wang Weiguo said slowly, "Didn't you ask me last time who in the rich world wants to become an extraordinary person?"

"There is news. I have found such a person recently. I just don't know if you are interested, Boss Lu."

Lu Lingfeng chuckled and said, "Of course I am interested. Of course, the more money-making things, the better."

Wang Weiguo didn't hesitate and directly sent the person's identity information and contact information to Lu Lingfeng.

Finally, he kindly added a note: This person should be considered a high-quality customer.

Lu Lingfeng raised his eyebrows. The person who could be called a high-quality customer by Wang Weiguo must have a rich family background.

If he could get a good deal from him, the system upgrade would be just around the corner.

However, Lu Lingfeng was not in a hurry to contact that person, after all, he hadn't even finished the self-cultivation furnace yet.

The most urgent thing was to return to Yiren's office and discuss this matter with Lao Ma.

At this time, Lu Lingfeng was really eager to go home.

He boarded the train back to Tianjin overnight, and returned to Yiren's office early the next morning.

He rushed into the office in a hurry, looking for Ma Xianhong, but he didn't find him.

So Lu Lingfeng went back to the first floor and woke up Liu Yanyan who was sleeping.

"What are you doing? You don't let people sleep well so early in the morning?" Liu Yanyan rubbed her sleepy eyes and couldn't help complaining.

Lu Lingfeng was very anxious. Old Ma was gone. That was his treasure that would help him make money in the future.

He shook Liu Yanyan's sleepy body, trying to wake her up quickly.

"It's embarrassing, our firm is embarrassing, don't you know?"

Liu Yanyan was shaken and looked confused, "What's embarrassing? Who is embarrassing?"

Lu Lingfeng immediately said: "Where is Ma Xianhong? Old Ma is missing."

Liu Yanyan realized that Lu Lingfeng was so anxious because he couldn't find Ma Xianhong, and said unhappily: "He lives next door now."

"Next door?" Lu Lingfeng was confused, he remembered that the next door to the firm was not a hotel.

Liu Yanyan yawned and explained: "Didn't you say you wanted to buy the property next door? Now it's your house too."

Lu Lingfeng didn't expect Liu Yanyan to act so quickly, buying a house is as easy as buying cabbage.

Lu Lingfeng patted Liu Yanyan on the shoulder, "Well done, wait for me to take you to a big meal."

After saying this, Lu Lingfeng rushed to the next door quickly.

When he came to the next door, Lu Lingfeng didn't have a key, so he chose to knock on the door first.

Ma Xianhong's voice came from inside the house, "Who is it?"

Lu Lingfeng thought that Old Ma must be hardworking and got up early, so he replied, "It's me."

About a minute later, Ma Xianhong came to open the door for Lu Lingfeng with two obvious dark circles under his eyes and disheveled hair.

Seeing Ma Xianhong's face, Lu Lingfeng knew that this guy didn't get up early at all, but clearly didn't sleep all night.

"Old Ma, can you still hold on?" Lu Lingfeng couldn't help but ask with concern. Just looking at Ma Xianhong's state, Lu Lingfeng was really afraid that he would suddenly die.

Ma Xianhong nodded to indicate that he was fine, motioned Lu Lingfeng to come in and chat, and then closed the door.

After Lu Lingfeng entered the house, he carefully observed the layout of the house.

The spatial layout was not much different from Lu Lingfeng's Yiren Office, and the area should be even larger.

However, the previous owner had moved most of the furnishings in the house, and the house looked a little empty at this time.

There was a long table in the middle of the room, covered with white papers written and drawn by Ma Xianhong.

Lu Lingfeng picked up a piece of white paper and looked at it. He couldn't understand it, he couldn't understand it at all.

It felt like a primary school student reading calculus.

Although Lu Lingfeng had obtained the Divine Machine, he hadn't had time to learn it yet.

Before Lu Lingfeng could speak, Ma Xianhong sat on the ground with his head in his arms.

"Old Lu, I failed. I can't make a self-cultivation furnace anymore."

At this point, Ma Xianhong raised his head and looked at Lu Lingfeng. His eyes seemed to be a little bloodshot and a little red.

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