The snow was so bright that the snow was shining.

Lu Lingfeng fell into the valley and looked at the strange lines in the valley.

It is these lines that can make ordinary people unconsciously gain a sense of Qi and become extraordinary people.

Even Ma Xianhong's magic machine requires the cooperation of the self-cultivation furnace and the furnace holder to achieve it, which shows the high-level means of this valley.

However, the lines in this valley have no effect on Lu Lingfeng, who is already an extraordinary person.

After Lu Lingfeng slowly approached, he found that there were tiny scratches on the lines.

It was mentioned in the comics that this was Wu Gensheng's modification of the lines.

It is precisely because of these tiny scratches that those who gain a sense of Qi through this cannot disperse their power and eventually die of exhaustion.

Lu Lingfeng followed the direction of the pattern and slowly walked to the depths of the valley.

On the way, he also met two tall monkeys, but the two monkeys did not dare to come forward after seeing Lu Lingfeng, and could only watch from afar.

Not long after, Lu Lingfeng came to the treasure hiding place of Wu Gensheng.

At this time, Wu Gensheng's treasure cave was empty, leaving a photo of Feng Baobao when she was a child on the ground.

It seems that this place has been plundered.

According to the time, Qu Tong should have sent at least two groups of people into the Twenty-Four Sections Tongtian Valley.

The first group of people should have come to take Wu Gensheng's treasure.

This group of people should have come earlier, and it is even possible that they succeeded before Jin Feng was released.

The more Lu Lingfeng thought about it, the greater the possibility. After all, if he put himself in her shoes, Lu Lingfeng would not release Jin Feng before getting the treasure.

This first group of people not only moved Wu Gensheng's treasure, but also left a photo of Feng Baobao on the ground.

Qu Tong must have her own ideas for doing this. Who does she want to pass this information to?

Does she want Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao to know this news?

Or does she want Xia Liuqing, Wang Zhenqiu and others to know this information?

The results of these two different situations are completely different. Which result does Qu Tong want to see?

Lu Lingfeng put Feng Baobao's photo into his storage space, and he suddenly thought of a question.

That is, if the first wave of people had taken away Wu Gensheng's treasure, what was in the booklet that Lu Lingfeng snatched from the helicopter?

Did Qu Tong expect that he would attack her helicopter and prepare it in advance?

In addition to the first wave of people, Qu Tong also sent a second wave of people.

The second wave of people was composed of some foreigners such as the guide surnamed Liu, the controlled Judy, and the Nathan Island mercenaries.

The purpose of this group of people should have nothing to do with Wu Gensheng's treasure. Their target should be Feng Baobao.

The foreigner named Judy in the team should be directly controlled by Qu Tong, who wanted to use Judy's body to explore Feng Baobao's memory with his hands.

Lu Lingfeng did not check the booklet snatched from the helicopter now.

After all, judging from the current situation, it is very likely that Qu Tong left it for him.

Although it may not be prepared specifically for Lu Lingfeng, it is definitely prepared for the people who attacked them.

Lu Lingfeng glanced around the empty cave and carefully recalled the plot in the comics.

To be honest, he did not remember the plot of Tongtian Valley very well, so it was difficult to recall it.

In the end, he only remembered that Jin Feng had said that the so-called Wu Gensheng's treasure was just some personal belongings that he valued more.

It is very likely worthless to others.

However, Jin Feng also specifically mentioned a collection, which was a strange stone.

But Jin Feng did not know what the stone was used for, and Wu Gensheng only said that the stone was special.

At this time, the strange stone should have fallen into Qu Tong's hands.

I wonder if Qu Tong knows the use of the stone.

At this moment, Lu Lingfeng has already noticed the sound of fighting in the distance.

It seems that Zhang Chulan, Xia Liuqing and his party should have encountered the second wave of teams sent by Qu Tong.

On the other side, as Lu Lingfeng expected, the two sides have discovered each other.

The battle was about to break out, but Zhang Chulan's strength was obviously better than that of the people on Nasen Island.

Wang Zhenqiu had a strong interest in Zhang Chulan, so he deliberately arranged Zhang Chulan in the back position.

This position is the farthest from Wu Gensheng's treasure, which seems to be very unfavorable for Zhang Chulan.

However, Zhang Chulan had already taken Wang Zhenqiu's idea into account.


When the guide named Liu Mingyuan fled to Zhang Chulan, Zhang Chulan did not mean to stop him after a simple test.

Instead, he conveyed the message to Wang Zhenqiu through the headset and asked Wang Zhenqiu to catch Liu Mingyuan.

Because Zhang Chulan had seen through Wang Zhenqiu's true purpose, the reason why he helped Xia Liuqing find Jinfeng so wholeheartedly was not because he valued the friendship between master and apprentice.

Wang Zhenqiu just wanted to use this clue to help the company find the whereabouts of Ma Xianhong.

At this time, Liu Mingyuan, the most critical person in the team, was about to escape. Wang Zhenqiu must want to catch him back, so that he would have no time to take care of Zhang Chulan.

After doing all this, Zhang Chulan ran quickly towards Wu Gensheng's treasure hiding place.

Wang Zhenqiu helplessly chased in the direction of Liu Mingyuan. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

He had to give up one of Zhang Chulan and Liu Mingyuan. Wang Zhenqiu just didn't expect that Zhang Chulan would have such courage.

In order to get Wu Gensheng's treasure first, he even "betrayed" the company.

However, at the moment when Zhang Chulan and Wang Zhenqiu passed by, Wang Zhenqiu changed his mind again.

Compared with Liu Mingyuan, Wang Zhenqiu wanted to have fun with Zhang Chulan at this time.

After all, he was a cancer in the southwest, not a savior of the southwest.

Zhang Chulan's operation did arouse his curiosity.

So Wang Zhenqiu turned around again and intercepted Zhang Chulan.

When Zhang Chulan saw that the situation was not good, he immediately turned on the thunder mode, intending to shake off Wang Zhenqiu.

At the same time, he called Feng Baobao and asked Feng Baobao to stop Wang Zhenqiu.

In this way, he had enough time to rush into Wu Gensheng's treasure place first.

Zhang Chulan had previously told Feng Baobao that if she needed to fight Wang Zhenqiu, she could inspire Wang Zhenqiu's sympathy by getting injured appropriately.

But don't get hurt too badly, so as not to affect the next action.

Wang Zhenqiu's pursuit was indeed stopped by Feng Baobao, and Zhang Chulan took this opportunity to rush directly into the treasure cave.

Lu Lingfeng in the cave had already used the face-changing charm on his body to change his appearance again when he heard the footsteps from afar.

He didn't want to appear here in his own identity, but if he was an ordinary identity, it would cause a lot of trouble.

After all, how could Zhang Chulan and his group of people let strangers accompany them to explore?

So Lu Lingfeng transformed himself into a familiar appearance.

Turning on the front camera of the phone and seeing his appearance at this time, he thought to himself: No one should bother me this way, right?

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