After listening to Xia Liuqing's words on the stone wall, Wang Zhenqiu felt familiar. He repeated the four words he had just seen above the secret room outside: life is rare. Then he slapped his forehead and suddenly realized: "It turned out to be him, Zhang Boduan from Ziyang Mountain." Hearing the name Zhang Boduan, everyone's eyes returned to Lu Lingfeng. Because he mentioned Zhang Boduan in the cave, when Jin Feng asked him why he broke into Wu Gensheng's treasure, he said that this place was originally left by Zhang Boduan. He also said that after everyone solved the secret of the cave, they would naturally understand what he meant. Now the truth has surfaced, just as Lu Lingfeng said. Everyone looked at Lu Lingfeng with a trace of awe and caution.

Lu Lingfeng showed an indifferent look, just like a hermit.

Jin Feng seemed unable to accept this result. In her eyes, this should have been the private collection of the head Wu Gensheng.

So she asked Xia Liuqing: "Who is this Zhang Boduan?"

Xia Liuqing laughed, "Jin Feng, you innate people are really amazing."

"Speaking of Zhang Boduan, he is very powerful. He is the founder of the Southern School of Alchemy. People usually respect him as Mr. Wuzhen or Ziyang Zhenren."

Xia Liuqing briefly introduced Zhang Boduan's life, and Zhang Chulan, who was listening carefully, showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

Wang Zhenqiu couldn't help but joked: "It's okay for a congenital person like Jin Feng to not know Zhang Boduan, but if a person who has cultivated after birth doesn't know Zhang Boduan..."

"It's like a carpenter who doesn't know Lu Ban, don't you think, Zhang Chulan?"

Zhang Chulan scratched his head with embarrassment and said with a smile: "As for Zhang Boduan, I know it."

Lu Lingfeng also felt more balanced in his heart, at least he was not the worst student among the people present.

At least Zhang Chulan (ten-year gap), Barron (foreigner), Feng Baobao (no memory), Jin Feng (congenital person), these people's knowledge reserves are not as good as his.

Thinking of this, Lu Lingfeng actually ranked in the top three among this group of people.

Instantly, his back straightened up.

Wang Zhenqiu saw Zhang Chulan's embarrassed look and knew that this guy really didn't know Zhang Boduan before.

Jin Feng couldn't help but say, "Could it be that Zhang Boduan is the secret that the head wants me to find?"

Wang Zhenqiu stroked his hair, thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's not accurate to say so."

Looking at the traces that were erased in the cave and the wonderful experience along the way, Wang Zhenqiu began his analysis:

"Along the way, I have wondered how many people it would take to complete such a large project?"

"It is through a simple section of the road, and the eyes see some patterns, which can transform ordinary people into extraordinary people. This method is simply incredible."

"But if this place was created by Zhang Boduan, then everything makes sense."

Speaking of this, Wang Zhenqiu paused, and he suddenly asked Zhang Chulan: "Xiao Zhang, do you think the valley outside is magical?"

Zhang Chulan thought that Wang Zhenqiu would suddenly ask him, so he had to answer without thinking: "Of course it is magical."

Wang Zhenqiu nodded after hearing this answer, it was indeed so.

"But this magical valley is just an ordinary test compared to this secret room."

"Including the tests of what we will see later, such as what is a human being, sincerity, etc."

"The ultimate purpose of Zhang Boduan setting these tests is to bring people who he thinks meet the requirements into this secret room."

Wang Zhenqiu touched his chin and smiled interestingly: "So what we saw before is just an appetizer. The real gift that Zhang Boduan wants to leave for future generations is actually in this secret room."

Wang Zhenqiu's words made everyone present fall into a silent atmosphere.

What kind of reward did this famous Ziyang Mountain Man leave for the future generations who passed his test?

At this time, they didn't know.

But they already had the answer to their guess in their hearts, that is, the erased handwriting behind them.

Jin Feng couldn't help asking: "Are all the handwritings here erased by the head of the sect? Why did he do this?"

Wang Zhenqiu looked at the big words on the top of the cave: Jiuqu Panhuan Cave.

He told the people present a short story about Journey to the West.

This story is something that everyone has heard of. It is about the three disciples of Sun Wukong.

The story of the three sons of the city lord as apprentices.

The monster encountered in that episode was Jiuling Yuansheng, and the cave he lived in was Jiuqu Panhuan Cave.

After listening to Wang Zhenqiu's little story, everyone understood Wu Gensheng's intention.

Wu Gensheng named this cave Jiuqu Panhuan Cave to satirize Zhang Boduan's habit of being a teacher.

Lu Lingfeng was listening to Wang Zhenqiu's story with great interest.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhenqiu changed his tone and pointed his spearhead at Lu Lingfeng: "Old Heavenly Master, I am boasting in front of you, which is really a show of my skills in front of an expert."

"Since you have known that this is Zhang Boduan's cave for a long time, I think you should know more."

"I am shamelessly asking you for advice. Please tell us more about the deep meaning here, so that we can broaden our horizons."

It must be said that Wang Zhenqiu is no less shameless than Zhang Chulan.

After a few simple words, everyone's eyes turned to Lu Lingfeng again.

Seeing that the atmosphere had been set to this point, Lu Lingfeng seemed to have to show off his skills.

So Lu Lingfeng flicked his sleeves and slowly said, "I am not well-educated, so I will tell you some interesting Taoist anecdotes."

"Do you know what Zhang Boduan is good at?"

After hearing Lu Lingfeng's question, no one on the scene responded.

For such a senior whose records are relatively long, the records in the books are probably magical, and their real methods are not recorded at all.

Seeing this, Lu Lingfeng nodded with satisfaction. If you don't know, then it's easy.

"It is said that at that time there was a monk in Zhejiang Province who was good at producing Yang Shen, which is the way that Quanzhen Longmen produces Yang Shen now."

"Coincidentally, Zhang Boduan was also good at producing Yang Shen. Zhang Boduan once invited this monk to produce Yang Shen together and go to Yangzhou to see Qionghua."

"After the two Yang Shens came to Yangzhou and saw Qionghua, Zhang Boduan suggested breaking off a branch of Qionghua as a sign."

"When the two returned from their spiritual journey, the monk had nothing in his hands. When he looked at Zhang Boduan again, the broken Qionghua was still in his hands."

At this point in the story, Lu Lingfeng stopped and asked everyone present what they saw from the story.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what Lu Lingfeng wanted to express specifically.

Just when the audience was at a standstill, Zhang Chulan suddenly said, "This story tells us that our Taoist Kung Fu is the best, and the Buddhists have to stand aside."

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