The two sides have been separated.

Zhang Chulan was stunned when he saw the four characters of the money contract, but he continued to read on.

The format of the money contract is the same as Lu Lingfeng used before, but the content has been modified.

Zhang Chulan read the contents of the contract carefully:

1. From now on, Party B shall not have the idea of ​​harming, deceiving, or infringing Party A, and needs to be open and honest with Party A.

2. Party B should do its best to complete Party A's arrangements within its capabilities.

3. . . . . . .

There are many more contents in the contract, but the agreed contents are relatively broad.

After reading the contract, Zhang Chulan said to Lu Lingfeng, "Boss, as long as I sign this, you will tell me everything you know, right?"

Lu Lingfeng nodded, "As long as you sign, I will tell you everything I can tell you."

Zhang Chulan was a little unsure, "Then how can you be sure that I will do it according to the contract?"

The scope of the provisions of this contract is very broad, it should be difficult to judge, right?

Lu Lingfeng stared at Zhang Chulan's eyes and said, "I naturally have a way to restrain you, now it depends on your attitude."

After thinking for two seconds, Zhang Chulan directly signed his name at the position of Party B.

Lu Lingfeng's requirements in the contract were not too excessive. At least if there was something he didn't want to complete, he still had the right to refuse.

It's just that we must be honest in the future and can't lie. This is a bit difficult.

Seeing Zhang Chulan sign his name, Lu Lingfeng also signed his name at Party A.

Then he took out a one-yuan coin from his pocket and threw it to Zhang Chulan, and the money contract officially took effect.

Zhang Chulan also felt that there was a set of shackles bounding him.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart at Lu Lingfeng's cleverness.

Seeing that the ceremony was completed, Lu Lingfeng didn't hesitate and turned the photo frame on the table over to show the content of the photo to Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan was shocked to see that the content of the photo was actually Feng Baobao's appearance when she was young.

He confirmed with Lu Lingfeng: "Is it Sister Baoer in the photo?"

Lu Lingfeng curled his lips, "Don't you know whether it is Feng Baobao? You know her better than I do."

Zhang Chulan looked at Lu Lingfeng, "Why did Sister Baoer's photo appear in Wu Gensheng's collection room?"

Lu Lingfeng replied calmly, "I don't know."

Zhang Chulan immediately quit. He had signed the contract to sell himself, but in the end he was told that he didn't know?

He stood up and said, "Boss, please stop teasing me, okay?"

Lu Lingfeng rolled his eyes at Zhang Chulan and said, "I told you that I will tell you everything you can know, but I really don't know what you asked."

Zhang Chulan was so anxious that he pulled his hair. He originally thought that he was close to the truth and that the powerful Lu Lingfeng would give him the answer directly.

But this sentence of "I don't know" really made Zhang Chulan a little upset.

Seeing Zhang Chulan scratching his head, Lu Lingfeng said helplessly, "Come on, then I will tell you a valuable news."

"Wu Gensheng is just the name he gave himself when he was in the world. His real name is Feng Yao."

Zhang Chulan was stunned when he heard this, but he quickly realized what Lu Lingfeng wanted to express.

Feng Yao, Feng Baobao.

Wu Gensheng and Feng Baobao actually have the same surname, and Feng Baobao's childhood photo appeared in Wu Gensheng's collection. Is this a coincidence?

Zhang Chulan suddenly became a little uneasy, and asked stutteringly: "Could it be that Sister Bao'er is Wu Gensheng's...daughter."

Seeing that he was slow to give an answer, Lu Lingfeng took over the conversation, "According to seniority, Feng Baobao should perhaps be considered your aunt?"

Zhang Chulan did not expect Lu Lingfeng's approach to be so tricky, and he was unable to respond for a while.

Seeing this, Lu Lingfeng still poured cold water on Zhang Chulan, "It's just a guess, there is no evidence."

"I can only say that according to the statements of other people in the Thirty-Six Thieves, Wu Gensheng does have a daughter."

Zhang Chulan nodded. Even if there was no evidence, his gains today were already great enough.

Lu Lingfeng's words directly revealed Feng Baobao's possible identity.

However, Zhang Chulan still wanted to strike while the iron was hot, and he continued to ask: "Boss, do you know why Feng Baobao is immortal?"

Although Feng Baobao's immortality is also a secret, Zhang Chulan believes that Lu Lingfeng should have noticed it a long time ago.

After all, they even knew Feng Baobao's origins, so how could they not know this?

Lu Lingfeng rolled his eyes at Zhang Chulan, "I don't know.


He complained in his heart that Zhang Chulan was really annoying, and the questions he asked were more difficult than the last.

Zhang Chulan saw that Lu Lingfeng said he didn't know again, so he immediately stepped forward and begged Lu Lingfeng to reveal something.

Lu Lingfeng couldn't stand being annoyed by Zhang Chulan, so he still said a little of his own guess:

"Light in shape and light in breath, like an immortal; this may be the reason why Feng Baobao is immortal. "

This sentence was the evaluation given by Xia Liuqing when he first met Feng Baobao on Mount Longhu.

When Old Man Xia met Chen Duo, he also gave a similar evaluation: The figure is heavy and the spirit is light, a noble person.

It can be seen that Xia Liuqing has a very deep attainment in observing people.

Lu Lingfeng suspected that the reason why Feng Baobao could live forever was because Feng Baobao already had the body of an immortal.

Whether it was immortality or the enchanting self-healing ability, it was no longer a realm that ordinary people could touch.

Lu Lingfeng suspected that Wu Gensheng might have used some method to create a body of an immortal for Feng Baobao, but failed to create a matching immortal soul.

That's why Feng Baobao lost his original memory.

Zhang Chulan repeatedly tasted Lu Lingfeng's words, but couldn't taste the true meaning, so he had to shamelessly ask Lu Lingfeng to explain it to him again.

Lu Lingfeng was too lazy to say more, because these things were just his guesses and could not be determined.

And Besides, the Eight Wonders and other things were involved, so Lu Lingfeng couldn't explain it clearly for a while.

So he prepared to see him off and asked Zhang Chulan to take the photo frame of Feng Baobao away when he left.

Seeing this, Zhang Chulan didn't stay for long and left with the photo frame.

He knew that if Lu Lingfeng didn't want to talk, he would get nothing even if he talked his mouth off.

It would be better to take the photo frame back and show it to Sister Baoer.

Maybe Feng Baobao would remember something when she saw her childhood photos.

After watching Zhang Chulan leave, Lu Lingfeng returned to the second floor and took out a black booklet from the space.

He almost forgot about this thing when he was busy.

According to Lu Lingfeng's analysis, this thing was most likely left by Qu Tong for him or someone else on purpose.

The content inside was not certain whether it was true or not, so he didn't take it too seriously.

But now he had time, so he didn't mind looking at the content in the booklet to kill time.

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