Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch. "If you don't break, you don't stand?" Lu Lingfeng muttered these four words repeatedly.

"What should we do specifically?"

Ma Xianhong stood up from his chair and walked to Chen Duo's side. "Chen Duo's body has accumulated a large amount of primitive Gu at this time."

"If I put it more boldly, Chen The organs in Duo's body are just containers for storing the original Gu. "

"If you want to save Chen Duo, you must build a healthy body for her."

Lu Lingfeng didn't want to listen to these principles, and said directly Ma Xianhong glanced at Chen Duo, then looked at his own body-cultivation furnace, "If you want to help Chen Duo reshape her body, you must use my body-cultivation furnace. Furnace."

Lu Lingfeng glanced at Ma Xianhong's self-cultivation furnace and continued to ask: "What problem do you have that you can't solve that you need my help with?"

He even thought that Ma Xianhong was a pragmatic person, and he must have called him over for something. He helps.

Ma Xianhong didn't waste time and directly put forward his difficulties, "If you want to reshape your body, you need to face a huge difficulty, that is to ensure that the object of the reshape does not die..."

Lu Lingfeng thought to himself, how fresh, don't even mention reshaping your body , you have to make sure that the object does not die no matter what you do.

However, he also saw through the key to the problem, saying that the process of reshaping the body is equivalent to destroying the original organs and tissues, and then rebuilding a healthy system.

But normal people The moment the organ was destroyed, it was declared dead. There was no point in remodeling it.

Lu Lingfeng's mind was working quickly. He wanted to help Ma Xianhong complete this process. Perhaps only Shuang Quanshou could do it.

So he stared at Ma Xianhong and asked "You should have thought of a solution, right?"

Ma Xianhong nodded when he heard this. He had seen the method of saving lives more than once, which was the red hand of his former sister.

Compared to him Ma Xianhong was more amazed and admired by the red hand than by the blue hand.

Lu Lingfeng showed a solemn expression on his face, "Have you decided to attack Qu Tong?"

Ma Xianhong couldn't help but tremble when he heard Qu Tong's name.

But he still tried to calm himself down He nodded seriously.

"Whether it's for Chen Duo or for myself, I have to take this step."

Then he looked at Lu Lingfeng with a serious look, as if he was looking forward to Lu Lingfeng's attitude.

Lu Lingfeng saw Seeing Ma Xianhong's serious face, I knew that this guy had made up his mind.

Although this time he was trying to help Chen Duo solve the problem, Ma Xianhong himself also wanted to take this opportunity to launch a counterattack against Qu Tong.

So Lu Lingfeng's attitude was very It is very important. After all, Ma Xianhong cannot face Qu Tong by himself.

As for what Lu Lingfeng thinks?

To be honest, he is still afraid of trouble and is too lazy to make trouble;

But he still has a feeling in his heart, that is Sooner or later, he and Qu Tong will have to fight.

So Lu Lingfeng was a little confused, and then he turned to look at Chen Duo, "Chen Duo, this matter is related to you after all, what do you think?"

If Lu Lingfeng hadn't asked her the question, Chen Duo would have been so dumbfounded. Sitting aside, like an outsider.

Chen Duo just didn't care about these things, not that she was slow to react. She also understood what Ma Xianhong meant.

She could only live for three years at most. If she wanted to survive, she had to let Ma Cun The elder helped, and the process was quite difficult.

However, when Lu Lingfeng asked for her opinion, she was still a little happy in her heart.

After all, she had said before that all Chen Duo wanted was the opportunity to choose.

Now Lu Lingfeng took the initiative to ask her 's idea means that Lu Lingfeng truly respects Chen Duo's choice and ideas.

Chen Duo imitated Lu Lingfeng's thinking, touched his chin and said, "I don't care, there's no need to bother for me."

Ma Xianhong seemed a little surprised when he heard this, and reminded Chen Duo excitedly, "Chen Duo, you know you What are you talking about? If you give up, you will really die. "

Chen Duo's emotions were still very calm, "If you die, you die. Don't people all die?"

"Not only People, dogs and cats, trees and flowers; everything will eventually die, so how can I not die? "

Chen Duo's words made Ma Xianhong speechless. It turned out that he didn't

Understand what Chen Duo wants.

It turns out that he has always been so self-righteous in his help to Chen Duo.

He even tried to overcome the mountain of fear in his heart for this.

Lu Lingfeng laughed after hearing what Chen Duo said. This is Chen Duo, and her ideas are always so simple.

And he was not worried at all. After all, in addition to Qu Tong, Lu Lingfeng still had Lu Liang as a backup option.

When Lu Lingfeng mentioned Lu Liang, his thoughts drifted to the Lu family again.

Lu Liang, you must fight for your courage and learn the Shuangquan Hand.

Seeing that Chen Duo had put forward his own opinion, Lu Lingfeng had no reason to continue to deal with Qu Tong. He stood up, patted Ma Xianhong on the shoulder and walked out the door.

When he walked to the street, he saw a man in a long robe, with white hair and a folding fan in his hand.

The man seemed to be passing by and left the street in front of Lu Lingfeng.

Lu Lingfeng's expression was a little strange. How could this guy appear in front of his house?

He didn't believe it was a coincidence.

So he didn't go back to his Yiren office directly, but retreated to the house where Ma Xianhong was living now.

Seeing Lu Lingfeng coming back, Ma Xianhong couldn't help but ask, "Is there anything else?"

Lu Lingfeng curled his lips, "You are right, I'm afraid I have to take action against Qu Tong now."

Ma Xianhong asked what happened, why Lu Lingfeng's attitude changed so much after being out for such a short time.

Lu Lingfeng was also helpless. Even if he didn't take action against Qu Tong, Qu Tong would come to trouble him.

The man with white hair and long robe he saw outside the door just now was Xiao Xiao, a contestant in the Luotian Grand Ceremony.

After the Luotian Grand Ceremony, when Quan Xing attacked Longhu Mountain, this guy had one arm cut off.

But when Lu Lingfeng just saw him, the arm was intact.

I think Xiao Xiao should have been controlled by Qu Tong at this time, and the arm was repaired by the way.

Is it a coincidence that Qu Tong's minions appeared near Lu Lingfeng's house?

Lu Lingfeng would not believe it was a coincidence anyway.

So he turned to Ma Xianhong and asked: "Have you felt that someone is watching you recently?"

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