After hearing Qu Tong's threats, Lu Lingfeng's expression gradually turned cold.

"What a noise! ​​It seems that there is no need for us to continue the discussion. Let's see for ourselves."

After saying this, Lu Lingfeng directly used his palm to move the Qi and performed a move of dragon sucking water, pinching the neck of Qu Tong's puppet in his hand. With a slight force, he heard a sound of Kaba and it broke.

Then Lu Lingfeng threw the corpse of the puppet aside like throwing garbage.

Originally, he wanted to have a good chat with Qu Tong, but seeing Qu Tong's condescending attitude, Lu Lingfeng knew that the two of them would definitely not be able to continue the conversation.

Even though Qu Tong was caught, she didn't think she had lost, which meant that Lu Lingfeng's blow to her was not enough.

Only when Lu Lingfeng pushed Qu Tong to a desperate crossroads one day, that would be the best time to open her heart and have a good chat.

At the same time, inside Yaoxing Society, Qu Tong was sitting on the ground, gasping for breath, holding a bloody thumbtack in her right hand.

Failed again!

She threw the thumbtack far away with all her strength, and then stroked her cheek with her hand, as if recalling the feeling of being slapped just now.

The grudge between her and Lu Lingfeng was formed, and it would be difficult for the two to make peace.

However, she didn't have much time to think about these things. She quickly picked up the phone, dialed a number, and briefly explained the situation to the other end of the phone.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed a little annoyed, but finally agreed to try to help her mediate.

While Qu Tong was on the phone, Lu Lingfeng was also on the phone. Who doesn't know how to call people?

About a quarter of an hour later, those who organized the evacuation of ordinary citizens seemed to have received orders and left one after another.

The shop owners waiting on the street also returned to their shops one after another.

The spicy hot pot owner who had just chatted with Liu Yanyan returned to the front of the shop and saw that his shop was on fire. He couldn't help but cursed: "What is going on? Isn't it a fire drill? Why did my house get set on fire?"

Like the spicy hot pot shop owner, the owners of several surrounding shops were furious. Their shops were more or less affected in the battle just now.

Lu Lingfeng did not watch all this coldly, but walked to the side of these shop owners and said: "We can't just let it go. We must ask these people for an explanation!"

The spicy hot pot shop owner immediately agreed with excitement when he heard this, "Yes! Let's go to them together to ask for an explanation!"

Hearing someone taking the lead, more and more people gathered around, and things slowly fermented.

About an hour later, an extended executive sedan drove to the store of Yiren Office and stopped.

Zhao Fangxu opened the car door and saw the gathered vendors and the security personnel who were maintaining order at first sight.

He frowned slightly. What happened?

He just received a message from Lu Lingfeng, saying that extremely bad alien activities had occurred here, and asked him to come here in person as soon as possible.

Although Zhao Fangxu was a little annoyed that Lu Lingfeng did not explain the situation clearly and asked him to come here in person.

But considering Lu Lingfeng's current reputation in the alien circle, it is still worth Zhao Fangxu's personal trip.

After Zhao Fangxu got off the car, he looked around and found that Lu Lingfeng was standing in the middle of the group of ordinary people making trouble, and immediately called him over.

When Lu Lingfeng saw that it was Fatty Zhao who came, he immediately ran towards him in two steps.

Without giving Zhao Fangxu a chance to ask questions, Lu Lingfeng grabbed Zhao Fangxu's hands directly.

"Boss Zhao, you are finally here. You don't know how excessive those strange people were just now. In broad daylight, under the bright sky, they simply killed and set fire to people, and did all kinds of evil."

"And they must have a protective umbrella above their heads. They actually gathered ordinary people in the name of the organization to facilitate their illegal activities."

Lu Lingfeng was so indignant and tearful when he said this, as if he had really suffered a great injustice.

The crowd that had originally gathered saw that Lu Lingfeng, who had just taken the lead, seemed to have found a leader who looked like a big shot to cry to, and they also came over to tell about their grievances.

So many ordinary people made Fang Xu very worried. In the end, his bodyguards took a lot of effort to calm the crowd down.

Lu Lingfeng added at the right time: "Look, this group of people has caused the people to resent.

"It's really abominable!"

Lu Lingfeng acted righteous. Although the house was burned by his Samadhi Qingxiao True Fire, if those people hadn't been looking for trouble, how could Liu Yanyan burn the house?

It's all the fault of those bastards led by Qu Tong.

Zhao Fangxu reached out to wipe the sweat from his forehead, "Xiao Lu, tell me the specific situation first. "

Lu Lingfeng did not refuse after hearing this, and directly told Zhao Fangxu the details of what happened.

Of course, he omitted the parts that should be omitted, such as the fact that he played Ma Xianhong.

After listening to Lu Lingfeng's story, Zhao Fangxu frowned tightly.

If the facts are really as Lu Lingfeng said, then the matter is really serious.

These people sound extremely organized. If they really become social terrorists, it will cause extremely serious consequences.

And according to Lu Lingfeng, the top leaders of Nadutong are probably infiltrated by this organization.

Zhao Fangxu's thoughts in his mind were very complicated at this time, and he finally asked first: "You just mentioned that there is a person named Chai Yan in that group? Is he the founder of Chai School Henglian? "

Zhao Fangxu knew Chai Yan before. It is said that he has disappeared in the alien world for more than a year. I didn't expect him to appear here today.

After all, Chai Yan is the teacher of Ruhu, one of the Ten Masters, and a leading figure in the world. Perhaps the general situation of this organization can be inferred through his traces and information.

Lu Lingfeng nodded, "Yes, if the old man is not bragging, the person I met should be Chai Yan."

Zhao Fangxu nodded. From what Lu Lingfeng said, Chai Yan should have been defeated by him. It must be said that heroes emerge from youth, and the Yangtze River's waves behind push the waves ahead.

"Did you catch Chai Yan? Where is he now? I want to see him. "

In Zhao Fangxu's opinion, Chai Yan was from the Henglian School after all. The probability of his death after the defeat should not be high. He either escaped or was caught by Lu Lingfeng and his men.

Lu Lingfeng was embarrassed when he heard this request.

However, he still relied on his memory and took Zhao Fangxu to look for him on the street.

Finally, he pointed to a burnt mark in front of the Malatang restaurant and said to Zhao Fangxu: "This should be the last trace left by Chai Yan. The rest of the parts should have been blown away after being burned to ashes. "

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