The more money you make, the more you will lose.

Lu Lingfeng's tone finally became serious, "The consequences of defaulting on a debt are very serious, you have to think it through."

The more Lu Lingfeng said this, the more Lu Liang felt that Lu Lingfeng was bluffing.

He, Lu Liang, is now hanging out with Quan Xing every day, and it's not easy to find his trace.

What's more, Lu Liang has learned the Shuangquan Hand and can change his appearance at will. Even if he really stands in front of Lu Lingfeng, Lu Lingfeng may not be able to recognize his disguise.

Thinking of this, Lu Liang relaxed, "You provided me with that piece of shitty information, and you still want to ask me for money? Dream on."

"I want to see, even if I cheat, what can you do to me?"

After saying this, Lu Liang hung up the phone.

After hearing the hang-up sound from Lu Lingfeng, he leaned on the sofa with a funny expression.

This is the first time he has encountered a client who refuses to pay since he traveled through time.

Mainly because before, when he wanted to ask Lu Lingfeng to help with a task, he had to pay the task reward first. Lu Liang's case is purely a special case.

I didn't expect that the first time I did a task on credit, I would face the situation of not being able to get the money back.

However, the smile on Lu Lingfeng's face became more and more intense. If you want to cheat him, you must be prepared to be charged double the principal and interest.

Can Lu Liang alone fight Lu Lingfeng?

Lu Lingfeng suddenly thought, will Lu Liang also participate in the Tang Sect trip with Quan Xing's people?

Relying on his memory, Lu Lingfeng could remember the people who participated in the trip to Tangmen: Lu Liang, Xia Liuqing, Tu Junfang, Ding Shimaan and others.

The trip to Tangmen is likely to be a good opportunity to collect debts.

Time flies, and a few days have passed in a blink of an eye. It is already the day when Zhang Chulan is ready to leave for Tangmen.

Zhang Chulan is carrying a lot of bags and taking Feng Baobao with him, preparing to meet up with the Lu brothers and sisters at the door of Yiren Office.

Seeing him like this, Lu Lingfeng couldn't help but joked: "Are you going to visit Tangmen or go on vacation?"

"Why are you standing at my door with so many things?"

Zhang Chulan smiled and picked up his luggage, "Be prepared, be prepared, I came here just to ask you if you will go with us?"

These days, Lu Lingfeng has not given Zhang Chulan an answer, so Zhang Chulan had to hide at the door of Lu Lingfeng's house and ask.

Lu Lingfeng glanced at Feng Baobao who was standing there blankly, and said to Zhang Chulan, "I won't go."

After hearing Lu Lingfeng's reply, Zhang Chulan couldn't help showing a disappointed expression on his face.

If Lu Lingfeng hadn't participated, the risk factor of his trip would probably have doubled.

At this time, Lu Lingfeng added, "You also know that in principle, it is not suitable for me to leave the firm with my current identity."

At this time, Lu Lingfeng was still under the supervision of the company, and leaving the firm without authorization might cause unnecessary trouble.

Of course, what Lu Lingfeng was really worried about was: if he appeared as Lu Lingfeng, he might scare Lu Liang away.

Zhang Chulan heard the implication: in principle, it's not possible, isn't it just saying it's okay?

So Zhang Chulan had an idea, "Boss, don't you have that disguise method? Can't you just change into someone else's appearance?"

Lu Lingfeng knew Zhang Chulan would say this, but he still said with difficulty: "There is no suitable identity for me to change into."

"How about you tell me what your father looks like, and I cosplay as Zhang Yude?"

But Zhang Chulan shook his head repeatedly, "Boss, don't make a fuss. My father has been missing for many years. I can't remember what he looks like."

The most important thing is that if the missing person Zhang Yude suddenly appears, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

After Lu Lingfeng and Zhang Chulan discussed, they finally decided to let Lu Lingfeng change into Zhang Lingyu's appearance.

Zhang Lingyu's identity is not high or low, and he is also Zhang Chulan's junior uncle. It is more reasonable for him to go to Tangmen with Zhang Chulan.

If Lu Lingfeng still changes into Zhang Zhiwei's appearance to go to Tangmen like last time, I am afraid that Tangmen will fall into full alert.

After the discussion, Lu Lingfeng returned to the upper floor to disguise himself.

When he came down again, the Lu brothers and sisters had already arrived.

Zhang Chulan simply explained to the Lu brothers and sisters that Zhang Lingyu would also go to Tangmen together.

The Lu brothers and sisters did not say anything, but just welcomed the arrival of Lingyu Zhenren


Then the five of them set out on the journey to Tangmen.

On the way, Zhang Chulan briefly introduced the nature of this trip to Tangmen to the others.

Because the existence of Tangmen is rather special, after all, they were a killer organization before the founding of the country, so the company's attitude towards them is also rather special.

Fortunately, Tangmen has been relatively well-behaved over the years, and the company does not want to provoke Tangmen.

So Zhang Chulan only visited Tangmen in his personal name this time.

Of course, Zhao Fangxu had already greeted Tangmen's head Tang Miaoxing, so it was not that dangerous.

After a long journey, the few people finally arrived at the gate of Tangmen Martial Arts School.

At this time, a yellow-haired man was thrown out of the gate by two students wearing Tangmen Martial Arts School uniforms.

Lu Lingfeng saw the man's appearance from a distance. It was the temporary worker of the Southwest Region - Wang Zhenqiu, the cancer of the Southwest.

The two students of Tang Sect Martial Arts School not only threw Wang Zhenqiu out of the gate, but also cursed:

"Wang Zhenqiu, you unlucky thing, don't you know that the school motto of Tang Sect is that Wang Zhenqiu is not allowed to enter?"

Wang Zhenqiu just sat on the ground and scratched his nose with his hand, "Can dogs enter?"

The red-haired Tang Sect student seemed to be a little upset by Wang Zhenqiu's question, "Why do we have such an unlucky thing? Is there anyone in the world more shameless than him?"

As if to respond to the red-haired student's question, a more shameless person really came. .

Zhang Chulan approached the two students and asked, "Is this Tang Sect Martial Arts School?"

The two students nodded, indicating that this was the Tang Sect Martial Arts School, and asked who Zhang Chulan and others were.

Zhang Chulan showed a mean smile on his face, "You have a Tang Wenlong here, right?"

Zhang Chulan only had Tang Wenlong as an acquaintance in Tang Sect.

Hearing the man in front of him asking Tang Wenlong, the red-haired student seemed to think of something: this man in front of him looked silly and had a mean air, could he be the legendary Zhang Chulan?

Wang Zhenqiu turned his head and saw that the unyielding Zhang Chulan had arrived, so he immediately jumped up from the ground and ran towards Zhang Chulan without stopping.

Wang Zhenqiu grabbed Zhang Chulan's collar with tears and snot, crying:

"Zhang Chulan, you finally arrived, I was bored to death these days."

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