The three Tang Sect seniors were shocked by Zhang Chulan's words and looked at each other in bewilderment.

Obviously, this answer was beyond their expectations.

Tang Miaoxing was the first to question, "Do you know what you are talking about? What do you mean Quan Xing asked you to come?"

Which normal practitioner in this alien world is not afraid of having any relationship with Quan Xing?

How come Zhang Chulan took the initiative to "surrender"?

However, Zhang Chulan nodded calmly, "That's the fact. I don't think it's a big deal."

"Since they asked me to come, I'll come. Besides, I also want to ask the seniors of Tang Sect about my grandfather's past."

"There is one thing I need to inform you about. Quan Xing is likely to come to Tang Sect in the near future."

Zhang Chulan's few simple words brought more explosive news than the last.

The man on the far left looked at the somewhat confused Tang Qiushan and asked, "If this kid is telling the truth, then what is the purpose of Quanxing asking him to come?"

Zhang Wang, who was sitting on the far right, looked quite shrewd. He analyzed:

"The key to the problem may be that the people in Quanxing want to use the past between Zhang Chulan's grandfather and us;"

"They want to use Zhang Chulan's visit to divert our attention."

"I guess these Quanxing monsters want to attack the Tang Sect."

After listening to Zhang Wang's analysis, Zhang Chulan nodded, "You're right. The move of asking me to come here is simply an attempt to cover up the truth."

However, Zhang Wang stared at Zhang Chulan sharply, "But the basis of all our analysis is that you are telling the truth."

Zhang Chulan's face showed a beastly look A harmless smile, "I have no reason to lie to you seniors."

However, Zhang Wang's analysis was not over yet, he continued:

"I don't know if you lied to me now, but I know that everything you said is based on the fact that you and Quan Xing have colluded for a long time."

"You, Zhang Chulan, are an employee of the company, and Quan Xing has attacked you before."

"If you are really irreconcilable, how could the crazy people in Quan Xing want to use you in this way now?"

Having said this, Zhang Wang deliberately paused, and then stared at Zhang Chulan with a sharper look:

"Unless before this, you and Quan Xing have reached some kind of tacit understanding."

Lu Lingfeng's eyes moved from Tang Miaoxing to Zhang Wang. It must be said that Zhang Wang is a very powerful person.

These few words directly hit the biggest pain point of Zhang Chulan's words.

Then the three people who came to the top stared at Zhang Chulan, as if waiting for Zhang Chulan to give them a reasonable explanation.

Zhang Chulan spread his hands, "There's nothing to explain. I did have a pleasant cooperation with Quan Xing before."

The three people from the Tang Sect didn't expect Zhang Chulan to be so bold to admit that he had colluded with Quan Xing.

Especially Tang Miaoxing and Zhang Wang, their faces were already very angry.

After all, they had had a case before in the Tang Sect. Dong Chang and Xu Xin, two members of the Thirty-Six Thieves, were very secretive about the collusion with Quan Xing.

However, Zhang Chulan's attitude was quite generous, and he didn't seem to think that he had done anything wrong.

Then, Zhang Chulan simply stated that he had established contact with Quan Xing because of the company's mission.

However, Tang Miaoxing didn't seem to buy it. He frowned and asked Zhang Chulan, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Colluding with Quan Xing! This is a serious crime.

Zhang Chulan nodded seriously, "Of course I know, isn't this colluding with the Quanxing demons?"

Zhang Chulan's eyes also swept over the three people of the Tang Sect, "Didn't my grandfather and the thirty-six people get attacked by the other aliens because they colluded with the Quanxing demons?"

"In fact, I can understand those aliens back then. After all, they were in troubled times and the official rules had been broken, but there is no order without rules, so they will naturally form their own set of unspoken rules."

"It is normal for my grandfather and other people who broke the rules to be called and killed by the other aliens."

But then Zhang Chulan changed his tone, "But now is a peaceful era, I am not just an alien, but also a citizen protected by law."

"As a citizen, I am talking on the phone with another citizen. This should not be illegal, right?"

After listening to Zhang Chulan's words, the three people of the Tang Sect

People looked at each other in bewilderment. Tang Miaoxing was really interested in Zhang Chulan at this time.

Zhang Chulan touched his chin and continued to talk to himself:

"Actually, I think that the idea of ​​letting me come to Tang Sect first should be thought of by an old antique."

"Because in order for this method to work, I, Zhang Chulan, must think that contacting Quan Xing is a big sin, so I dare not tell the truth to the predecessors of Tang Sect."

"It's already a new era now. The probability of having such an idea is that some stubborn old guys."

Zhang Chulan's words made the three old guys of Tang Sect look a little ugly.

Is this kid talking about the three old guys?

However, Zhang Chulan also hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about you. You are all enlightened elders. How can you be compared with those old men?"

It would have been better if Zhang Chulan didn't explain. Once he explained, Lu Lingfeng couldn't help laughing, but he quickly covered his mouth.

He is now playing Zhang Lingyu, so he has to act "decent".

But even if Lu Lingfeng stopped laughing, the faces of the three seniors of the Tang Sect were as black as coal.

Seeing this, Zhang Chulan quickly changed the subject, "There is one more thing you must pay attention to, that is the Wang Zhenqiu who came with me."

"The reason why I can contact Quan Xing is because of this Wang Zhenqiu who bridged the way. He has a close relationship with Quan Xing's Xia Liuqing, so we have to be on guard."

Hearing Wang Zhenqiu's name, these old seniors really have some impression.

It can only be said that the reputation of the Southwest Cancer is too big, and it is too troublesome.

Before, he had planned to worship these people as his master, but not to join the Tang Sect. Even so, they agreed, which shows how qualified Wang Zhenqiu is.

However, after the people of the Tang Sect found out Wang Zhenqiu's background, they gave up this idea.

It can only be said that Wang Zhenqiu's background is extremely complicated, and he learned the skills of hundreds of schools by cheating.

Zhang Wang waved his hand and ordered a person from the Tang Sect to check whether what Zhang Chulan said was true.

Seeing that Zhang Chulan had made clear the purpose of his coming to the Tang Sect, Tang Miaoxing asked:

"Xiao Zhang, let's believe that what you said is true. What do you think we should do?"

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