The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were still in a mess.

Lu Lingfeng was very puzzled. He and Feng Baobao had no grudges in the past or the present, and they were even half-acquaintances, right?

They were all fine when they met before, so why did she suddenly attack him this time?

When Feng Baobao heard Lu Lingfeng ask what he was going to do, he simply replied, "I'm going to beat you up."

While answering, his hands kept moving, attacking Lu Lingfeng one move after another.

Lu Lingfeng was even more confused. He found the right moment and forced Feng Baobao back with a punch. "I didn't stop you from going to Zhang Chulan. Why did you hit me?"

Feng Baobao patted the dust off her body and attacked again. "Old Four told me that I will beat you to death the next time I see you."

Lu Lingfeng finally understood what happened and cursed Xu Si 100 times in his heart.

Xu Old Four, you are so good. You even found a "thug" to deal with me!

Lu Lingfeng turned his body around, constantly dodging and parrying Feng Baobao's attacks, and only occasionally fought back.

It has to be said that Feng Baobao brought Lu Lingfeng a lot of pressure.

The weird speed and amazing physical strength and recovery ability made Lu Lingfeng have to be suppressed by Feng Baobao.

It has to be said that Feng Baobao's combat effectiveness in Under One Person has never been clear.

She is very powerful, but she can't beat Barron, and Barron can't beat many people.

Let's say she's bad. When she bullies Zhang Chulan and some familiar people, it's like bullying a chicken. And Feng Baobao may not lose to people who Barron can't beat.

In the final analysis, Feng Baobao's ability is very simple and direct, but it is extremely powerful. If she is restrained, there is nothing she can do.

Lu Lingfeng also intuitively felt Feng Baobao's suppression power this time, which is the simplest and crudest suppression of speed and strength.

And this person also has infinite Qi, that is, infinite endurance.

It's not that Lu Lingfeng has no way to suppress Feng Baobao. As long as he uses teleportation, Feng Baobao will only be beaten.

However, Lu Lingfeng has already regarded teleportation as one of his trump cards in his heart, and he doesn't want to expose this trump card to the eyes of so many people.

However, in a moment, he has thought of a way to break the situation. He saw a delicate fruit knife in his hand.

Raise the fruit knife and swing the blade downward.

100% caught by the bare-handed attack!

Feng Baobao, who was still attacking, immediately appeared in front of Lu Lingfeng.

He knelt on one knee, raised his hands above his head, and steadily caught the fruit blade chopped by Lu Lingfeng.

Feng Baobao tried to move his body, but he couldn't move at all. He couldn't help but mutter to himself, "My body can't move."

Lu Lingfeng was relieved, but he couldn't keep swinging the knife.

So he took out a Qianjun Zhuikui Talisman from his sleeve and pasted it on Feng Baobao's pants.

"I let you chase me and beat me, so you stand here as punishment." Lu Lingfeng thought silently in his heart.

After the Qianjun Zhuikui Talisman was pasted, Lu Lingfeng also put away his fruit knife and saw someone coming down from the elevator. It should be Zhang Chulan and Feng Shayan.

Feng Zhenghao stood at the door of the conference room and clapped his hands to cheer for Lu Lingfeng, "It's true that heroes emerge young. Mr. Lu's cultivation really makes Feng admire him."

"You helped me solve the intruder, which really helped me a lot."

Lu Lingfeng was about to say a few polite words, but found that Feng Baobao was unzipping her pants and pretending to take them off.

Feng Baobao's move made Lu Lingfeng a little confused. He went up and grabbed Feng Baobao's pants, which were being pulled down, "Damn, why are you taking off your pants here?"

Feng Baobao blinked her big eyes and looked at Lu Lingfeng, and she didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with her behavior.

She pointed at the Qianjun Zhuitui Talisman on her thigh and said, "Doesn't your talisman need to be removed by taking off your pants?"

At this time, Zhang Chulan and Feng Shayan also came over here, and everyone in the venue looked at Lu Lingfeng, and their eyes seemed to say: Is there such a vulgar talisman in this world?

Lu Lingfeng held his forehead speechlessly. He forgot that Feng Baobao had no concept of shame.

Moreover, his Qianjun Zhuikui Talisman was a traditional Taoist talisman, but it had been lost for a long time. It was not as obscene as they said.

Among Lu Lingfeng's many obscene talismans, this one was considered to be more serious.

Lu Lingfeng had no choice but to take off the Qianjun Zhuikui Talisman on Feng Baobao's trouser leg.

You can't really let her take off her pants in public.

As soon as the talisman lost its effect, Feng Baobao attacked Lu Lingfeng again.

Lu Lingfeng cursed this crazy woman for being stubborn in his heart, so he had to open his mouth and shout, "Zhang Chulan, hurry up and take care of her."

When Feng Baobao heard Zhang Chulan's name, it seemed as if a switch was pressed, and she immediately stopped what she was doing.

When she turned around and saw Zhang Chulan, she immediately ran towards Zhang Chulan, and didn't bother to pay attention to Lu Lingfeng at all.

"Zhang Chulan, come back with me."

"If my previous behavior embarrassed you, then I apologize to you."

Feng Baobao sincerely apologized to Zhang Chulan, and Zhang Chulan took the opportunity to ask Feng Baobao to listen to him in the future.

In order to let Zhang Chulan go back, Feng Baobao immediately agreed to this request.

At this moment, Jia Zhengyu, who had been knocked to the ground, climbed up again, his face covered with blood from the high heels, making him look particularly hideous.

"You two, you don't take me seriously, right? Go to hell!"

Speaking, Jia Zhengyu used all his Qi to control his three iron sticks to attack Lu Lingfeng and Feng Baobao.

Two of the iron sticks flew towards Lu Lingfeng, and the remaining one flew towards Feng Baobao.

However, he didn't notice that Lu Lingfeng didn't show any panic on his face, only a contemptuous smile.

He only needed to think a little, and others would be unlucky.

"Ah!!!" A heart-wrenching scream came from Jia Zhengyu's mouth.

That's right, Lu Lingfeng opened a space channel beside Jia Zhengyu at the same time as Jia Zhengyu swung the iron sticks, changing the direction of his iron sticks.

As for where the exit of the channel was located? Lu Lingfeng could only say that he set two three inches below Jia Zhengyu's belly button and one at the back waist.

Moreover, the means of opening the space channel was very secretive, and no one present could find evidence to say that he had done it.

Lu Lingfeng even went forward to comfort him hypocritically, "Master, why are you so angry? Even if you were beaten by others, you wouldn't hit yourself so hard again."

"That's good now. Your attack is still a chicken. From now on, you have to be a Bakugan boy."

Jia Zhengyu gritted his teeth in pain and couldn't speak at all. His eyes were wide open, as if they were about to pop out.

Lu Lingfeng continued to comfort him, "Master, I understand your thoughts. You are cutting yourself off to make your mind clear! In order to remember today's failure, you will work hard in the future. You are really a hero."

Feng Zhenghao immediately called Feng Xingtong to come over to help Jia Zhengyu with a simple treatment, and also asked Lu Lingfeng to stop talking.

He was afraid that if Lu Lingfeng continued to comfort him, Jia Zhengyu would be angry to death even if he didn't die of pain.

At this time, the people from Nadutong also arrived.

Xu Si led Xu San and pushed aside the Tianxiahui staff who were blocking them, and walked into the corridor on the 29th floor.

"Hey, President Feng, our company's people have caused you trouble. I'm here to apologize to you on their behalf." Xu Si took the cigarette from his mouth and said to Feng Zhenghao.

However, his nonchalant attitude collapsed immediately when he saw Lu Lingfeng.

"Damn, you little bastard actually dared to show up here. I'll kill you today." After saying this, Xu Si rushed towards Lu Lingfeng.

Lu Lingfeng was also full of anger, and two talismans appeared out of thin air in his hand, "You bastard, you actually let Feng Baobao deal with me. We are not done with this today."

"Enough!" Feng Zhenghao shouted, interrupting the two's actions.

At the same time, a black Qi that was as real as substance instantly filled the entire corridor.

"You two, the Tianxiahui is already in chaos today, please don't cause me any more trouble."

The current situation has given Feng Zhenghao a headache. Jia Zhengyu from Jiajia Village in the west was ruined by the Tianxiahui.

If Xu Si, the regional director of the company, has any trouble with him again, he will really be blamed.

With Feng Zhenghao's call to stop, it also means that today's farce has come to an end.

After all, this is someone else's territory, and they have to give him face.

However, Lu Lingfeng and Xu Si couldn't help but look at Feng Zhenghao's powerful strength.

It seems that the outside world has underestimated the strength of this new ten elders.

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