The two of them were so cute.

This was the first time Lu Lingfeng took off a man's clothes, and it felt a little strange.

However, facing this kind of clothes made of materials that can change their shapes at will and have super strong protective ability, Lu Lingfeng could not miss it.

Half a minute later, Lu Lingfeng held up a piece of clothing made of red material.

However, after feeling its size, Lu Lingfeng curled his lips.

This Gao Nan is too short, it's just children's clothes, how can Lu Lingfeng wear it?

Although this material is magical and can change its shape at will, this material alone can't protect Lu Lingfeng's whole body.

However, Lu Lingfeng knows where the other materials are at this time.

In fact, the materials that Tangmen prepared for Gao Nan are not only this.

They originally considered making a battle robe for the mechanical engineer Gao Nan that can attack and defend at the same time.

However, after the magical material was handed over to Gao Nan, Gao Nan chose to give a large part of it to his fellow senior brother Han Yin who had lost both arms.

Because this material can change its shape at will, Han Yin regarded it as his own arm, and it also became one of his means.

However, the remaining materials were not enough to build a full range of defense for Gao Nan, so even if Gao Nan was wearing a battle suit now, his entire head was exposed.

This defensive battle suit is not very meaningful at all.

As long as people attack the head fiercely.

Lu Lingfeng said to the mechanical engineer Gao Nan who fainted on the ground: "Don't worry, the things are not taken for free. Wait for me to exchange the real ones with your fake ones."

Lu Lingfeng really didn't want to rob these things, and he also thought of the best transaction plan.

That is to wait for Lu Lingfeng to subdue Lu Liang, and let Lu Liang help Han Yin grow his lost arms again.

As for this magical material, it can be regarded as medical expenses.

After all, this magical material is useless to Gao Nan. I believe he is still willing to exchange it for Han Yin's arms.

After all, fake hands can never catch up with real ones, no matter how flexible they are, they can't compare to the real ones.

After knocking down the difficult mechanical master, Lu Lingfeng rushed back to Zhang Chulan.

When he arrived, he found that Zhang Chulan and his group had already started fighting with the people of Tang Sect.

Zhang Chulan faced Tao Tao, and the others also found their opponents, but except Zhang Chulan, the others obviously had the upper hand.

Seeing that the battle was very tense and difficult to end for a while, Lu Lingfeng coughed lightly:

"You are almost done, why don't you let us go? Why fight to the death?"

To be honest, the Tang Sect disciples in front of him are all elites of Tao Tao's generation, and none of them are weak.

But if they face Feng Baobao, Lu Lin, Xia Liuqing and others, they are still a little short of fire.

Apart from anything else, if Xia Liuqing was willing to sacrifice himself to open the second layer of the Godhead Mask.

He could delay these people by himself, and the rest could naturally rush into Tang Tomb.

The people of Tang Sect did not react to Lu Lingfeng's words, but just threw themselves into their own battles more fiercely.

Lu Lingfeng's eyebrows slightly raised. He didn't listen to the old man's words, and suffered a loss in front of him.

His fingers kept floating in the air, writing lines of talismans.

The powerful pressure that followed attracted the attention of everyone in Tang Sect.

The fatal sense of crisis made them immediately withdraw from the battle range. Several people gathered together, as if they wanted to fight against Lu Lingfeng's talismans together.

Seeing this, Lu Lingfeng winked at Zhang Chulan, and Zhang Chulan immediately understood and rushed towards Tang Tomb with several people on his side.

Tao Tao and others wanted to catch up, but they were frightened by the pressure emanating from Lu Lingfeng's talismans and dared not act rashly.

The power displayed on the talisman was definitely not something they could resist alone, and they could only deal with it together.

However, as teachers of the Tang Sect, they would naturally not sit and wait for death.

Seeing that Lu Lingfeng was holding back, several people were unwilling to wait to be beaten, and after exchanging glances, they attacked Lu Lingfeng together.

They attacked one person at the same time, and there were only a handful of big guys in the alien world who could resist.

However, the corners of Lu Lingfeng's mouth rose slightly, and he was actually too lazy to entangle with these people.

Directly teleported away, the distance between them was pulled, and the surprise attack of several people failed.

The talisman that emerged in the air also merged into Lu Lingfeng's body again, and was not activated.

There was no need to waste Qi with these small fish, Lu Lingfeng just wanted to buy some time for Zhang Chulan and others.

Their purpose was just to rush into the Tang Tomb, not to defeat

These people from the Tang Sect.

Tao Tao and the others were stunned for a moment. Is it just a lot of noise but little action?

Lu Lingfeng himself also chased in the direction of Zhang Chulan and the others, while Tao Tao and the others were chasing him like mad dogs.

Soon everyone stopped because they had entered the Tang Tomb.

Zhang Chulan and the others stopped because there were two people in white blocking the road in front of him, and they didn't know whether they were enemies or friends.

However, the two people didn't say anything, just stood there quietly, letting Zhang Chulan and the others pass.

Until Tao Tao and the others came here, they directly recognized the two people in white blocking the road.

Because they were all inner disciples of the Tang Sect who had disappeared in recent years.

Han Yin, who was beside Tao Tao, immediately asked them why they appeared in the Tang Tomb.

The two inner disciples in white just told them not to ask any more questions and just go into the cave with them.

Tao Tao and the others had no choice but to obey the two.

Lu Lingfeng and Zhang Chulan entered the cave first, and as soon as they entered the cave, they found Tang Miaoxing playing chess with a ragged, skinny old man.

In addition, dozens of Tang Sect inner disciples in white clothes were standing on the rock wall of the cave.

When Lu Lingfeng and others walked to the center of the cave, these inner disciples jumped down from the rock wall.

They surrounded Lu Lingfeng, Zhang Chulan and others.

Zhang Chulan and the others all made a posture of preparing for battle, but Lu Lingfeng looked at the ragged old man with interest as if nothing had happened.

Xu Xin!

This should be the first living member of the Thirty-Six Thieves that Lu Lingfeng had seen.

At this time, Tao Tao and others were also brought in.

Tang Miaoxing seemed to be one step behind and lost the chess game in front of him, and then sighed that his skills were not as good as others.

Then he turned his eyes to Jin Feng and Zhang Chulan, and snorted coldly:

"Jin Feng, I didn't investigate your trespassing into Tang Sect before, I just locked you up, but you actually escaped and trespassed into our Tang Sect's forbidden area."

"What are you all planning? Do you really want to challenge my bottom line?"

Jin Feng waved his hands immediately after hearing this, "What we did today is very offensive, if the head of Tang Sect wants to punish me, I have no complaints."

"But I still want to meet the living Thirty-Six Thieves - Xu Xin."

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