After the wedding, the two sides had a long time to get together.

After hearing Guan Shihua reminding Lu Lingfeng to go to Beijing early to make preparations, Lu Lingfeng also agreed.

After all, he didn't have anything to do now, so he could go to Beijing early.

After exchanging a few more polite words with Guan Shihua, Lu Lingfeng hung up the phone.

He took his mobile phone and called Wang Ye again. Wang Ye was a native of Beijing, so he could be his tour guide.

Unfortunately, no one answered the phone.

Lu Lingfeng frowned slightly. It seemed that Wang Ye was in trouble.

He took Wang Weiguo's money. He took money to do things, so he needed to protect Wang Ye's safety.

But now he couldn't find anyone, so Lu Lingfeng could only pray for Wang Ye silently in his heart.

I believe that Wang Ye will be blessed by heaven and will definitely return safely.

This is the only thing that Lu Lingfeng, the bodyguard, can do now.

If Wang Weiguo knew about this, he would definitely scold Lu Lingfeng for making these hundreds of millions too easily.

After packing his bags, Lu Lingfeng boarded the train to Beijing that afternoon.

After leaving Beijing Station, he actually met an acquaintance in the station square.

There are generally no coincidences in the world. Lu Lingfeng knew at a glance that this person was looking for him, so he walked over and said hello:

"Hey, Brother Guan, what a coincidence, I actually met you here."

The acquaintance Lu Lingfeng met was the temporary worker Hei Guan in Central China.

Hei Guan still looked sloppy and unkempt at this time.

"It's not a coincidence, I'm waiting for you here on purpose." Hei Guan got straight to the point.

Clarinet's voice was emotionless, but Lu Lingfeng could feel that Clarinet seemed to dislike him, although his resistance was well hidden.

Perhaps it was because in the eyes of Clarinet and other temporary workers, Chen Duo died at Lu Lingfeng's hands, which inevitably made them feel a sense of grief.

However, Lu Lingfeng did not care about Clarinet's attitude and asked, "What do you want to see me for?"

Clarinet said formally, "Actually, I'm not here to see you, but Mr. Zhao from the company wants to see you."

Lu Lingfeng had expected this answer. After all, only those who knew his schedule well and arranged for people to wait for him at the train station in advance were those who had great connections in the company.

Lu Lingfeng agreed, "Let's go on the road ahead."

From the moment he stepped into the capital, he was already deeply involved in the vortex of power in the competition for the new ten bosses.

It was normal for Zhao Fangxu to want to see him at this time.

Black Tube brought Lu Lingfeng to the headquarters of Nadutong Company. This was not the first time Lu Lingfeng came here, but he felt that the defense here was tighter than usual.

Lu Lingfeng couldn't help but complain: "Has this company attracted thieves recently? Why is it so strictly guarded?"

Black Tube moved his lips when he heard this, but finally did not speak. He just wanted to bring Lu Lingfeng to Zhao Fangxu as soon as possible.

Soon Lu Lingfeng saw Zhao Fangxu, and he greeted him: "Mr. Zhao, I haven't seen you for a few days. You look plump again."

Zhao Fangxu didn't seem to care about the ridicule in Lu Lingfeng's words. He smiled cheerfully, asked Lu Lingfeng to sit next to him, and told Black Tube to leave.

As soon as Lu Lingfeng sat down, Zhao Fangxu said, "Little Lu, you made quite a fuss in Tang Sect a few days ago."

"You even revived Xu Xin, the 'dead man' from the Jiashen era, which caused quite a bit of trouble for our company."

What Zhao Fangxu said was true. Xu Xin's resurrection had a big impact on the structure of the alien world.

At least those sects that had produced the Thirty-Six Thieves back then had some ideas in their minds at this time.

Of course, Zhao Fangxu said this not because he really wanted Lu Lingfeng to take responsibility, but to use this topic to bring the company closer to Lu Lingfeng.

Translated, this means: Look at the trouble you caused in Tang Sect a few days ago, and our company had to clean up your mess.

So why don't you thank me properly?

It was impossible to ask Lu Lingfeng to do a favor with just two simple sentences, so Lu Lingfeng said:

"Mr. Zhao, you know it well. It was Zhang Chulan who was causing trouble in Tang Sect. I just helped Tang Sect stabilize the situation and did my best."

What Lu Lingfeng wanted to express was also very clear, that is, if you want to settle the score, go find Zhang Chulan. I am a good citizen who never causes trouble.

Zhao Fangxu saw that Lu Lingfeng was not

Taking his own trick, he could only smile awkwardly.

Lu Lingfeng took advantage of this opportunity to ask: "Mr. Zhao, you asked me to come here to deal with Qu Tong's matter, right?"

"I wonder how your investigation went on about this vicious woman controlling other aliens to attack our Yiren Agency?"

After saying that, Lu Lingfeng stared at Zhao Fangxu expectantly.

He looked like a victim waiting for justice from the Lord of Heaven.

Zhao Fangxu was a little scared by Lu Lingfeng's gaze, and turned his head and said awkwardly:

"It's a little difficult to investigate that matter. After all, it's difficult to obtain evidence when it involves soul control. Give us some more time."

Lu Lingfeng felt that Zhao Fangxu's attitude was a little strange. Even if the investigation was not completed, he should just say it directly.

With Zhao Fangxu's identity, there was no need to hide anything, unless something unexpected happened?

Lu Lingfeng asked tentatively: "Mr. Zhao, did the investigation encounter any difficulties? Did Qu Tong run away?"

The most likely situation that Lu Lingfeng could think of was that Qu Tong ran away from the company, causing the investigation to be shelved.

Otherwise, Zhao Fangxu would not be so embarrassed.

After hearing Lu Lingfeng's guess, Zhao Fangxu waved his hands repeatedly, "Qu Tong is under the control of the company at this time, you can rest assured about this."

"But the investigation is indeed difficult, so please give us more time."

Lu Lingfeng had no choice but to nod, but he vaguely felt that Qu Tong should have started to use tricks.

After so many years of operation, she would always leave herself two trump cards to turn things around.

Lu Lingfeng even planned to secretly find Qu Tong's place of detention and take the initiative.

There was no way to continue talking about Qu Tong. Lu Lingfeng stood up and said that he had something to do and had to leave first. If there was any new progress in Qu Tong's investigation, he could contact him at any time.

Zhao Fangxu hurriedly called Lu Lingfeng to lead the topic to his purpose.

"Little Lu, don't leave in a hurry. I came to you for an important matter this time."

Lu Lingfeng's eyes condensed. This old fox was finally showing his tail.

The head of the Nadutong company called him here, it was impossible for him to just talk about trivial matters.

Now there was only one thing that could affect his nerves: the election of the top ten.

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